Agencies, Commissions...
Agencies, Commission, Bureaus, Think-tanks etc.
Published on: December 16th, 2004
Modified on: December 16th, 2004
Axis of Logic, 12/13/04
In other words, "If I can't have it then nobody can." What a magnificent
statement of the current evolutionary state of mankind. Were the human race
to have a tombstone, this might make an appropriate epitaph.
The signs are unmistakable that a rapid move away from the dollar is
underway as other currencies like the Euro, the Yen and the Yuan show
Published on: December 15th, 2004
Modified on: December 19th, 2004
Credible sources who were close to Gary Webb have stated that he was receiving death threats, being regularly followed, and that he was concerned about strange individuals who were seen on multiple occasions breaking into and leaving his house before his apparent 'suicide' on Friday morning.
Webb, a Pullitzer prize winning journalist, exposed CIA drug trafficking operations in a series of books and reports for the San Jose Mercury News. He was found dead on Friday morning in what the police said was an apparent suicide.
Webb's 1996 series in the Mercury News alleged that Nicaraguan drug traffickers had sold tons of crack cocaine in Los Angeles and funneled millions of dollars in profits to the CIA-supported Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980s
also see:
R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter
Published on: December 10th, 2004
Modified on: December 10th, 2004
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union has launched a 45 million euro ($60 million) plan to protect children from pornography and racist sites when they surf the Internet.
"Children are using the Internet more and more and can come across dangerous content. It's essential to inform parents what tools they can use," Viviane Reding, the European Information Society and Media Commissioner, told a news conference.
Published on: December 6th, 2004
Modified on: December 6th, 2004
Here's the summary of Ruppert's latest:
-- But when the run on the dollar begins, OPEC will inevitably at some point switch its pricing to the Euro, which the entire world is wrangling - much to Europe's chagrin - into not only a safe-haven currency, but a profitable one. The next house is being built before the old one is abandoned. When the run on the dollar begins, it will be as if the rest of the world declared war on the United States of America by launching a missile, dropping a bomb, or landing an army at Bethany Beach, Delaware. That this will lead ultimately to widespread global warfare seems certain. This is exactly the way the administration is setting it up to appear to the American people. Think of 9/11 times fifty.
The rest of the world is merely defending itself with non-violent means - for the moment. But it will be portrayed as an attack upon the US. "Why?" George Bush will ask, rhetorically. "They hate us because of our freedom."
And, barring a miracle, the end results will be exactly the same as from a physical attack: devastation so complete and unthinkable - magnified by the brutal impacts of Peak Oil - that only a few will even try to prepare for it. That is sad because preparation will make all the difference (barring luck or divine intervention) in who survives and to what extent they remain intact and functioning afterwards.
Published on: December 5th, 2004
Modified on: June 2nd, 2005
December 3, 2004
Posted 1:15 AM Eastern
In mid-November 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he
would be taking the prominent role in cementing a powerful coalition of
regional as well as superpowers consisting of India, Communist China,
Russia and Brazil. The purpose of this coalition is to challenge the
supremacy of America and the
European Union. Putin is best known as the "Gray Cardinal" for his
brutality while leader of the KGB. Putin is also much feared because of
his alleged control of the Russian Mafia and the drug trade.
Published on: December 4th, 2004
Modified on: July 11th, 2005
By: Jim Moore zzz
Before we say, or even imply, that any U. S. government official in
a position of power and authority could be guilty of treason we must
have some criterion to use in putting forth such a damning claim.
I submit that there are several criteria which could logically
apply; however the one that carries the most weight--- the subverting
of which may constitute treasonous acts---is the Constitution of the
United States.
Published on: December 1st, 2004
Modified on: December 1st, 2004,2933,139614,00.html
Friday, November 26, 2004
By Steve Harrigan
MALMO, Sweden Swedish authorities in the southern city of Malmo have been busy with a sudden influx of Muslim immigrants 90 percent of whom are unemployed and many who are angry and taking it out on the country that took them in.
Published on: December 1st, 2004
Modified on: October 6th, 2005
by Bruce Porteous bruceport [at] xtra [dot] co [dot] nz Fri Nov 26, 2004
A currency dealer displays US dollar notes at a currency exchange office. The dollar plummeted to new lows against the euro on expectations Russia could par down its dollar reserves in favor of euros and amid ongoing concerns over the US budget and current account deficits, analysts said. [AFP]
Over the last few days there has been a number of articles in the media about the steady decline of the $US against the Euro. While many economists have forecasted the possibility of the dollar declining against the Euro for sometime, most do not comprehend the significance of this. Some believe that the decline of the dollar against the currencies of American¹s trading partners will help correct the USA¹s trade deficit, and the dollar will stop falling when the trade imbalance is corrected. However, the evidence is that the opposite is happening the $US has declined 40% against the Euro over the last 2 years, and during this time America¹s trade deficit has continues to deteriorate.
Published on: October 10th, 2004
Modified on: October 10th, 2004
Howdy Y'all, The means to track vehicles in Australia is already an operational fact of life in the transport industry, strange little concrete pill-boxes have sprung-up all over the country in the past 5 years, interfaced with surveillance/communication satellites. My sister has a transceiver fitted to her car in Victoria. I have repeatedly tried to warn people all over this country about the true nature and pending sinister autocratic intent of the placement/imposition of the technology, but just like everything else I have tried to tell them, since arriving back in Australia 1975; generally speaking, I have wasted my breath!! And to be perfectly candid about the whole thing; I just don't believe that people in general, are genuinely interested in the true solution to the global conspiracy, even when they are forced to acknowledge the palpable, and inescapable reality of it at all.
The truth of the matter is that, people in general, and for the most part, are fixated on preserving exactly what led to this current perilous global circumstance in the first place: viz., false and utterly corrupt, Satanically controlled pseudo religions, and more especially those purporting to be, and characterized as, Christian, [albeit, in caricature, at best]; maugre, the hybridized paraphrased liturgical clap-trap and religious drivel!!
Ultimately, until people recognize the reality of the primary causative nature of the aforesaid religious contagions, and the major role that this evil has played in the DUMBING - DOWN PROCESS; such people will not only be hopelessly ill-prepared, for what is sure to come, but, in the final analysis, doomed to failure, in all their futile attempts to achieve a positive, enduring and qualitative outcome!! Moreover, this also includes all philosophies i.e. all the insane self-deprecating theories of evolution etc.
Your friend and fellow-pilgrim in this life's journey for weal or woe,
David "Iconoclast" Stewart
LIFE WITH BIG BROTHER: Feds plan to track every car Obscure agency working on technology to monitor all vehicles
Thursday, October 7, 2004
------- © 2004 WorldNetDaily. com A little-known federal agency is planning a new monitoring program by which the government would track every car on the road by using onboard transceivers.
The agency, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, is part of the Department of Transportation. According to an extensive report in the Charlotte, N. C., Creative Loafing, the agency doesn't respond to public inquiries about its activity.
Published on: October 7th, 2004
Modified on: February 9th, 2006
Peace be upon you all,
I was browsing through information regarding Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the Supreme General of Jesuits, allegedly the most powerful man in the world, and found a relatively new interview (from 2003), where he [once again] states they are trying to achieve the NWO:-
[ ]
A link to another article about the Black Pope:
[ ]

From the beforementioned interview:-
-- cut here --
Q - Is there a political, social, and cultural alternative to the new international world order which emerged after September 11, 2001, and is being established in the new political realignment of the powerful nations
- the United States, the European Union, Russia, Japan - and the great and not so obvious powers?
A - As result of the attack carried out on September 11 th , large-scale violence has become more painful, inhumane and unjust. This has triggered a distressing spiral of attacks and counterattacks, which are bringing about considerable material losses, the weakening of human rights, and above all, indiscriminate deaths. Out of these physical and moral ruins, a new world order should emerge. That is what we thought after experiencing the last World War, but the facts have belied the hopes we then had. That makes it difficult to dream of a new international order this time. However, we must all strive to define it and make it come true. For us, Christians, the message of fraternity and solidarity to which the Lord summons us in the Gospel is the primary incentive driving us to work for a more humane world -and hence, for a world that is more divine- one which goes beyond merely political structures. It is comforting that despite the reserve shown by certain important nations, the United Nations is recognized as an important political alternative.
-- cut here --
Obviously, their plans are NOT working ("... Out of these physical and moral ruins, a new world order should emerge. That is what we thought after experiencing the last World war,..."). They have been trying to make their sickly NWO for a long time. Mr. Kolvenbach/Lord Vader (Father in Dutch) is here calling everyone to enforce their plans.
Their plans are to cause more misery and suffering, as they hope they can then emerge as the NWO, to rule over everybody. By inaction, everyone is helping them. We need to act, with both our mind and body.
By following The only Way and the Plan that WORKS, we can reduce the amount of time wasted on unnecessary suffering.
They have the financial wealth. We have God.
[ ]
Long live the Fighters for God, Long live The King.
Published on: September 25th, 2004
Modified on: August 20th, 2006
A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11.
Published on: September 19th, 2004
Modified on: September 8th, 2005
From JAH:
The Whore of Babylon/Rome ( ) proposing to call itself simply “The Union” as a counterfeit of the “Union of Jacob” ( ), should come as no surprise, as they already misuse the blue flag with a crown of twelve stars, pretending to be the Woman in the Wilderness of Revelation chapter 12, even though there are now many more member countries of the Common Market than twelve.
This calling it “The Union” is also further proof that they are serving Satan trying to imitate/counterfeit God's Kingdom with this Roman Europe misadventure.
Art show sees Europe as 'new Roman Empire'
Gibraltar will become the venue for the United Nations headquarters according to a futuristic exhibition of European Union policy looking 50 years into the future that was launched this week in the heart of Brussels. The exhibit was co-ordinated and sponsored by the European Commission and other European institutions. The article also states that the EU is poised to overtake America to become the premier superpower in the world.
Published on: September 5th, 2004
Modified on: January 3rd, 2005
The former head of the KGB, General Yevgeni Primakov, (reputed to be "the Henry Kissenger" of the Russian Federation - Ed.), has been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security. Do you think he will share his expertise in "security" to prepare US citizens for domestic internal passports under the pretense of fighting the never-ending "War on Terrorism"?
CAPPS II is the name of the new program which is technically under the auspices of the US Department of Transportation, but that's only . . . to use the Transportation Department's budget to buy the computer hardware and software they need.
Published on: August 7th, 2004
Modified on: August 7th, 2004
Operation Garden Plot had its origins in
the urban riots of the late 1960s. It is the name of the standing plan
for the use of U.S. military forces to control the civilan population
during emergencies and civil disturbances.
Operation Garden Plot first came to public attention in 1971, when
Senator Sam Ervin (Democrat-North Carolina), chair of the Senate
Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, held hearings on possible Army
spying on U.S. civilians. The hearings revealed the Army had indeed
been keeping records on hundreds of thousands of American citizens
connected with antiwar and radical politics, and such activities were
part of Operation Garden Plot. The Subcommittee also found the Army had
engaged in training activities with civilian law enforcement personnel
that simulated battles with rioters and large groups of protesters.
Much of our current knowledge of Operation Garden Plot comes from a
document titled "United States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-1,
Garden Plot," obtained in 1990 by researchers under a FOIA request.
Dated July 11, 1984, the document is over 200 pages long. the opening
of Plan 55-1 noted "Although it [Plan 55-1] is unclassified, it is for
official use only as directed by AFR 12-30. This plan contains
information that is of internal use to DOD and, through disclosure,
would tend to allow persons to violate the law or hinder enforcement of
the law." It continued, "operations orders and operating procedures
must be designed to provide the highest degree of security possible"
and "in the event of organized opposition some sort of advisory
intelligence gathering capability should be assumed."
Plan 55-1 specifies the targets of Operation Garden Plot as "disruptive
elements, extremists or dissidents perpetrating civil disorder." "Civil
disorder" is defined as "riot, acts of violence, insurrections,
unlawful obstructions or assemblages, or other disorders prejudicial to
public law and order." It also defines "civil disturbance" as "all
domestic conditions requiring the use of federal forces pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 15, Title 10, United States Code." When will
Operation Garden Plot be put into effect? When situations exist "that
threaten to reach or have reached such proportions that civil
authorities cannot or will not maintain public order." The authority
for putting it into effect will be "the Presidential Proclamation and
Executive Order in which the Secretary of Defense has been directed to
restore law and order" with additional details "further defined by the
Letter of Instruction issued to Task Force Commanders by the Chief of
Staff, US Army."
And what would federal troops do when assigned to civilian control
duties? Army Field Manual 19-15, dated November, 1985, says "when at
all possible, civil law enforcement agents are integrated with the
military control force team making apprehensions," but "if police are
not available, military personnel may search people incident to an
apprehension." Further, "authorities must be prepared to detain large
numbers of people. . . . if there are more detainees than civil
detention facilities can handle, civil authorities may ask the control
forces to set up and operate temporary facilities.. . . . . These
temporary facilities are set up on the nearest military installation or
on suitable property under federal control. . . . . supervised and
controlled by MP officers and NCOs trained and experienced in Army
correctional operations. Guards and support personnel under direct
supervision and control of MP officers and NCOs need not be trained or
experienced in Army correctional operations. But they must be
specifically instructed and closely supervised in the proper use of
force." The manual includes information on processing detainees and
says "release procedures must be coordinated with civil authorities and
appropriate legal counsel." In an echo of Lincoln's suspension of the
writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War, Field Manual 19-15 further
states that if a state court issues a writ of habeas corpus demanding a
detainee be charged or released, the local Army commander should
"respectfully reply that the prisoner is being held by authority of the
United States." Concerning training for Operation Garden Plot, the
manual says the objective is to "develop personnel who are able to
perform distasteful and dangerous duties with discipline and
objectivity. . . every member of the control force must be trained to
use his weapon and special equipment, riot batons, riot control agent
dispersers and CS grenades, grenade launchers, shotguns, sniper rifles,
cameras, portable videotape recorders, portable public address systems,
night illumination devices, firefighting apparatus, grappling hooks,
ladders, ropes, bulldozers, Army aircraft, armored personnel carriers,
and roadblock and barricade materials."
INSIDE THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: National Security and the Cult of Secrecy
describes Operation Garden Plot in detail, including excerpts from
other military training manuals, and details military combat exercises
conducted in American cities during the late 1990s.
[Acquired via a circuitous route from the Internet.
Sources have been deleted to protect their identity. Thanks to the
tireless work of you guys out there. If the guy(s) who gathered this
great scoop wish to be identified, please email me. forest [at] uhuh [dot] com ]
Published on: July 31st, 2004
Modified on: January 2nd, 2005
First, read the quote from the Mossad website below, and then read a website containing reports of Mossad activities:
Vision & Values
The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, otherwise known as 'Mossad' has been appointed by the State of Israel to collect information, analyze intelligence and perform special covert operations beyond its borders.
Mossad employees are the source of its strength and considerable effort is invested in nurturing them, in developing their capabilities and in fostering esprit de corps.
We, the Mossad staff, share the belief that: Service in the Mossad is based on recognition of service to the nation, which we tender through identification with the nation's values, the nation's best interests and the purposes for which the Mossad was created.
In the course of our work we pursue justice, honesty, integrity, modesty, personal responsibility, trustworthiness, discipline and discretion.
We encourage excellence and goal orientation: initiative, creativity, resourcefulness and courage. We act with determination but are open to criticism. The Mossad leadership undertakes: To lead and to motivate, to accept full command responsibility and implement it constructively, to provide support, to lead by personal example, to delegate responsibility and to inspire.
Published on: July 25th, 2004
Modified on: July 25th, 2004
I am an Australian that worked for a major NGO in Cambodia my exposure to the mossad murder squads operating in the S.E. Asia came about thru the acquaintance of a fellow Australian.
Published on: July 13th, 2004
Modified on: August 29th, 2006
From: "eebeeb2004" eebeeb2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com
To: apfn-1 [at] yahoogroups [dot] com
+ For those who haven't yet connected the
six-pointed stars, John Kerry's grandfather was a full-blooded
Czechoslovakian Jew whose real last name was
Kohn. I've not seen any report on grandma's ethnicity. According to
what I've been able to find, Kerry's wife is Jewish
and high-up in Hadassah. His brother has given up any pretence of being
Catholic (like John) and has
returned to the synagogue (of Satan).
Published on: July 9th, 2004
Modified on: January 2nd, 2005
U.N. Aims to Bring Spam 'Epidemic' to End
GENEVA (AP) - The United Nations is aiming to bring a "modern day epidemic" of junk e-mail under control within the next two years by standardizing of legislation around the world to make it easier prosecute, a leading expert said Tuesday.
"(We have) an epidemic on our hands that we need to learn how to control," Robert Horton, the acting chief of the Australian communications authority, told reporters. "International cooperation is the ultimate goal."
Published on: June 22nd, 2004
Modified on: June 22nd, 2004
Dawn of the G8 New World Order
10th June, 2004
by Fintan Dunne, Editor of
In the last few days the totalitarian domination of the developing world has solidified around the annexation of Iraq. And the G8 elite have moved swiftly on to outline the next phase of their New World Order.
First, the U.N. rubber-stamped an Iraqi puppet government --complete with a CIA-sponsored Iraqi president --and a U.S. ambassador with a blind spot about death squads.
Then the ultimate bad-cop USA, and good-cop UN --dropped the facade and carved up Iraq together.
Now the G8 meeting in Georgia has just announced a 50,000 strong global "peacekeeping" force --aimed first at Africa.
And they simultaneously declared a "partnership" with a zone called "Broader Middle East and North Africa."
Centcom, in other words.
You may have heard of the Middle East. Particularly Iraq, Israel and Palestine. Now the Middle East has miraculously enlarged to the ominously named "Broader Middle East and North Africa."
A briefing ( ) on the G8 meeting between Bush and Tony Blair sheds light on the now very clear modus operandi of the G8.
Question: I wonder if you saw Afghanistan, in a sense, as a model for what could now happen in Iraq where there's an independent military force still under US command, and then a NATO peacekeeping force, and whether there's any possibility that the European Union could substitute for NATO in that sort of role in Iraq?
SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: Well, I don't think anyone has seriously considered the possibility of the ESDP taking over a military role in Iraq. The European Union is going to take over the Bosnia mission, which NATO is going to close out successfully, and that's going to be quite enough, I think, for the ESDP to handle for the moment. So I don't think anybody has contemplated this.
As in the case of Bosnia, now Iraq, the G8 first send in the Americans --whose population is unaware that their armed forces are the expendable storm-troopers of the new world order. The invasion phase.
Depending on the desired economic level of the target country, the civil society structures and physical infrastructure are deliberately degraded to the appropriate level. Mild destruction -- as in Serbia -- enables profitable reconstruction.
Severe degradation -- as in Iraq -- is unleashed on zones which are rich in natural resources. These zones are to be denied development and merely used for resource plunder.
Then, NATO or UN or Multinational Forces are sent in for the "peacekeeping" phase of permanent colonial occupation.
All the while, the G8 act out fake dramatics on the stage of international public opinion. The US acts the bully. The UN/EU role is to be the good guys. This charade has worked well.
Published on: June 5th, 2004
Modified on: June 5th, 2004
BBC: If You Think Bilderberg Has Power You're With McVeigh and Bin Laden
Comment: Don't read this nightmare piece of 'journalism' before you go to bed or you'll have bad dreams. This criminally bad report links anyone that thinks Bilderberg have power with world-renowned terrorists. There's also the rudimentary 'Jewish conspiracy' tactic used, a pathetic worn out attempt to brand anyone who thinks 200 world leaders meeting in secret is interesting as a racist.
Published on: June 4th, 2004
Modified on: June 4th, 2004
This is the first year that I have been able to publish the official agenda and list of participants before the end of the conference - so read, analyse and enjoy. Please send me any information on the participants - such as past or present jobs - that the Bilderberg Secretariat have overlooked asap and I will publish them. - Tony
Agenda and participant blurb from 2004 press release....
Published on: May 31st, 2004
Modified on: January 2nd, 2005
The photos from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison are snapshots, not of simple brutality or a breakdown in discipline, but of CIA torture techniques that have metastasized, over the past 50 years, like an undetected cancer inside the US intelligence community.
From 1950 to 1962, the CIA led massive, secret research into coercion and consciousness that reached a billion dollars at peak. After experiments with hallucinogenic drugs, electric shocks, and sensory deprivation, this CIA research produced a new method of torture that was psychological, not physical--best described as "no touch torture."
Published on: May 31st, 2004
Modified on: May 31st, 2004
American Free Press announced on Friday 30th April, that Bilderberg 2004 is definately to be held in Italy...
"... George W Bush - just as Bill Clinton in the year 2000 - is travelling nearby this year. Experience tells us (Tony Blair dropped in at Bilderberg 1998 though he was not mentioned in Bilderberg's post conference 'Press Release') Bush will almost certainly drop in for a chat with the
Published on: May 5th, 2004
Modified on: May 31st, 2004
"...As we now understand, it was not simply the military and the CIA involved the torture at Abu Ghraib -- so-called interrogation specialists from private defense contractors were hired to humiliate and break detainees identified by Hersh as common criminals, security detainees suspected of crimes against the occupation, and a small number of suspected high-value leaders of the resistance against the occupation...."
Published on: March 29th, 2004
Modified on: March 29th, 2004
note: Linda Thompson was the 2nd Continental Army's (Militia) Intelligence Service Station Chief who responded to the attack at Waco. She was the producer of the film "Waco, The Big Lie" - which showed the flame throwing tank firing up the building. She stood in the middle of the Waco town square, wearing camos & waving an AR-15 and begging for people to help save the Branch Davidians. She was yelling that if people didn't get their guns and help her defend them, that they would be burned to death.
Black Helicopters
by Linda Thompson
There is nothing cosmic, paranormal, or ethereal about black helicopters. They belong to the U.S. military, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, based in Ft. Cambell, Kentucky, in Hopkinsville, KY. They park many of the helicopters at different locations where they are used, however.
The only reason the color black is significant is that only this one military unit gets this particular type of paint for its helicopters, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment ("160th SOAR") in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
The paint is called "CARC" and it is used because it is chemically resistant and non-radar reflective .
Other military units do get this paint for use on airplanes and other craft, except helicopters, however. If you look at military webpages of aircraft, you will find plenty of pictures.
The 160th SOAR is a military special operations unit that began as an intentionally covert, illicit and illegal arm of what was formerly called "Delta Force," which was a branch of 5th Group, Special Forces, and a "reserve" branch called 12th Group, the way special forces was FORMERLY set up. It was operated and funded through CIA and this alliance continues to this day.
Many former members also are now prominent in the media, which is why it has been a relatively simple matter for them to run the stories calling people exposing the activity of the 160th "loonies" or claiming the helicopters are associated with "UFO" activity, etc., in efforts to keep the public ignorant of the true military source and illegal purposes of these craft and their pilots and unit members. Robert K. Brown, of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, and his patsy, James Pate, are two examples. Joe Gelarden of the Indianapolis Star-News (the same company also owns the Arizona Republic) is another. Governor O'Bannon's press secretary is another. U.S. Congressional Representative Dan Burton's Chief of Staff is another (straight out of the 160th before he worked for Burton). These are just a few examples out of dozens.
Placing members in such prominent locations, it is quite simple to undermine Congressional investigations and place stories prominently in the media discrediting any "leaks" of truthful information.
In recent years, the military created two separate branches from what was formerly the legitimate "special forces" and this covert band of CIA-sponsored thugs operating under the cover of being "special forces." (You may remember "Operation Phoenix" and "Air America" as two examples of the CIA sponsored illegal activity of the illicit group).
Now, there is a separate military branch, known as special forces, and another, known as special operations.
Special Forces branch consists of the traditional "green berets," and "airborne" branch of the Army with a fairly long, special infantry, history.
Special operations is the bastard step child and brainchild of a bunch of former covert thugs and rogues of the self-styled "Delta force," that has gained "legitimacy" (through lobbying and funding) and is now its own separate branch of the military, headed in the pentagon by a Col. (probably a general by now) Sheldon. Immediately prior to his appointment to head special ops at the pentagon, he was the commander of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. (See above . The 160th is the unit which has the black helicopters.)
These helicopters flew missions to decimate Panama, under the leadership of (now) "drug czar" MG McCaffrey. We show this same unit, the supposed "heros" returning from Somalia (broadcast on NBC and named by name) in a video that shows what they really did in Somalia -- firing down on crowds of civilians as a "diversion" while paratroopers were dropped into the area.
Published on: December 31st, 2003
Modified on: January 2nd, 2005
By Nicholas Rufford
12/28/03: (The Times - London): THE Secret Intelligence Service has run an operation to gain public support for sanctions and the use of military force in Iraq. The government yesterday confirmed that MI6 had organised Operation Mass Appeal, a campaign to plant stories in the media about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
The revelation will create embarrassing questions for Phony B-liar (Tony Blair) in the run-up to the publication of the report by Lord Hutton into the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr David Kelly, the government weapons expert.
Published on: November 26th, 2003
Modified on: November 26th, 2003
Hoover's Long Shadow
Commentary, Earl Ofari Hutchinson,
Pacific News Service, Nov 24, 2003
Editor's Note: The release of a confidential FBI memo detailing FBI surveillance
of antiwar protesters shows that the FBI is once again in position to quell
dissent and disrupt political organizing.
When Attorney General John Ashcroft dumped the old 1970s guidelines that banned
FBI spying on domestic organizations last year, he also publicly pledged that
the FBI would not be back in the spy business. But a recently released memorandum
sent by FBI officials to local police departments is proof that FBI agents,
if not back in the spy business, are inching up on it.
The memo, written before last October's anti-Iraq war protests, urged police
to keep close tabs on protesters. FBI officials claim that their aim isn't to
harass or intimidate protesters or chill political dissent, but simply to ferret
out violence-prone radicals.
But that's what FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover claimed four decades ago. During
the 1960s, Hoover kicked into high gear a super-secret and blatantly illegal
counter-intelligence program called COINTELPRO, which targeted Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. and other black and anti-war protest leaders as well as thousands of
innocent Americans. The mandate of the program was spelled out in one of the
stacks of secret documents released by Senate investigators in 1976: to "disrupt,
misdirect, discredit, and neutralize" groups and individuals the FBI considered
politically objectionable. Those targeted in nearly all cases were not foreign
spies, terrorists or individuals suspected of criminal acts.
Published on: November 26th, 2003
Modified on: November 26th, 2003
"The FBI COINTELPRO program was initiated in 1956.
Its purpose, as described later by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was "to
expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities"
of those individuals and organizations whose ideas or goals he opposed. Tactics included:
falsely labelling individuals as informants; infiltrating groups with persons
instructed to disrupt the group; sending anonymous or forged letters
designed to promote strife between groups; initiating
politically motivated IRS investigations; carrying out burglaries of offices
and unlawful wiretaps; and disseminating to other government agencies and
to the media unlawfully obtained derogatory information on individuals and
If you understand the meaning of the tactic "to expose, disrupt, misdirect,
discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities" you will understand that
the person who is most likely of being a Fed, is the one who involves patriots
in activities that have no effect on those who are building tyranny, and activities
that will destroy the credibility of the patriots.
Those who are building tyranny would love to convince people that we are all
a bunch of paranoid nuts, so that we will we unable to warn people about THEM.
Those who are building tyranny would be more capable of convincing people
that we are paranoid nuts, if they could convince a segment of the patriots
to run around telling people that the clouds, and the street signs, are out
to get us, or that we should ban water.
If you understand the meaning of the tactic "infiltrating groups with
persons instructed to disrupt the group; sending anonymous or forged letters
designed to promote strife between groups" OR OF:
"disseminating to other government agencies and to the media unlawfully
obtained derogatory information on individuals and groups." THEN you
will know that a campaign of personal attacks
on the real patriots is a part of the FBI COINTELPRO program.
Published on: November 19th, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2004
By Tabassum Zakaria
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A panel of outside experts told the CIA
that advances in technology due to genomic research could produce the worst
known diseases and the "most frightening" biological weapons, a CIA
report said on Friday.
"The effects of some of these engineered biological agents could be worse
than any disease known to man," the panel told the CIA.
The unclassified two-page CIA report dated Nov. 3, 2003, and titled "The
Darker Bioweapons Future," was posted on the Federation of American Scientists
Web site at http:/
It summed up a January workshop of a panel of non-government science experts
who discussed with the CIA the potential threat from new biological weapons.
Growth in biotechnology and a knowledge explosion due to the genomic revolution
which provided an understanding of genes and how they work could be used in
unpredictable ways, the panel warned.
"The same science that may cure some of our worst
diseases could be used to create the world's most frightening weapons,"
the report said.
In the next decade or beyond, some of the unconventional pathogens that could
arise included binary biological warfare agents that only become effective when
two components are combined, such as a mild pathogen and its antidote, the panel
of experts said.
There could be development of "designer" biological warfare agents
created to be antibiotic-resistant or evade an immune response, weaponized gene
therapy vectors that cause permanent change in the victim's genetic makeup,
or a "stealth" virus which could lie dormant inside the victim for
an extended period before being triggered, the report said.
One panelist gave as an example the possibility of a stealth virus attack that
could cripple a large portion of people in their forties with severe arthritis,
leaving a country with massive health and economic problems.
"The resulting diversity of new BW (biological warfare) agents could enable
such a broad range of attack scenarios that it would be virtually impossible
to anticipate and defend against," the report said. "As a result,
there could be a considerable lag time in developing effective biodefense measures."
Traditional intelligence methods for monitoring development of weapons of mass
destruction "could prove inadequate" in dealing with the threat from
advanced biological weapons, the report said.
Detecting the development of novel bioengineered pathogens will increasingly
depend on human intelligence and require a closer working relationship between
the intelligence and biological sciences community, the report said.
One panelist proposed that the bioscience community help government by acting
as a "living sensor web" at international conferences, in university
labs and through informal networks, to identify and alert about new technical
advances with weaponization potential, the report said.
"The quality of intelligence can only improve from the rough and tumble
of peer review and outside input," said Steven Aftergood, director of the
government secrecy project at the Federation of American Scientists.
"In the past, CIA has been completely insular, they have been unwilling
to engage with outside experts," he said, "and so this is a welcome
departure from that norm."
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Published on: January 1st, 1970
Modified on: January 1st, 1970