Richard Jeffs – I made this short film to demonstrate the influence the World Economic Forum has over the two major UK parties. Both are undemocratically driving the transition to an authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism; that’s what you’re voting for with Labour and Conservatives (Deut. 5:32).
Now that Muad’Dib/John Hill has been found not guilty, the full story to this point of His malicious and politically motivated prosecution can be told…
Three years ago, Muad’Dib mailed some DVDs containing his ‘7/7 Ripple Effect’ film to a courthouse near London, where three scapegoats were being prosecuted in hopes of lending credibility to the government’s “official” 7/7 story.These DVDs were sent by Muad’Dib because he wanted to keep innocent men from receiving very lengthy prison sentences.ALL the rest of us who knew about that situation should be ashamed for not having done exactly what Muad’Dib did.
As a result of his good-will, Muad’Dib’s home was raided by police and he was arrested on a charge of "perverting the course of justice".In the Orwellian 21st century, he was really just being attacked by a malicious and out of control police-state for getting in the way of their mass-murderous crimes (7/7 was an event of mass-murder).The charge against Muad’Dib originated out of long-standing nazi-stronghold—London—where the globalist banking syndicate is headquartered.
So, Muad’Dib then spent over a year and a half fighting extradition to England where he knew it was going to be one corrupt event after another.The very short story is that his lawyer in Ireland refused to do as instructed and sabotaged his defense.Since the Irish judges were all quite corrupt too, never applying Law or even the relevant legislation, Muad’Dib’s fight against extradition was eventually denied by the Irish Supreme Court in front of 40 supporters and he was re-imprisoned, then taken to the UK in November of 2010.
Once there, the more obvious corruption started, as he was at that point held firmly in the clutches of a filthy corrupt British Establishment (including police, courts, and media).
Firstly, Muad’Dib was deleted from the prison’s computer system, with them originally saying that Muad’Dib wasn’t even at their prison and they didn’t know where he was.About that same time, a police officer working to prosecute Muad’Dib stated openly that many other people sent DVDs to the same courthouse as Muad’Dib, but no one else was even investigated, never-mind charged.This was an open admission of a malicious and politically motivated prosecution/persecution.
Another convenient sideshow to distract the public from the real pedophiles among the elite while growing the police state in scope:
Exhibit #1- Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan and Bush. This story went away, and fast.
Exhibit #2 - A major expose of elite pedophile rings in Nebraska was going to air on Discovery Channel but was censored by unknown but powerful interests.
Exhibit #3- The World Bank's Disappearing Sex Slaves. Click the first google result to read.
Exhibit #4- Jeff Gannon, former male prostitute, given press credentials and pass by Secret Service to lob softball questions during Bush's press conferences.
Exhibit #5 - The "Finders". Words simply cannot do this story justice. Scans of the original police reports and letters were up on scribd before, but they were taken down. I can look for them if anyone cares.
Exhibit #6- The story of a Canadian victim of 50's CIA mind control experiments who was awarded $100,000 for her case in a Canadian court, from Naomi Klein's book, "The Shock Doctrine."
Exhibit #7- Verifiable and well-sourced background info on CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control program.
Exhibit #8- An actual speech given at a well-attended therapists conference on dissociative personality disorder. Again, words are simply insufficient.
Exhibit #9- A collection of sourced news stories involving child abuse by highly-placed Jesuit priests.
Darth Vader is the Black Pope - the Supreme Jesuit General - who serves his master the dark emperor Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious, who is insidious – slowly and subtly harmful or destructive.
The word Palpatine is one “p” away from Palatine which is the central one of the seven hills of Rome/New Babylon where the double “p” – p p - pope sits in his evil lair of the Vatican.
The Palatine Hill (Latin: Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus) is the centermost of the Seven Hills of Rome and is one of the most ancient parts of the city. It stands 40 metres[1] above the Forum Romanum, looking down upon it on one side, and upon the Circus Maximus on the other.
It is the etymological origin of the word "palace" and its cognates in other languages (Italian "Palazzo", French "Palais" etc).
According to Roman mythology, the Palatine Hill was the location of the cave, known as the Lupercal, where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf that kept them alive. According to this legend, the shepherd Faustulus found the infants, and with his wife Acca Larentia raised the children. When they were older, the boys killed their great-uncle (who seized the throne from their father), and they both decided to build a new city of their own on the banks of the River Tiber. Suddenly, they had a violent argument with each other and in the end Romulus killed his twin brother Remus. This is how "Rome" got its name - from Romulus. Another legend to occur on the Palatine is Hercules' defeat of Cacus after the monster had stolen some cattle. Hercules struck Cacus with his characteristic club so hard that it formed a cleft on the southeast corner of the hill, where later a staircase bearing the name of Cacus was constructed.[citation needed]
History Rome has its origins on the Palatine. Indeed, recent excavations show that people have lived there since approximately 1000 BC.
Many affluent Romans of the Republican period (510 BC – c. 44 BC) had their residences there. The ruins of the palaces of Augustus (63 BC – 14), Tiberius (42 BC – 37) and Domitian (51 – 96) can still be seen. Augustus also built a temple to Apollo here, beside his house.
The Palatine Hill was also the site of the festival of the Lupercalia.
In July 2006, archaeologists announced the discovery of the Palatine House, which they believe to be the birthplace of Rome's first Emperor, Augustus.
An in depth look at the very disturbing truth behind some of mainstream music's most 'popular' celebrities and their occult practices.
Download the video here and share it with everyone
"What it's about is the fact that Jigga is a Lucifer-worshiping Mason. And he's pulled in Kanye and Nas. All the symbols are masonic/pagain/satanic especially the pink goat's head shirt Kanye is wearing. And just listen to the's about secret societies and the satanic Illuminati which employs JIgga. Do some your mind." -RizNJ
Dear reader, this is the 96th Letter of an Autonomous Thinker.
When you find a lot of money you have found the elite.
Often I have been asked to give names of elitepeople. But I think masspeople are sufficient autonomous to decide which eliteperson they want to pressurize.
I give only methods how to find elitepersons. Because the elite always wants to have more than the masses, look for the money and you find the elite.
Money allows the elite to distinguish itself from the masses. With money the elite has build a separate world that is closed to masspeople. Money is the ultimate and dominating reason why elitepeople want to have power.
POWER and MONEY are intertwined.
But while it is not always clear who has power, money can always been traced. Money is spend in special places and on special goods. A Ferrari or a big yaught cannot be bought by people who just work for a monthly salary. In five star hotels masspeople are only servants. A massperson can never get a ticket for the first row in a theatre when a premiere is on program.
You can also determine who belongs to the elite by using the Method of the Three F's. (see "Who belongs to the elite", ). Elitepeople possess Finance (capital), Functions (to take important decisions) and Family (a network of trusted people).
In the past I used this method to make a list of more than two hundred people who belong to the Dutch top elite. I published the result in "The Power of the Family-Capital and What to do About It" (1980). Alas only available in Dutch.
By following the money trail you can find elitepersons.
Then and only then you can decide what to do to make an end to the dominating positions of elitepersons, to the situation in which decisions favour in the first place the continuation of the safe and privileged position of a few humans at the cost of the position of the vast majority of humanity.
More money for a small group of already privileged people is the basic reason that many people do not have a decent life. Even when it costs near to nothing to eradicate measles, malaria or tuberculosis, the money is not available.
It is not going to happen that extreme poverty is eradicated in a few years.
On the contrary, the elite continues to channel vast amounts of money to itself.
And again, follow the money and you find the culprits.
Then and only then masspeople can undertake the right actions that make it impossible for the elite to continue the exclusive and safe life they lived for ages. And it is fairly easy to disturb situations that can only be bought by excessive money.
When the elite cannot live any more its privileged life, then and only then the road is opened towards a New World in which all people have equal status.
In 2005, this writer penned ‘The Real Reason Marijuana is Illegal’ and it became (by far) my most popular article. Translated into Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Bulgarian and even Japanese, the responses were overwhelming. Its premise was ‘marijuana’ became illegal NOT because it was a danger to the mind and body. No, the real reason is that Big Business wants us to use petrochemicals and fossil fuels. They have little interest in NATURAL solutions. THEY have suppressed the truth concerning cannabis and purposely created the ‘menace of marijuana.’ Why? So they remain high profiteers while destroying our environment in the process.
Once people read the news of what has been kept from them, the truth, the reactions were outrage and disbelief at our federal authorities. Hemp used properly for all of its INDUSTRIAL purposes, as it was always meant to be utilized, could…
SAVE THE WORLD! We need not cut down another tree. We need not have to rely on Oil Companies anymore.
So many people wrote to me and said the suppression of hemp is ‘insane.’ Surely, governments know the potential of pot. They understand how cannabis hemp could solve the energy crisis; they know biodegradable plastics could be produced from the hemp plant; they realize it would be a safer, cleaner world filled with (inexpensive) quality products…if only we were federally given the green light to INDUSTRIALIZE HEMP! Governments are well aware of the MEDICINAL value for ‘weed.’ New cloths, papers and plastics would be super durable. They could easily create nutritional FOOD products for a starving world. BUT…when did a better mousetrap ever see the light of day?
Now, with soaring gas prices bleeding us for every dollar inflating all prices, we need a cheap (renewable) fuel and energy source more than ever. Imagine hemp gas. The price of it would not be sky high since we have a limitless supply of hempen energy. Federal (guarded) hemp fields could be farmed and directed to produce a cheap/clean gasoline. Hemp fibers and oil were utilized during WWII for rope-moorings, parachutes and lubrication. Why not use hemp gasoline NOW when we are at another critical point in time? Why does hemp technology remain clandestine?
Why is there a war in the Middle East over oil? Do you really think it’s a coincidence that George Bush is an oilman and remains steadfast against bringing our troops home? Hemp petroleum is the way to alleviate us from dependency on foreign oil. That is a wonderful dream, cannabis as the means to bring our troops home!
Email replies to the original article mainly asked WHY? Why don’t the authorities appreciate the profits to be made from hemp products? Money rules the world, so why don’t the industrialists make it legal? Tax hemp, regulate it, make it legal not for altruistic purposes but for their own high profits! The planet and its people would be much healthier. Why the HELL isn’t this done?
There are no easy answers. Generally, my reply to these readers scratching their befuddled heads was ‘secret societies.’ We are not educated on how the world really functions. We grow up watching movies and television where the good guys always win. We are trained to think that our government is good and out for the benefit of all. Films portray the heroes as CIA, FBI, NSA agents or obedient soldiers and police. We are given the false hope that governments care. Please do not be so naïve as to think this is true.
Educated people understand that Esau intends to kill Jacob.
"Esau hated Jacob... and Esau said... I (will) slay my brother Jacob." Gen. 27:41
"Esau was a designing and deceitful man, who hunted after the hearts of men and he stole their minds." Jasher 29:20-23
There are many books written about the 36 Strategies and the different methods to implement them. They are taught to Esau from childhood and are used by the mother in her daily shopping and by the general on the battlefield.
Esau's 36 methods of War.
"The greatest victory is the victory gained without battle."
1 - Hide important things in the open for all to see. ( This means to create a front that eventually becomes imbued with an atmosphere or impression of familiarity, within which the strategist may maneuver unseen while all eyes are trained to see obvious familiarities. ) 2 - Help save a state from evil forces by invading them. 3 - Use surrogates to do what you don't wish to be seen doing. 4 - Make impossible demands upon potential victims. 5 - Start a house fire and help save the contents. 6 - Talk one thing - do something else. 7 - Make something from nothing. 8 - Use an unknown technique. 9 - Help the enemy destroy himself with internal dissensions. 10 - Smile with knife in hand. 11 - Sacrifice friends to win victory for a greater good. 12 - Quietly pick up unattended property as your own. 13 - Make a hidden enemy disclose himself by creating a disturbance. 14 - Pretend the worthless is valuable. 15 - Entice an enemy from his place of strength. 16 - Never attack a desperate enemy. 17 - Exchange something worthless for something valuable. 18 - Make every attempt to capture the friendship of the leader of a powerful opposition. 19 - If unable to answer problems or ideas - remove or discredit the author or authors of the problems. 20 - Replace an enemies loss of direction with your own program. 21 - Pretend the cicada's empty shell is alive. (This means leaving behind false appearances created for strategic purposes. Like the cicada shell, the facade remains intact, but the real action is now elsewhere.) 22 - Denounce friends to establish believable "bona fides". 23 - Keep captive populations intimidated. 24 - Promise one thing - deliver another. 25 - Attack enemies within reach - keep others neutral. 26 - The hidden message. 27 - Pretend not to notice the approach of an enemy. 28 - Destroy the bridge. ( Maneuver enemies into a point of no return by baiting them with what look like advantages and opportunities.) 29 - Be wise by playing the fool. ( Dazzle and deceive the eyes of opponents by showy displays.) 30 - Provoke strong emotion - we good enemy bad. 31 - The beauty trap. (Also known as the "honey pot".) 32 - If weak, appear weaker than you really are. 33 - Use double agents. 34 - Self inflicted wounds. (Inflict minor injury on oneself to gain the enemy's trust, consider 911) 35 - Scheme in continuous circles (Interlocking stratagems) When facing a more powerful enemy, you don't oppose by force, and don't concentrate all your resources on only one avenue of strategy; you keep different plans operating simultaneously in an overall scheme. 36 - When all else fails - Run !
The Antichrist is generally depicted as a militant atheist who brazenly opposes Christianity. Communism has been called an antichrist system because of its overt suppression of Christianity. It is not surprising, then, that when they were finally able to speak their minds, the Romanian people who suffered under him for 24 years called their deposed president, Nicholae Ceausescu, "the Antichrist." That is why they chose Christmas as the day most fitting to execute him and his wife Elena before a firing squad, having found them guilty of murdering at least 60,000 Romanians and of robbing the Romanian people of more than $1 billion.
Of course Ceausescu was not the Antichrist. His opposition to Christ and His gospel was much too obvious. Though it may mean "against," in Greek the prefix anti also means "a substitute for" or "in the place of." This is, in fact, the way in which the Bible presents the Antichrist. Rather than rejecting Christ, he will pretend to be Christ and thus will pervert rather than openly oppose Christianity. He will be a "false Christ" (Mt 24:24, etc.), offering a "Counterfeit" a false and "positive" Christianity acceptable to all.
Q: Now the question is, who is using Icke? and better question... Why?
A: Icke has a core of truth he is trying to pass. What he does not realise is that this actually works against him. The reptilian part was fed him by the ones who work for the bloodlines. In a period of 7, 8 months he was bombarded with "victims" who witnessed shape-shifting, satanic rituals, etc. in such a way he could not refuse to believe it. Sometimes the "witnesses" were lead to him a few times a day, depending on his location. Others like Icke (and there are more than you think) have been fed similar stories.
This is what I said about Icke and his reptilian nonsense the first time I heard about it, years ago.
The more he talks about it the less credibility is given to the truthful things he has to say.
Who Is Who, And To Whom They Sold Their Souls
Compiled By: Louis Turner
"The ancient Greeks built a wooden horse and the poor old Trojans
couldn't overcome their curiosity. I'm gonna build a Golden Hammer,
and see how many Socialists I can force into the slammer" - Louis
By the "Three F's Method" can be determined who belongs to the
Finance. He (and
occasionally a female) must have vast amounts of capital at his
disposal that he can shift to the place and on the time he finds
John Dimitri Negroponte. Born in London on July 21, 1939, just before the outbreak of the second world war, he was the son of Dimitri, a Greek shipping magnate, and Catherine. He grew up in England, Switzerland and New York, where his father settled. He became a product of elite American institutions, educated at Phillips Exeter prep school in New Hampshire and at Yale, before being accepted at Harvard Law School. Negroponte is connected to Britain's royal family and British intelligence through his wife, Diana Villiers. Diana's father was Sir Charles Villiers, a merchant banker who would rise to become chairman of British Steel. Villiers had a powerful social conscience.
We have noticed in the past that the mainstream media would just carry these photos without attempting to whitewash what we were seeing. Bush and his entire family flashed so many of these hand signs today that they had to mention it.
What does it tell us that it is now officially welcomed that people, soldiers especially, worship the devil, and follow satanic rules? "Warmly welcomed" by family and friends?
WHO BELIEVES THE LIE THAT ANYONE CAN BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A.? The Illuminati rule America! Who are the super rich "elite" Illuminati and their associates? The Queen of England, her husband Prince Philip and the Royal House of Windsor, the hierarchy on the board of directors of the Vatican, including the Pope; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Duponts, Fords, Carnegies, Melons, Bush's etc.
To get the details of who the Illuminati are, put Illuminati in It is not the American people who choose the President and Vice President of the United States of America, but rather the super secret "shadow government" called the Illuminati/New World Order who choose them!
Various researchers, including, David Icke in his book "The Biggest Secret", point out that all 43 men who were Presidents of the U.S.A. are related, and that 33 of the Presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of Charlemagne, who in the year 800 was crowned by Pope Leo III to be Holy Roman Emperor, the first head of an empire that would last over 1000 years!
This should be setting off major alarm bells in your mind. Like this is no coincidence. The odds of all 43 Presidents being related, and this just randomly happening, are billions (trillions) to one. Democratic and Republican candidates are "chosen" by the "Elitist" super rich organization called the Illuminati. Democrats and Republicans and the Illuminati would not want you to believe any of this. They don't teach you this in schools and for good reason: the Illuminati want to stay hidden.
I was browsing through information regarding Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the Supreme General of Jesuits, allegedly the most powerful man in the world, and found a relatively new interview (from 2003), where he [once again] states they are trying to achieve the NWO:-
Q - Is there a political, social, and cultural alternative to the new international world order which emerged after September 11, 2001, and is being established in the new political realignment of the powerful nations
- the United States, the European Union, Russia, Japan - and the great and not so obvious powers?
A - As result of the attack carried out on September 11 th , large-scale violence has become more painful, inhumane and unjust. This has triggered a distressing spiral of attacks and counterattacks, which are bringing about considerable material losses, the weakening of human rights, and above all, indiscriminate deaths. Out of these physical and moral ruins, a new world order should emerge. That is what we thought after experiencing the last World War, but the facts have belied the hopes we then had. That makes it difficult to dream of a new international order this time. However, we must all strive to define it and make it come true. For us, Christians, the message of fraternity and solidarity to which the Lord summons us in the Gospel is the primary incentive driving us to work for a more humane world -and hence, for a world that is more divine- one which goes beyond merely political structures. It is comforting that despite the reserve shown by certain important nations, the United Nations is recognized as an important political alternative.
-- cut here --
Obviously, their plans are NOT working ("... Out of these physical and moral ruins, a new world order should emerge. That is what we thought after experiencing the last World war,..."). They have been trying to make their sickly NWO for a long time. Mr. Kolvenbach/Lord Vader (Father in Dutch) is here calling everyone to enforce their plans.
Their plans are to cause more misery and suffering, as they hope they can then emerge as the NWO, to rule over everybody. By inaction, everyone is helping them. We need to act, with both our mind and body.
A BARRISTER claims his application to become a judge
has been turned down because he is not a freemason.
Everest says he was told 30 years ago that he would never get on in the
legal profession after turning down an invitation to join the Dinas
Llandaff lodge of the Freemasons in Cardiff.
"...The goyim enter the lodges out of curiosity, or in the hope
by their means to get a nibble at the public pie, and some of them in order
to obtain a hearing before the public for their impracticable and groundless
fantasies: they thirst for the emotion of success and applause, of which we
are remarkably generous..."
"The home of Skull and Bones on the Yale campus is a stone building resembling
a mausoleum, and known as "the Tomb." Initiations take place on Deer
Island in the St. Lawrence River (an island owned by the Russell Trust Association),
with regular reunions on Deer Island and at Yale. Initiation rites reportedly
The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest, located in Monte Rio,
CA. It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp" in luxury.
It is owned by the Bohemian Club. The Bohemian Club is a private. all
male club, which is headquartered in the Bohemian building in San Francisco.
It was formed in 1872 by men who sought shelter from the frontier culture
(or lack of culture).
In the past, I ascribed humanity's woes to a conspiracy of inbred British aristocrats, their American toadies, Zionists
and central bankers. So far I have overlooked the most important ingredient, the "Freemasons" the world's largest secret society with five million members (including three million Americans.)
Only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact
devoted to satanism.
There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by a group of genetically
related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many
of the very wealthy, politically powerful, and corporate elite of the
world, as well as members of the solaced Black Nobility of Europe (especially
the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government,
stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to
their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete control over every
human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce four fifths of the
world's population (5.5 Billion people), not only in such resource-rich
countries like Africa (with AIDS, Ebola, etc. ), but also in America,
where too many patriotic Americans, mindful of the words of the US Constitution,
are viewed as a threat to the One World Government Plan. While the name
New World Order is the term most frequently used today when referring
to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations,
institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking group
of conspirators.
When reviewing the material please keep an open mindset but cross-check the details, as inaccuracies may not just exist but are sometimes quite obvious.