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7/7 Ripple Effect



700 Mb DivX Avi

Download using Bittorrent: 77 Ripple Effect.avi.torrent

Direct Download: 77 Ripple Effect.avi


(You will need to have installed the DivX video codec to play this file)


2.6 Gb Pal DVD

Direct Download: 77 Ripple Effect.iso (Hosted by the Internet Archive)

Download using Bittorrent: 77 Ripple Effect.iso.torrent (What is Bittorrent?)



Download using Bittorrent: 77 Ripple Effect-NTSC.iso.torrent


Review by , found on this copy of the movie on Google Video

'The Ripple Effect' is THE best video yet produced in respect of what really happened in London on 7th July 2005. Whereas Alex 'I Am A Zionist Disinformationalist' Jones' 'Terrorstorm' acknowledges that Israel had foreknowledge of the event, his documentary does not, however, go anywhere near the issue of Mossad involvement. On the contrary, Jones heads in the opposite direction as per usual and tries to convince us that MI5 did it.

Indeed, Alex Jones is on the record as saying that his research offers "conclusive evidence" that British intelligence were the perpetrators. While MI5 were most definitely involved in the atrocities - in a faciltating role at the very least - all the evidence points towards the Israeli Mossad being responsible for executing the bombings. Unlike 'Terrorstorm', 'Ludicrous Diversions' and 'Mind The Gap', 'The Ripple Effect' acknowledges this fact.

'The Ripple Effect' is THE definitive video on the 7/7 bombings. The producer has done a wonderful job in putting together a comprehensive list of verifiable, documented facts which offer conclusive proof that the official account of the events of 7th July is a lie. Spread this video far, spread it wide.



version 0.5.3, last updated 04.11.07











Dear Viewer,

I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.

Regarding the 7/7/2005 terrorist attacks in London, let us look at the facts, and what we were told, and compare them. Then, using Ockham’s Razor and common-sense, let us see what conclusions are to be drawn, so we can all understand what most likely really did happen that day.


Alex Jones' END GAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.

Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.

  • Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III.

  • Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.
  • Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.
  • View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union


Official site:


Direct downloads:
900 Mb WMV file at (mirror)
662.27 MB 320x180250k MOV

Bittorrent Downloads at:
The Pirate Bay
Conspiracy Central

Endgame: How Dare Alex Jones Tell the Truth

by Kurt Nimmo
October 25, 2007

Alex Jones’ Endgame is a horror film. It’s creepier than Nosferatu, the German Expressionist film featuring the vampire Count Orlok. Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, has its own cast of imperial functionaries, although they are not vampires, not exactly. Vampires are preternatural beings, fictional reanimated corpses, the stuff of Bram Stoker novels and low budget movies, whereas the cast of characters revealed in Endgame are flesh and blood, craven yet mundane, although it can be said they shirk the light of day or rather what sunshine announces same as their fictive counterparts.

No, the monsters of Endgame are real, they do not evaporate when the cinema lights go up or the last page is flipped. Endgame’s miscreations are older than the sort of European folklore responsible for the myth of Dracula, more ruthless an supposedly unstoppable than John Carpenter’s Michael Myers.

Eugenics is the horror behind Endgame. Not warm and fuzzy altruism in search of higher IQs and a beneficial reduction of disease, but rather mass extermination, social Darwinism, and the dysgenic dreams of the ruling elite who are determined, as the Georgia Guidestones concede, to reduce the world population to a mere 500,000,000 “in perpetual balance with nature.”

Endgame spells out in chilling detail how the blue-blood, aristocratic, wealthy elite played a central role in the development of eugenics, resulting not only in the Eugenics Record Office in America, located in Cold Spring Harbor in New York, and responsible for mass sterilization, but also responsible for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes that ultimately led to the Nazi eugenics program terminating at the end of the rail line in Auschwitz. For as Rockefeller factotum Merton Lambert once averred, “The world has a cancer, and that cancer is man.”

Merton was not talking about his boss, but rather you and me, the commoners, the disease to be cured by the “particularly deadly virus” envisioned by the misanthrope Prince Philip. Hitler’s ultimate failure did not put a damper to eugenics. It is alive and well today in the environmental movement, well oiled by Rockefeller foundations and stealth NGOs.

Like Erin Alfaro, writing for National Expositor, I was kept awake at night after watching Endgame. “Rarely does a documentary stir the mind so much that it keeps you awake at night, plotting your escape from a seemingly unchangeable future,” writes Alfaro.

Of course, the future is not unchangeable, although it may seem that way. Endgame, as a well-produced yet bone-chilling documentary, is just the tool required to foment change, beginning with the startled awareness of what our appointed leaders, more scary than anything George Romero or Stephen King might conjure, have in mind for us.

Just the other day, Bill Clinton—the Rhodes scholar student of New World Order historian Carroll Quigley, groomed for the presidency by the Bilderbergers—admonished a brave handful of 9/11 truthseekers for the crime of speaking up. “How dare you. How dare you,” Clinton imperiously growled as the truthseekers declared 9/11 to be an inside job. “I’ll be glad to talk to you if you shut up and let me talk.”

Naturally, Clinton and his one-world pedigree of hand-picked insiders, determined to cull the masses, are not inclined to let us, the commoners, talk, although they do insist we shut up and let them talk—incessantly and sans meaningful opposition, as aristocrats are perennially accustomed.

How dare Alex Jones tell the truth. How dare he make Endgame, certainly a horror film, and reveal the ghastly master plan designed to not only enslave the planet but reduce its numbers in psychopathic fashion.

Endgame is surely impertinence of the sort the elite not only detest, but decidedly fear same as the cockroach fears and scurries when a light is switched on.

The Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] controls American media

Related Article: The Illuminati and the CFR

Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century

by Mercola

For over 100 years conventional medicine has seized control of the US health care system and as a result we have over 800,000 people who are killed by interacting with this system. It is likely that over 50 million Americans have died prematurely from this abuse.


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Real Face of the European Union


Dir by Phillip Day, Credence 2004

The EU has been sold to Britain as our best hope for the future . . . But behind the scenes, has another, more unsettling agenda been unfolding? The European Economic Community (EEC) began for Britain as a free-trade agreement in 1972. Today's European Union is well on its way to becoming a federal superstate, complete with one currency, one legal system, one military, one police force - even its own national anthem. In this shocking new documentary featuring EU insiders and commentators, independent author Phillip Day covers the history and goals of the European Union, as well as the disturbing, irrevocable implications this new government has for every British citizen. Whether the viewer is for or against Britain's participation, this film asks the troubling questions the mainstream media has refused to confront.

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The Disillusionaries - 4 Public Awareness Questions

LUCUS takes the camera to the streets of Austin, TX and asks the public some very easy questions about society in America. You may be shocked at what you find out, then again you may not be shocked. SCARED YET?

Black Sabbath-War Pigs (set to political footage)

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies buring
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of god has struck the hour
Day of judgement, god is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings,
Oh lord yeah!

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The Shock Doctrine

Alfonso Cuarón, director of "Children of Men", and Naomi Klein, author of "No Logo", present a short film from Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism."

Stop SPP Protest - Union Leader stops provocateurs

Peaceful protesters stop police provocateurs from starting a riot at the Stop the SPP protests in Montebello Quebec. CEP President Dave Coles confronts men with rocks and sticks.

The CBC surprisingly appears to agree that they were agent provocateurs, if you read between the lines.

Maybe their senior editors were away on vacation or something. It is rare for the controlled media to take a look at allegations of police provocateuring.

UPDATE Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest
The press release says "Les policiers ont été repérés par les manifestants au moment où ils ont refusé de lancer des projectiles."

In english thats: "The police officers were located by the demonstrators when they refused to launch projectiles."

Now that version of events is very clearly contradicted by the video, which shows demonstrators telling the officers to put the rock down, not to launch it.

Infowars article
SPP Agent Provocateur Cops Caught Red Handed Attempting To Incite Violence
Boots give away undercover cops as real protesters expose criminality

Image Hosted by

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List of Morons Who Slipped Up And Practically Admitted 9/11 Was An Inside Job

By "sikh888". Picked up on from this thread on


1. Bush saw the first plane hit live on tv (1min)


2. Rumsfeld Says Flight 93 was shot down (30sec)


3. Rumsfeld Says Missle Hit Pentagon:
"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center"


4. NYC Mayor Slips- Knew Collpase in Advance:


5. SilverStein Admits WTC Was Pulled:


6. EyeWitness Said Missle, eh Plane Hit pentagon:

7. John Kerry Slips says WTC-7 Was Controlled Demolition:

8. Bush is scared:


9. Giuliani Caught In Bizarre Building 7 Lie:

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Gordon BrNWO

Gordon Brown New World Order Speech Britains new Prime Minister Gordon Brown talks about the Elite's Plan for a One World Totalitarian Socialist State, the Globalazation Agenda for a New World Order.

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9/11 Coincidences - Parts 1-16

A popular 9/11 video series published on YouTube outlining the many 9/11 "coincidences" featuring snack-size clips from various 9/11 documentaries.. .

by NuffRespect, who writes:

"I am just someone who has looked at the facts and I am merely relaying those facts to you. I ask you to go and check out for yourself everything said in my videos to confirm for yourself that what I say is true. Please note that I am not a "conspiracy nut", a "leftie", a "rightie", a "liberal", a "jew", a "muslim", a "disinformation agent", or any other label that debunkers try to pin on me. I am just a human who happens to be born in the UK, and who is seeking the truth and nothing more. I love people from every race, creed, colour and nationality. I believe in Almighty God but I have no time for religions or political parties. All I want is truth, freedom and peace. Whatever your point of view, I hope that you find these videos thought-provoking and entertaining."


1. Three Burning Buildings - One Result

2 2. All At Freefall Speed
3 3. Bombs in the Buildings
4 4. 1,000 Cameras and No Airplane!
5 5. PNAC: "A New Pearl Harbor"
6 6. "ABLE DANGER" Terror Drills on 9/11
7 7. WTC7 Implosion
8 8. Thermite Reaction

9. Mysterious Power-Downs in the World Trade Center

10 10. The 9/11 Commission: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil!
11 11. Who Benefited From 9/11?
2 12. Guilty Demeanor
13 13. The BUSH-LADEN Connection
14 14. The BUSH-LADEN Connection (continued)
15 15. TIM OSMAN: The Perfect Manufactured Enemy
16 16. Fake Hijackers
  More to come...?

FLV files are currently mirrored and downloadable here (FLV players here)

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New WTC Implosion Video - Squibs

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Edward Bernays

An excerpt from the four-part 2002, Adam Curtis/BBC series called "The Century of the Self". (Available on Google Video)


Description by Brasscheck TV

The series tracks how American elites have aggressively used the modern behavioral sciences to persuade, coerce and manipulate the American public into accepting the corporate-government world's version of events as their own.

This seven-minute clip focuses on one of the most skillful and amoral expert of all the experts in mass manipulation, Edward Bernays. Bernays got his first taste of the power of propaganda during World War I. He advised US presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Einsehower and served numerous corporations and business associations. One of his biggest fans was Hitler's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, a fact about which Bernays bragged proudly.

In this clip, we see a pattern that Bernays used over and over again: turn a harmless entity into a fearsome enemy through lies and manufactured news items. Then use the "threat" to justify attack. The subject of this video is Bernays campaign against the democratically elected government of Guatemala in 1953, but you'll have no trouble seeing that this very same method is being used today.

The 9/11 Solution - The big clue everyone missed

by Brasscheck TV



Alternative download (Avi file in DivX format - 67Mb)


Two major 9/11 anomalies have been thoroughly documented, specifically:

1) The stand down of US air defense on the morning of 9/11 that permitted commercial jet aircraft to fly erratically and in restricted air space without challenge

2) Overwhelming physical evidence that World Trade Center buildings #1, #2, and #7 were brought down by controlled demolition

A third significant anomaly has not been discussed, let alone acknowledged: the reporting by the major US TV news networks in the first few hours immediately after the attacks.


1. MSNBC presented an elaborately detailed story about the lifestyle and anti-US philosophy of Osama bin Laden - while both towers were still burning and long before Bin Laden had been accused by anyone.

2. Fox News featured a "man in the street" eye witness who explained in strangely formal language the science behind why the towers collapsed when most engineers and firemen were utterly baffled and in shock by what had just taken place.

3. CBS featured a Bush administration insider (and not identified as such) as a guest who actively worked to dissuade Dan Rather (and viewers) from speculating that there must have been explosive charges placed in the buildings for them to have collapsed the way they did.

How was it that these stories - based on no fact, no research and no inquirry - appeared in full blown form so quickly on US news networks and then became part of the core myths of what happened on 9/11?

Were these stories prepared in advance?

There's an old intelligence saying that "once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action."

Because most of these clips ran only once and were not repeated after they'd done their job, it made it difficult, if not impossible, for viewers to analyze them critically.

Now, thanks to the magic of video tape and a few people who immediately started taping the news after the attacks, we have this important evidence that at the very least these attacks appear to have been anticipated and prepared for by forces that have the ability to exert strong influence over the output of the newsrooms of major US news networks.


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Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary


On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don’t.

The police have, from the onset of their investigation, chosen to withold from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have provably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings.

The mainstream news has wilfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story.

The government has finally, after a year, presented us with their official ‘narrative’ concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a ‘ludicrous diversion’. What don’t they want us to find out? Contact ludicrousdiversion [at] hotmail [dot] com

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Painful Deceptions

A video supplement to the book
Painful Questions
An analysis of the September 11th Attack

This video shows that the conspiracy is much larger than US Government believes.

Flight 77

  • The aircraft that hit the Pentagon appears to be a remoted controlled drone.

The World Trade Center

  • Explosives appear to have placed in both towers before the attack to cause the towers to disintegrate into dust.

Building 7

  • It was a 47 story, steel-framed building that disintegrated at 5:30 PM, also from explosives.
  • The 23rd floor was the Mayor’s "Emergency Command Center," which had its own air supply. This appears to be the command center for the attack on the towers.

Plus, an explanation of turbofans, explosives, the Oklahoma City bombing, the media that Americans mistakenly refer to as our "Free Press," and why deception is the main weapon in this war to control us.


Description from (also has WMV downloads)

Eric Hufschmid wrote the book, "Painful Questions," which deals with the events of 9-11.
Evidence and facts are carefully examined; photos and video captures are analyzed.

Eric shows us with graphic (literally), undeniable evidence that the official explanations for the atrocities committed on September 11, 2001 are questionable at best.

He shows us that there is MUCH more to 9-11 than we are being told by our media and our government.

Eric Hufschmid raises some very uncomfortable questions about 9-11; questions so uncomfortable that the magician/comedians Penn and Teller showed the book and urged people, "if you ever see anyone carrying it, push them down a flight of stairs."
Look to who cuts their pay checks and it might become clearer.
To provoke calls of violence against himself and others by representatives of the "entertainment industry," Eric must have found something to make some powerful people VERY "uncomfortable" indeed.
If you or I were to attempt to incite violence against fellow citizens we would be arrested as TERRORISTS!

Eric then made the DVD movie, "Painful Deceptions" as a video supplement to his book.


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The Ultimate Con 9/11

via 911blogger

"One of the finest 9/11 news and media documentaries that covers 9/11 and the coming police state.

Made by lucus [at] theultimateconspiracy [dot] com (LUCUS), a member of the Loose Change Forums. "



Another alternative download link. To download, click the link and input the 3 lellers in the upper right hand corner. It will make you wait 45 seconds before downloading.

Alternatively, here is a Bitorrent download link:

If for some reason Google take it down again, here is another link

I would advise that many people download this video from Megaupload and reupload it to your own google video account. Also can some of you seed it in the torrents and other means. If anyone wants to cut it up and put it on youtube, feel free.




Technorati Chart





mirror in case the YouTube one dissappears

March 08, 2007, 11:06 PM
This is the trailer for my upcoming documentary called "The Ultimate Con" This documentary is not debunkable because it has no narrative. The story is told with news footage. Spread the word.

This movie is about 9/11 conspiracy and truth.
This is the trailer for my upcoming documentary called "The Ultimate Con" This documentary is not debunkable because it has no narrative. The story is told with news footage. Spread the word.


The creator (austexdude469 ?) of this video is a Youtuber and they deleted it when he put it up after 14,000 views.



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9/11 Ripple Effect

via - Download the Avi from Google (400mb)

"9/11 Ripple Effect is being described as the most professionally produced and up to date 9/11 documentary ever made. We think you'll agree..."

Dave vonKleist and William Lewis, the truth-seeking duo that released the notorious “911 In Plane Site” announce the release of their newest documentary. Entitled “911 Ripple Effect,” this new endeavor promises to be more controversial and revealing than its predecessor. The latest collaboration is guaranteed to ruffle more than a few feathers as the team continues to expound on, and expose, the inconsistencies in the official “9/11” cover-up using video and photographic evidence presented to all of us throughout the day of September 11, 2001.

VonKleist and Lewis traveled the country to bring powerhouse interviews to the table conducted with experts from all fields. Guests for this production include September 11, 2001 World Trade Center survivor and eyewitness William Rodriguez, Retired Air Force Colonel George Nelson, Pilot Glen Stanish, Investigative Journalist Jim Marrs, former ABC-TV Military Correspondent Major Glen MacDonald, Scholars for 911 Truth Founder Jim Fetzer, and United Pilot Russ Wittenberg, just to name a few. Along with these and many other compelling guests, this documentary includes more images, as well as leaked footage from Pentagon insiders, telling the world a totally different story.

Pioneers in what has now become known as the 911 Truth Movement, the diligent team of vonKleist and Lewis were the first to acquaint both Americans and the world, via documentary, with an actual analysis of the images we all saw on this fateful day in recent American History. Bringing into question some of the most controversial pieces of evidence, and taking heat from within the 911 movement for doing so, “911 Ripple Effect” offers a no-holds-barred investigation into the anomalies surrounding the actual planes involved in the crashes.

Features Expert Analysis & Explosive Interviews with:
Fred Fox, Glen Stanish, Russ Wittenberg, Gen. Albert Stubblebine, Col. George Nelson, Maj. Glen MacDonald, Maj. Doug Rokke, Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer, Phil Jayhan, Jim Marrs, William Rodriguez, and people like you... the citizens of this country

Produced & Written by William Lewis & Dave vonKleist
Hosted by Dave vonKleist, Edited by William Lewis

Featuring the music of:
Poker Face | Martin Noakes | William Lewis

Approximately 87 minutes



Posts that contain "911 Ripple Effect" per day:
Technorati Chart

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A collection of short video clips

A growing collection of short video-clips from the ConspiracyCentral channel and elsewhere.

Police State 2007 - BULLS ON PARADEThe Usama DeceptionFaceBook Conspiracy Theory Rock Clip 911 Truth rap [Pretty good except the part about Selassie]The truth behind the Iraq WarYouTube - Gary Hart at CFR, Sept 12 Calling for N.W.O

Click here for all these embedded onto one page.

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WTC7 - This is an Orange

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John F Kennedy's bodyguards being told to stay away from JFK

This video shows the Secret Service officer ordering JFK's bodyguards away from JFK before entering the Grassy Knoll area where he was shot.
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911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy

Also available as a Bittorrent download here

A new British documentary has been released focusing on the BBC's selective and distorted coverage of the events of 9/11.
`911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy' features ex-MI5 officer David Shayler and was produced by Adrian Connock, who was also responsible for the `Mind the Gap' documentary that exposed the false flag terrorist attacks of 7/7/05.
Special attention has been paid to the BBC's `Conspiracy Files' programme which aired on BBC 2, February 18th 2007 and omitted hardcore evidence proving 9/11 was an inside job.


911 Mysteries - suomenkielinen tekstitys - w. finnish subtitles

Tämä sivu on kopio sivusta:


Yksikään teräsrakenteinen rakennus ei ole romahtanut tulen seurauksena ennen 11.9.2001. Tuon päivän tapahtumat voidaan selittää tosiasioilla ja fysiikan lakien mukaisesti.
Näe todistusaineisto. Tee omat päätelmäsi.

Lataa: DVD Torrent
Lataa: Xvid Torrent
Katso: Google video Eri versiot

Loose Change 2nd Edition - Google video

Terrorstorm - Google video · · ·


Syyskuun 11:nnen mysteerien ensimmäinen osa sisältää 90 minuuttia todistusaineistoa, analyysiä ja silminnäkijöiden todistuksia kolmen WTC-pilvenpiirtäjän hallitusta purkamisesta.

Virallinen tarina käydään perusteellisesti läpi tieteellisen analyysin keinoin. Filmin esittämä kuva syyskuun 11:nnen tapahtumista ei ole poliittinen eikä nationalistinen, vaan puhtaasti tieteellinen. Millä tavalla 110-kerroksinen teräsrakennus voi tuhoutua 10 sekunnissa?

Syyskuun 11:nnen mysteerit on myös tarina ihmisistä dramaattisten tapahtumien keskellä. WTC:stä viimeisenä elossa selvinnyt William Rodriguez kertoo räjähdyksistä WTC:n kellarissa. Scott Forbes puolestaan kertoo oudoista tapahtumista, jotka alkoivat viikkoja ennen tornien tuhoa.

Toinen osa ilmestyy myöhemmin tänä vuonna.

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Zeitgeist - the Movie - Parts 2 and 3 does not recommend part 1, which is filled with inaccuracies and "debunks" "christianity", and among other things calls the Bible a "astrotheological literary hybrid". Please note that we do not recommend ANY organized religion (explanation). This post calls part 1 the far best ever launched ATTACK upon the TRUE and ONLY Son of God is by in the Communist controlled universities of today...


Part 2 : "All The World's A Stage"

Part 3 : "Don't mind the men behind the curtain"

Sweet Remedy: The World reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply

The sequel to "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World" (2004).

From the Website: "A closer examination of the U.S. corporate power structure unveils a two-fold approach to manipulating the public. First, by attempting to shape public opinion and, second, by affecting an individual's ability to discern PR from the truth.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent selling neuro-toxic food additives to the public. In the United States and through each nation within its global corporate grasp, maintaining a healthy mind and body is an act of civil disobediance.

Ultimately, healing has become the path of resistance for informed individuals improving their health. We interview a host of MD's and Natural Health practioners to gain the clearest possible perspective for a path to recovery. Perhaps the sweetest remedy this film offers is the hope provided by witnessing a variety of groups as they withstand the confusion, casualties and obstacles involved with taking control of their food and their health."


Sweet Remedy Trailer (Alternative link)


Why Is Society Being Dumbed Down?
Dr. Mercola explores this question and expands on a new DVD Sweet Remedy


Review by Dr. Mercola

7 minute clip of the movie.



Sweet Remedy reveals:

• An unsettling link between aspartame and genetically modified foods.

• How Monsanto and its star aspartame executive hit a brick wall.

• What did Cori do to get better?

• What can one do to minimize damage from exposure? How about healing?
Now accepting orders for "Sweet Remedy":

• What happened after aspartame was approved?

• What happens when people in the public spotlight start getting sick?

• A thorough history and examination of MSG.

• A more definitive link between aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis.

• What happened with Stevia?

• How could it be that so many diseases are linked to excitotoxicity?

• Why do so-called experts get away with lying to us in the media?

• Exactly how dangerous are these foods to children?
In the sequel to "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World" learn:

• Do children "at risk" really need to go on ritallin when the school's doctor prescribes it?

• How can a healthy society prevail when the food supply can no longer be trusted?

"Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts" is a documentary of personal, legal and political struggles in the face of an adulterated food supply. In "Sweet Misery", Cori Brackett surmises, " the institutions designed to protect our food supply have failed us." ...[continued]

Short 17 minute presentation of the RotoVerter technology .

"This production was done by and is a duplicate of the script that will be seen on australian TV. Other shows are planned, including various science shows on the ABC. For further information into this method, please contact the non proifit Org. If you have ANY ideas for TV shows which would be interested in featuring the RV energy saving mehtod, please contact the web site listed. Thanks to EVGRAY yahoo energy Groups for all their hard work."


More information:

Multimedia Search

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Bilderberg - an introduction

Meet Tony Gosling.. Journalist, researcher and the man behind the website He gives a quick rundown on the history of the secret meeting that happens once a year behind a curtain of security agencies and press blackouts.

Could the Bilderberg group really be the secret rulers of the world?

Edward Griffin - Soviet Subversion of the Free Press - An Interview with ex-KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov (1984)

Also available here: 1, 2 3

30 min. long.

Note: Seems to be incomplete, only a few parts of the whole interview.


This is Edward Griffin's shocking video interview Soviet Subversion of the Free Press (1984) where he interviews ex-KGB agent and soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB's subversive tactics against western society as a whole.

Bezmenov explains how Jewish Marxist ideology is destabilizing the economy and purposefully pushing the US into numerous crises so that a Big Brother tyranny can be put into place in Washington, how most Americans don’t even realize that they are under attack, and that normal parliamentary procedures will not alter the federal government’s direction.

He then explains how Marxist leaders use informers to make lists of anti-Communist and other politically incorrect people who they want to execute once they - actually a Jewish oligarchy - come to power. The oligarch’s secret lists include “civil rights” activists and idealistically-minded “useful idiot” leftists as well.

Bezmenov provides several real world examples of how Marxist leaders even execute and/or imprison each other. Also he explains how American embassy employees were known to betray Soviets attempting to defect, how their existed a “triangle of hate” in the Soviet government, why he realized that Marxism-Leninism was a murderous doctrine, and how the CIA ignored (or didn’t care) about Communist subversion.

He also mentions that revolutions throughout history are never the result of a majority movement, but of a small dedicated and highly-organized group who seize power, whether for good or bad.

Next he explains how the American mass media spread lies about life in the Soviet Union. Bezmenov also explains how the LOOK magazine article falsely claimed that the Russian people were proud of their victory in the Second World War, where in reality the Judeo-Bolshevik-Communist-Marxist government was happy that Hitler had been defeated so that they could remain in power.

Find out how the KGB utilized various individuals to undermine the western society in its morals and values.

Shorter outakes:


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