C.F.R. Proposes End of U.S. - Plan to Destroy the United States of American Revealed

The Council of Foreign Relations  dropped all pretense and proposed that the United States of America surrender to the ongoing invasion of the United States by Mexico. The plan to do this was crafted by Robert Pastor and Andres Rozental, half brother of Jorge Castaneda, former Foreign Minister of Mexico. "This report should remove any doubt that the Council of Foreign relations, and all those who are part of it, is a mortal enemy of the people of the United States of America," said Glenn Spencer of American Patrol.

Related links:

Video: http://www.americanpatrol.com/WMV/050609-Dobbs-CFR-56K.wmv
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0506/09/ldt.01.html

Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010

New World Order Chieftans Openly Discuss Dismantling US Border and Bringing Us into the Pan-American Union

CFR: US, Canada & Mexico Borders To Be Abolished

Global Governance for a New Global Union (2003)