Richard Jeffs – I made this short film to demonstrate the influence the World Economic Forum has over the two major UK parties. Both are undemocratically driving the transition to an authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism; that’s what you’re voting for with Labour and Conservatives (Deut. 5:32).
London, England - Martin Luther may have started The Protestant Reformation, when he
nailed his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints'Church in 1517; but what will Martin Sleuther start by the posting of his 95 Theses on the door of Westminster Abbey, Christmas Day 2017
In the early hours of Christmas Morning, on the 67. anniversary of the taking of The Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey by four Scottish Nationalists, the 95 Theses condemning the Head of the Church of England were symbolically nailed to the door of Westminster Abbey, to publicly denounce Elizabeth 2's evil, corruption of the Teaching of Christ, and fraudulent coronation and reign.
In this modem-day disputation, an argument to uncover and establish truths in theology, "Martin Sleuth-ER" ridicules and exposes abuses, indulgences, and treasonous acts of the Head of the Church of England.
The Stone of Destiny, also known as Jacob's Pillar Stone, The Coronation Stone, The British Throne, The Throne of David, has NEVER been retured and Elizabeth KNOWS IT.
The British and the Scots pretend the one sitting in Edinburgh Castle is authentic, despite the overwhelming evidence that it's a fake.
The Stone of Destiny, the British Throne was taken to prevent Elizabeth from being crowned on it, just as prophesied in Ezekiel 2,25-27. The Sceptre is set to pass from Judah to Joseph, when Shiloh comes to gather His people (Genesis 49:10). Elizabeth 2 descends from David, the line of Judah; but the Sceptre will depart from her.
The taking of The Stone of Destiny (The Throne of David - The British-lsrael Throne) on Christmas Day, 1950, was the SIGN that the final overturn had begun, as prophesied in Ezekiel.
The SIGN was ignored, so the British peoples became enslaved by a fraudulent queen. Since the British people continue to oppose Christ's teachings, they are thus challenged to read and debate the 95 Theses compiled by Martin Sleuther.
The document can be accessed on-line at "Sleuthers 95 Theses" on at the following link:
The killing fields in the Middle East aren’t just about bringing down the Muslim nations. They were designed specifically to bring down and enslave America and Britain. In just examining the world revolts since WW1, subversive agents and plots were ALWAYS at play. Shame on us for not seeing the underlying goals of rogue secret societies gone mad, because payback is coming.
This video documents why God our Father Who art in heaven will allow the wrath of WW3 to unfold and destroy all the evil in Great Britain (and ultimately the world through The Fire). Man did not heed the call in 2012, and again 2016 with supporting IndyCamp, at Holyrood, Scotland and fighting to reinstate God's Laws – The Torah...
Our God is a merciful God, if we repent of our evil arrogance and self pride, thinking that we know better than God, and trying to “improve on” His Laws of liberty, freedom, and justice for all.
Now you know why....
God, will ALWAYS hold off this destruction, IF He sees man, fighting evil, and fighting with the sword of truth, to depose Satanists, and impose His Son the Rightful sovereign King of kings, Prince Michael, JAH, the second coming of Christ.
If people DO NOTHING, and refuse to fight the evil that is befalling ALL OF HUMANITY, through the New World Order of Satan (The Crown / Jesuits / Club of Rome), and continue working for and defending man-made legislation, and supporting the beast system by working for it (the Mark of the Beast), and paying taxes that support their un-Lawful (God's Law) wars, then mankind shall reap the harvest they have sown.
If people refuse to believe the above, they shall burn in The Fire of Judgement, on the last day (which is much closer than everyone wants to think).
Please read The Survival Plan... The Way home or face The Fire by JAH for a complete explanation of what YOU have to do to survive The Fire of Judgement and how to fight Satan and WIN!
Failure to believe, and not DO, what is being recommended above has PERMANENT RAMIFICATIONS.
Get right with God, so you can hear His voice, then DO what He tells you, before it's too late. Follow ALL the Commandments, to receive His grace and guidance.
And the ONLY Battlefield Techniques GUARANTEED to Work
by Abdiel Freeman, guest writer
Attention all “patriot” groups and the rest of the non-moving “truth” movement. Please pass this on to your militias and church groups as well.
What just happened in Oregon was inevitable, as well as avoidable. It was the WRONG approach and therefore had NO hope of success, i.e. getting the evil beast system to “see” and admit its errors, repent and play nice.
The evil beast system will NEVER back-off. It will NEVER give up ground, critical resources, strategic position or military advantage, unless it is “Forced” to do so. It is at war with YOU, the American people. And unless you really and truly understand this—that you are at war with the beast and that its aims are not just to deprive you of your liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but of your very lives—then you are hopelessly doomed.
In these end times, as was predicted in the Bible, Satan is destroying the planet and is unrolling World War 3. We are at a time now that is so close to the end (the fire of God’s Judgement) that nothing matters except for people to kindle their relationship with God. At a time when it is becoming illegal to believe in God without being labeled an extremist or worse a terrorist, if you don’t go along with their satanic New World Order, as was announced by George Bush Sr. (The Bush bloodline is subservient to satan). The rotten fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree of the knowledge of evil, that God forbid Adam and Eve to eat from.
Nothing matters now except that people read (and practice) the book linked below…
"Neocon traitor Patrick Clawson openly suggests the US provoke Iran into firing the first shot, or failing that, a false flag deception operation to make it look like Iran attacked first -- all in order to start the genocidal war that Netanyahu has been egging us on to.
I've added a transcript in English and translations in French and German.
If anyone can add more translations please do!"
I frankly think that crisis initiation is really difficult. It's very hard for me to see how the United States President can get us to war with Iran. Which leads me to conclude that if in fact compromise is not coming, that the traditional way that America gets to war -- what would be best for US interests...
Some people think that Mr. Roosevelt wanted to get us into World War Two as David mentioned. We had to wait for Pearl Harbor. Some people might think that Mr. Wilson wanted to get us into World War One, you may recall he had to wait for the Lusitania episode. Some people might think that Mr. Johnson wanted to send troops to Vietnam, you may recall that he had to wait for the Gulf of Tonkin episode. We didn't go to war with Spain until the USS Maine exploded. And may I point out that Mr. Lincoln did not feel he could call out the Federal Army until Ft. Sumter was attacked, which is why he ordered the commander at Ft. Sumter to do exactly that thing which the South Carolinians had said would cause an attack.
So if, in fact, the Iranians aren't going to compromise, it would be best if somebody else started the war. One can combine other means of pressure with sanctions. I mentioned that explosion on August 17th. We could step up the pressure. I mean look, people, Iranian submarines periodically go down, someday one of them might not come up. (Laughter) Who would know why? We can do a variety of things if we wish to, to increase the pressure. I'm not advocating that, but I'm just suggesting that this is not an either/or proposition, just sanctions has to succeed or other things. We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier at that.
Quite a sobering lecture explaining how the right and the left are just the two wings of the same bird.... We don't agree with the solutions he presents however as the only solution that works is The Plan. He also says he doesn't believe in man-made global warming...
This should be standard reading for all US citizens.
This is why no matter what they ever say or do, you should not trust them completely.
Its why I can't get over the 9/11 conspiracies totally.
Its funny how people can see this and just say "conspiracy theorists are crazy"
No. You are ignorant.
There is a difference between just utter bullshit and really plausible events that HAVE happened.
The unfortunate thing is that people aren't even aware of the stuff thats in public domain and how utterly crazy it is before they can assess what is going on.
Operation Northwoods?
"A series of proposals which called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in US cities and elsewhere"
The Informant named "Curveball" who lied about WMDs in Iraq?
"An Iraqi citizen who defected from Iraq in 1999, claiming that he had worked as a chemical engineer at a plant that manufactured mobile biological weapon laboratories as part of an Iraqi weapons of mass destruction program. His allegations were subsequently shown to be false"
Testimony of Nayirah?
"The Nayirah testimony was a fake testimony given before the non-governmental Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a woman who provided only her first name, Nayirah."
Operation Black Eagle
"Operation Black Eagle became a network of 5000 people who made possible the export of arms in the direction of Central America, and the import of drugs from the same direction. "
Operation Mockingbird
"a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. "
The Special Collection Service
"A highly classified joint U.S. Central Intelligence Agency-National Security Agency program charged with inserting eavesdropping equipment in difficult-to-reach places, such as foreign embassies, communications centers, and foreign government installations."
The goal of Alex Jones and his Zionist handlers is to get America to destroy herself. This is done the same way that Russia was destroyed under Stalin; dividing and then collapsing society upon itself by baiting Americans into a violent revolution against their own police and military.
Released: 5th of November, 2011. Muad'Dib's latest hard-hitting documentary about the innumerable crimes of the Ashke-Nazi Banksters.
From their historical origins down to their planned genocidal future, Muad'Dib tracks who THEY* are, how THEY operate, and most importantly, how to get rid of them once and for all.
Now that Muad’Dib/John Hill has been found not guilty, the full story to this point of His malicious and politically motivated prosecution can be told…
Three years ago, Muad’Dib mailed some DVDs containing his ‘7/7 Ripple Effect’ film to a courthouse near London, where three scapegoats were being prosecuted in hopes of lending credibility to the government’s “official” 7/7 story.These DVDs were sent by Muad’Dib because he wanted to keep innocent men from receiving very lengthy prison sentences.ALL the rest of us who knew about that situation should be ashamed for not having done exactly what Muad’Dib did.
As a result of his good-will, Muad’Dib’s home was raided by police and he was arrested on a charge of "perverting the course of justice".In the Orwellian 21st century, he was really just being attacked by a malicious and out of control police-state for getting in the way of their mass-murderous crimes (7/7 was an event of mass-murder).The charge against Muad’Dib originated out of long-standing nazi-stronghold—London—where the globalist banking syndicate is headquartered.
So, Muad’Dib then spent over a year and a half fighting extradition to England where he knew it was going to be one corrupt event after another.The very short story is that his lawyer in Ireland refused to do as instructed and sabotaged his defense.Since the Irish judges were all quite corrupt too, never applying Law or even the relevant legislation, Muad’Dib’s fight against extradition was eventually denied by the Irish Supreme Court in front of 40 supporters and he was re-imprisoned, then taken to the UK in November of 2010.
Once there, the more obvious corruption started, as he was at that point held firmly in the clutches of a filthy corrupt British Establishment (including police, courts, and media).
Firstly, Muad’Dib was deleted from the prison’s computer system, with them originally saying that Muad’Dib wasn’t even at their prison and they didn’t know where he was.About that same time, a police officer working to prosecute Muad’Dib stated openly that many other people sent DVDs to the same courthouse as Muad’Dib, but no one else was even investigated, never-mind charged.This was an open admission of a malicious and politically motivated prosecution/persecution.
We hope this finds you well, well-rested, in good spirit and having a good day.
As an update, Muad'Dib conducted a radio interview last night with OYM Ireland Radio, which went very well.
Today the Sovereign Independent and One World Scam have published in its entirety on their websites and Roger Hayes of the BCG has said that he fully supports Muad'Dib's effort and will get BCG to support Muad'Dib in his challenge to E2.
We need everyone's help in spreading this important information to others to increase public awareness and support for Muad'Dib in this upcoming matter.
Please, send the above links and information to everyone you know that cares about freedom, especially if they are in Great Britain. Please do it now to make sure it gets done. You know you've never seen anything like this before. This kind of opportunity to set things right for all knocks only once.
A growing collection of articles that hint that there is something not quite right with Wikileaks. Perhaps it is a tool used by "them" to create the chaos they need to tear down the old and create their New World Order. (Ordo Ad Chao - Order out of Chaos)
"Wikileaks is part of the preps for the next conflict - where the West is dumped and the East rises. "
"Just saw on TV one of the reasons for the whole Wikileaks thing being revealed (to those with the eyes to see).
The political editor of a newspaper was in the TV news studio (Sky), chatting about Wikileaks...
And he said,"well what Wikileaks has shown us is that the world is pretty much run how we thought it was, which is quite reassuring". i.e. if there was any conspiracy Wikileaks would have revealed it.
So they are using it to distract from important matters and also to white-wash their evil acts."
23.12.10 WikiLeaks to publish 'sensitive' Israel cables: TV "We do not have any secret deals with any country," he said according to an Arabic translation of remarks he made in English which were posted on Al-Jazeera's website.
08.12.10WikiLeaks ‘struck a deal with Israel’ over diplomatic cables leaks
According to an Arabic investigative journalism website [2], Assange had received money from semi-official Israeli sources and promised them, in a “secret, video-recorded agreement,” not to publish any document that may harm Israeli security or diplomatic interests.
07.12.10WikiLeaks: "Patriot Act" Laws For Internet?
...WikiLeaks resembles an establishment creation. The article correctly pointed out that the WikiLeaks storyline was conforming nicely to the elite's problem-reaction-solution method, with the solution of more tyranny for our safety.
29.11.10Iran's Ahmadinejad dismisses Wikileaks cables release
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the release by the Wikileaks website of thousands of extracts from US diplomatic messages was simply psychological warfare against Iran.
29.11.10Israel satisfied as WikiLeaks shows 'consistency' on Iran
Israel expressed satisfaction on Monday after the mass release of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, saying it proved Israel's position on Iran was consistent -- in public and in private.
28.7.10CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks
"Suspicions abound that Wikileaks is part of U.S. cyber-warfare operations"
.."In January 2007, John Young, who runs Cryptome, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front. "
Attention! Attention! All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers! Do not return to your homes; do not contact anyone! Do not use any cellular or GPS devices! Surrender all weapons at once! Attention! This way to the camps!
I woke up in a black FEMA box
Darkness was all around me, in my coffin
My dreams are all nightmares anymore
And this is what I dream every night
The Leader of the New World Order, the President of the United States
Has declared anyone now residing inside the US of A
Without the RFID chip, you're just an illegal alien
An enemy combatant of America, welcome to the New World Order
This is the end of the road; this is the end of the line
This is the end of your life; this is the...
A society in a society, inside the fence life as you know it stops
They got their rules of conduct and we got ours
Be quick or be dead, you crumble up and die, the clock is
Ticking so slowly and so much can happen in an hour
I learned my lessons the hard way, every scar I earned
I had to bleed, inside the day yard
A system of controlled movement, like a giant ant farm
Any time is long time, now you're not in charge of your time anymore
The Ex-President signed a secret bill that can
Land a legal US Citizen in jail and the
Patriot act stripped away our constitutional rights
They say a Concentration camp just popped up, yeah, right!
Refuse the chip? Ha! Get persecute and beat by the
Tyranny of Mind control, for the mark of the beast
All rights removed, you're punished, captured, and enslaved
Believe me when I say, "This IS the Endgame!"
"The Fourth Reich" by Warrior Soul
(a heavy metal band, whose studio was a couple blocks away from the WTC).
reporter: This is the closest we can get to the base of the World Trade Center, you can see the firemen assembled here, the police officers... you can see the towers... A Huge explosion! Now raining debris on all of us! We'd better get out of the way!!!
Bush: Terrorism against our nation will not stand
and now if you'd join me in a moment of silence...
Who is sick
of this war
And the one bloody system, oil company whores
Aren't you sick
of the endless corporate lies
From Washington, the Pentagon, and the London banking tribe
Fight back on every front
Trash all the cameras
Stick to your guns...
Mass media
controlled by
Defense corporations that send your kids to die
All good soldiers
they do what's right
Blow off all illegal orders
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Details of every email sent and website visited by people in Britain are to be stored for use by the state from tomorrow as part of what campaigners claim is a massive assault on privacy.
Another convenient sideshow to distract the public from the real pedophiles among the elite while growing the police state in scope:
Exhibit #1- Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan and Bush. This story went away, and fast.
Exhibit #2 - A major expose of elite pedophile rings in Nebraska was going to air on Discovery Channel but was censored by unknown but powerful interests.
Exhibit #3- The World Bank's Disappearing Sex Slaves. Click the first google result to read.
Exhibit #4- Jeff Gannon, former male prostitute, given press credentials and pass by Secret Service to lob softball questions during Bush's press conferences.
Exhibit #5 - The "Finders". Words simply cannot do this story justice. Scans of the original police reports and letters were up on scribd before, but they were taken down. I can look for them if anyone cares.
Exhibit #6- The story of a Canadian victim of 50's CIA mind control experiments who was awarded $100,000 for her case in a Canadian court, from Naomi Klein's book, "The Shock Doctrine."
Exhibit #7- Verifiable and well-sourced background info on CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control program.
Exhibit #8- An actual speech given at a well-attended therapists conference on dissociative personality disorder. Again, words are simply insufficient.
Exhibit #9- A collection of sourced news stories involving child abuse by highly-placed Jesuit priests.
Recently, a man named Anthony John Hill was arrested and is now being corruptly and forcefully extradited to nazi-London where He will stand trial for the heinous crime of: sending a DVD to a courthouse. Yes... Really.
Think I'm kidding? I wish; but the insanity doesn't stop there.
When reviewing the material please keep an open mindset but cross-check the details, as inaccuracies may not just exist but are sometimes quite obvious.
The New World Order
The most common definition of a conspiracy
is two or more people secretly planning a criminal act.
There exists a worldwide conspiracy that has been going on for
atleast 2600 years. One of its objectives is to form totalistic
"New World Order" with a reduced population of approximately
80%. It is in total opposition of God's
Kingdom of Earth, it's designer being satan, the opposer.