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Audio and Videofiles

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall Collapse of WTC 7.

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Fake terror, real sentence: FBI inspiration for 25 years in jail

Three men convicted of trying to blow up synagogues in New York have each been sentenced to 25 years in prison. But the case has raised allegations of entrapment, after they were actually incited by the FBI, and handed fake bombs. ­Critics claim it was a set-up, but the judge said her hands were tied.

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The (7/7) Ripple Effect Story

May 14, 2011 -- London, England

Now that Muad’Dib/John Hill has been found not guilty, the full story to this point of His malicious and politically motivated prosecution can be told…

Three years ago, Muad’Dib mailed some DVDs containing his ‘7/7 Ripple Effect’ film to a courthouse near London, where three scapegoats were being prosecuted in hopes of lending credibility to the government’s “official” 7/7 story.  These DVDs were sent by Muad’Dib because he wanted to keep innocent men from receiving very lengthy prison sentences.  ALL the rest of us who knew about that situation should be ashamed for not having done exactly what Muad’Dib did.

As a result of his good-will, Muad’Dib’s home was raided by police and he was arrested on a charge of "perverting the course of justice".  In the Orwellian 21st century, he was really just being attacked by a malicious and out of control police-state for getting in the way of their mass-murderous crimes (7/7 was an event of mass-murder).  The charge against Muad’Dib originated out of long-standing nazi-stronghold—London—where the globalist banking syndicate is headquartered.

So, Muad’Dib then spent over a year and a half fighting extradition to England where he knew it was going to be one corrupt event after another.  The very short story is that his lawyer in Ireland refused to do as instructed and sabotaged his defense.  Since the Irish judges were all quite corrupt too, never applying Law or even the relevant legislation, Muad’Dib’s fight against extradition was eventually denied by the Irish Supreme Court in front of 40 supporters and he was re-imprisoned, then taken to the UK in November of 2010.

Once there, the more obvious corruption started, as he was at that point held firmly in the clutches of a filthy corrupt British Establishment (including police, courts, and media).

Firstly, Muad’Dib was deleted from the prison’s computer system, with them originally saying that Muad’Dib wasn’t even at their prison and they didn’t know where he was.  About that same time, a police officer working to prosecute Muad’Dib stated openly that many other people sent DVDs to the same courthouse as Muad’Dib, but no one else was even investigated, never-mind charged.  This was an open admission of a malicious and politically motivated prosecution/persecution.

Continued here

9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate

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Muse - Uprising


The paranoia is in bloom,
The PR transmissions will resume,
They'll try to push drugs to keep us all dumbed down,
And hope that we will never see the truth around,


Another promise, another seed,
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed,
With all the green belts wrapped around our minds,
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined,


They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
And we will be victorious!


Interchanging mind-control,
Come, let the revolution take its toll,
If you could flick a switch and open your third eye,
You'd see that we should never be afraid to die,


Rise up and take the power back,
It's time that the fat cats had a heart attack,
You know that their time's coming to an end,
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend!


They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
And we will be victorious!



They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
And we will be victorious!




Haskell Blows Whistle on Underwear Bomber, Government Op

I contend that this story is just the tip of the iceberg into the US government's black operations to further the Patriot Act, funding for Homeland Security and the TSA, and to keep intensity up for the so called War on Terror. Respected lawyer and community leader, Kurt Haskell, has nothing to gain from pointing his finger at the federal government. He witnessed the underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, being whisked past security and led onto NorthWest Airlines flight 253, by a well-dressed man with an American accent- all without the passenger's proper visa and passport documentation. What the news piece doesn't mention is that the State Dept did indeed put Mutallab on the plane, at the behest of "an unnamed US intelligence agency." Undersecretary Patrick F. Kennedy (Detroit news article was removed from web!).

THIS is why we are being groped, molested, and body scanned at the airport by the TSA! Because the government claims the underwear bomber is a real threat! Stand up America- the politicians say our rhetoric is dangerous. Maybe the government itself is terribly dangerous....

These video clips may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

News piece aired January 25, 2011 - FOX 2 WJBK Detroit, Michigan

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Death of the Gulf Stream?

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses

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Fluoride "a social experiment started 40 years ago" exposed by Australian media

National Security Alert


Citizen Investigation Team offers this compilation of independent verifiable evidence exposing the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon as a psychological black operation of deception. Consider this a non-violent call to action as everyone is encouraged to copy and distribute this conclusive evidence to media, political, and authority figures while first requesting, and then demanding a response. Inaction by authorities and media to this information amounts to a crime of obstruction of justice so it's time they are held accountable. This is particularly the case as more innocents are slaughtered and additional billions of dollars are spent on a fraudulent "war on terror" perpetuated under any other name. Please visit for full resources and a step-by-step strategy as to how you can take action on this critical life or death information.

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Richard D. Hall / interviews Muad' Dib 10/11/2010

Download M4V file: (125MB)
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200 Million Tons of Aluminum Aerosol Chemtrail Poisoning All Life

Trying to deliver 9-11 Ripple Effect and 7/7 Ripple Effect to the Dáil (Parliament) in Ireland.


This video needs to go viral and by emulated in the USA and UK and everywhere.

The Truth about sHell

Pink Floyd: High Hopes - Explanation

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JFK's head wound

The Doctors from Parkland Hospital discuss President Kennedy's head wound and their descriptions are compared to the official autopsy photographs.

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Alex Jones Show:Former Airline Pilot Talks About The Doomsday Planes 9/11

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Megadeth - EndGame

Attention! Attention! All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers! Do not return to your homes; do not contact anyone! Do not use any cellular or GPS devices! Surrender all weapons at once! Attention! This way to the camps!

I woke up in a black FEMA box
Darkness was all around me, in my coffin
My dreams are all nightmares anymore
And this is what I dream every night

The Leader of the New World Order, the President of the United States
Has declared anyone now residing inside the US of A
Without the RFID chip, you're just an illegal alien
An enemy combatant of America, welcome to the New World Order

This is the end of the road; this is the end of the line
This is the end of your life; this is the...

A society in a society, inside the fence life as you know it stops
They got their rules of conduct and we got ours
Be quick or be dead, you crumble up and die, the clock is
Ticking so slowly and so much can happen in an hour

I learned my lessons the hard way, every scar I earned
I had to bleed, inside the day yard
A system of controlled movement, like a giant ant farm
Any time is long time, now you're not in charge of your time anymore

The Ex-President signed a secret bill that can
Land a legal US Citizen in jail and the
Patriot act stripped away our constitutional rights
They say a Concentration camp just popped up, yeah, right!

Refuse the chip? Ha! Get persecute and beat by the
Tyranny of Mind control, for the mark of the beast
All rights removed, you're punished, captured, and enslaved
Believe me when I say, "This IS the Endgame!"

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

Charlie Sheen addresses the President about 9/11 in a special video message, shortly after releasing his "20 Minutes with the President," specifically addressing 20 key points that need to be answered by a truly independent investigation.

Sheen's message is a call to action, not only for President Obama to address the pertinent issues, but for activists everywhere to pressure their representatives and leaders, wherever they may be, to 'be on the right side of history' and take back the country through peaceful revolution and true grassroots dissent.


Twenty Minutes with the President

Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up

Revolver - Guy Ritchie film

This is footage from the movie Revolver by Guy Ritchie used as an educational piece about destroying the ego/Self.

FYI: the person referred to in the film as Sam Gold; who no-one ever sees, but sees everyone and everything; is satan.

Architect Richard Gage on the 9/11 WTC collapses.

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The Case Against Shell

Hemp Building Materials

If we made hemp legal...

Warrior Soul-The Fourth Reich

"The Fourth Reich" by Warrior Soul
(a heavy metal band, whose studio was a couple blocks away from the WTC).

reporter: This is the closest we can get to the base of the World Trade Center, you can see the firemen assembled here, the police officers... you can see the towers... A Huge explosion! Now raining debris on all of us! We'd better get out of the way!!!

Bush: Terrorism against our nation will not stand
and now if you'd join me in a moment of silence...


Who is sick
of this war
And the one bloody system, oil company whores
Aren't you sick
of the endless corporate lies
From Washington, the Pentagon, and the London banking tribe

Fight back on every front
Trash all the cameras
Stick to your guns...

Mass media
controlled by
Defense corporations that send your kids to die
All good soldiers
they do what's right
Blow off all illegal orders
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich

Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich
Stop the rise of the Fourth Reich

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A danish scientist Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust ( english subtitles )

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You are a slave to the government

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The Obama Deception

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An Alex Jones Documentary


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JFK Black Dog Shooter on Knoll Rare Footage

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