This site is my tool to oppose the people and organisations who are anti-God, i.e anti- TRUTH, LOVE, and FREEDOM. If we are to live under God's Laws, the perfect Sociological system then we must oppose them. God's Laws are the ONLY Laws legal on this planet.
Again I must stress that the main purpose of this site is to lead people to an infinitely brighter source of information at another website: and to The Plan against the New World Order ´
(The author of is not JAH, the author of
I believe that the collection of documents that I've gathered here, should help anyone interested in learning about the massive ongoing conspiracy against mankind. The documents on this site form a strong basis of proof. However, there are none so blind as them who WILL not see. There is much on this site to read and DIGEST. To immediately jump to conclusions from preconceived ideas from reading a few lines of text will not make you any wiser. To start understanding this ongoing INSANE conspiracy, and rid your self of all the confusion you will need to; with an open mind, concentrate, and filter the information presented on these pages with your own intuition.
You may have noticed the fact that we are living in some sort of SYSTEM. What an enormous amount of confusion there is to try to understand why we are here, and how everything really works. Why is there an ongoing battle between Good and evil?. Between the truth and lies. (Go(o)d vs d/evil). What about all the hypocrite religions, filled with contradictions, and priests acting so much like politicians with silly rites and ceremonies, not to mention all the wars religions have started.
Certainly non-ignorant people, seeking freedom, justice and truth, instead of opression and lies, notice a system of CONTROL, that is clearly becoming more insane day by day. A system where we, the masses of people, have been deceived of our personal freedom, and been made slaves to the ridiculously rich and powerful people.
The power stucture of the world can be compared to a working place, or a corporation. It is shaped like a pyramid, with the majority of employees (a modern, more polite word for slave) at the bottom, not knowing much, not earning much, and doing the hardest work. The higher up the pyramid, or career-ladder the more they know. They also earn more, and lie more to the ones beneath them...
One difference between the world and a corporation is that the lies that the elite tell the people are much bigger and that the people are more blinded from the truth.
Adolf Hitler said: 'A definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie. The broad mass of the people, in the simplicity of their hearts, more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.'
Which is perfectly true.
The more one studies this system, and tries to find a meaning to all of this, (the meaning of life?) the more insane it all seems. Since ancient times people´s intuition (which is never wrong) has told them that there is something not quite right with this world.
The lunatics controlling us are the tie-wearing politicians, lawyers, priests, with bankers, and other insanely rich people controlling them. Their main weapons against us are their unlawful laws or constitutions that they have made up by them selves, that they can now bend and change for their own protection, Bureaucracy, paperwork, enormous taxes, organisations and comissions like the European Union, the Trilateral Commission, The CFR, and more secret ones like the Bilderberg Comission, or the Committee of 300. Some of you have even heard of the Illuminati.
There is no doubt that they are building a "New World Order", to tighten their grip and enslave mankind while diguising it as something for our common good. The trick of creating FAKE threats, and enemies is one of the oldest, and most effective way to scare people into accepting new "solutions" or laws.
Today, America would be outraged if U.N . troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order (referring to the 1991 LA Riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful!
This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat
from beyond (i.e., an ´extraterrestrial´ invasion), whether real or *promulgated* (emphasis mine), that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing
every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual
rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being
granted to them by the World Government. -
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
People claim to be aware of the situation; of how unfair the system is and
how much these politicians lie. They watch these politicians as if they were
watching a puppet show (which is exactly what it is!), and treat it all as if
it where entertainment or sports. Politicians contesting against each others,
boasting their big ego´s. So many fail to to see the hidden strings attached
to the puppets or the hidden hands controlling the puppets.
There is the illusion of fairness and rule by the majority brought by the political
system called democracy (demon-crazy?).
People ignorantly shrug and say that nothing can be done about the unfairness, that it has always been like this, and always will. They might offer you the solution to spend ten or more years in an expensive school to become yet another "wise" politician without changing the situation to the better. When presented with facts, or proof, of how corrupt things are, people so easily turn a blind eye, and do not even want to hear anything that would shatter their *blissful world of ignorance.
(*Ignorance is not bliss)
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists". - J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI
The destruction of the enviroment, our life-support machine, is growing EXPONENTIALLY every day. News of the destruction is so horrible that most people do not wanto hear of it. They do their best at ignoring it and try to live with their lives with their soap-operas and other ways of escaping reality. Some people believe in the illusion that the situation is, or will be getting better, that science and technology, those enormous sources of pride will rescue us.
A TV-ad selling Oil with images of exotic untouched nature, fast sleek cars and now for some sick reason; sex, easily deceives the viewer.
FEAR seems to be the power that keeps us tightly in the grip of the system. Fear of poverty, fear of being different than others, thus being a target for ridicule. There is so much fear introduced in our lives already at an early age.
People who are unwilling to live in the system are often labeled as weird or insane and are thrown in jail or put in institutions after being fed with drugs which supposedly "help". Would not sane persons living in an insane, upside down world be labeled unsane?
So much that we've learned in this confusing world is simply wrong, - lies.
We are taught, already at a very early age how to live in this system, taught that we can not live without a job, or money. So we work all our lives, often in more or less useless working places that are almost always destructive to the enviroment and to the spirit in some form or an other.
What could have confused mankind so and blinded us from the TRUTH?
Where do all the lies originate from?
12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
to the earth, and his angels (you - Luke 9:55) were cast out with him -
Revelation 12:9 from the King of King´s Bible
Long Live the Fighters!
Long Live The King!
Some good articles to start with:
The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations
The Plan against the New World Order
The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion
Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America
Fake Terror - The Road To Dicatorship
The Conspiracy briefly: 10 Lethal Questions - Only ONE Answer
Statement of Fact, Declaration of Independence and Rules of Engagement
Dear Fellow Prisoner (yes -you)
The Wizard of Oz
Land of the Free, Home of the Slave
14 Signposts to Slavery
The Law of YHWH
complete index