The killing fields in the Middle East aren’t just about bringing down the Muslim nations. They were designed specifically to bring down and enslave America and Britain. In just examining the world revolts since WW1, subversive agents and plots were ALWAYS at play. Shame on us for not seeing the underlying goals of rogue secret societies gone mad, because payback is coming. The atrocities being committed in the Middle East today will incite all of the other countries to band together, to defeat the Americans and Brits, just as planned. These recent “contracted” revolts and wars have achieved their goals: the world hates the West. The world is so angry that it can’t see straight. It can’t see that the West is run by the SAME international secret societies that run EVERY nation. Not one nation wants to admit shame and disgrace for being so ignorant.
These wars have huge spiritual consequences. All of God’s children will be shamed, because they have let satanic forces lead them. Not so long ago, an evil one said, “Eureka, let us formulate wars to kill off our enemies, lest they join forces and fight against us!” Depopulation by war isn’t a new plan. It’s just about reducing numbers for the Final Battle. How many revolts, genocides, wars and loans does mankind need to figure out who the enemy is?
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