Men have corrupted the face of earth long enough, Thank You.
Do I want Christ the Just and Merciful Son of God to take His rightful place as King, first of Ireland and then the world?
This is God's Will!
Absolutely YES!
Long Live The King!
Do Tara campaigners really want the return of a king?
by Liam Fay
Sunday Times December 18, 2005,,2091-1938617,00.html
The self-styled Friends of Tara are often their own worst enemies. In their blinkered opposition to the planned routing of the M3 motorway through the Meath valley, the academic vanguard of this ragbag of eggheads and head-bangers frequently resorts to overblown rhetoric that undermines their cause.
Having once ludicrously declared Tara to be “the heart and soul of Ireland”, for instance, Dr Edel Bhreathnach, a Tara historian, now attempts to win supporters by claiming that the valley is an indispensable “icon of kingship”.
“Are we to say that Tara’s role as icon is no more?” Bhreathnach asked, launching her latest book about the region. “Perhaps modern progress needs no icons, in fact detests icons.”
Well, perhaps it does, and shouldn’t this be welcomed? Kingship, aka royalty, is hardly a concept worthy of celebration in an egalitarian republic. Moreover, the word icon — except when applied to computer graphics or religious art — is always bad news, a last ditch defence of the celebrity phenomena that no longer serve any practical purpose.
If Bhreathnach sees Tara as an icon, she must see supporters of the M3 as iconoclasts. They will be thrilled by the compliment.