Genetically Modified...

Genetically Modified Organisms...

Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food

Over the past decade, soy foods have become America's favorite health food. Newspapers, magazines, and best-selling health writers have proclaimed the "joy of soy" and promoted the belief that soy food is the key to disease prevention and maximum longevity.

The possibility that an inexpensive plant food could prevent heart disease, fight cancer, fan away hot flashes, and build strong bodies in far more than 12 ways is seductive. The truth, unfortunately, is far more complex. Soy foods come in a variety of forms, including many heavily processed modern products. Even good forms of soy foods must be eaten sparingly-the way they have been eaten traditionally in Asia. Most important, many respected scientists have issued warnings stating that the possible benefits of eating soy should be weighed against the proven risks. Indeed, thousands of studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility-even cancer and heart disease.

Americans rarely hear anything negative about soy. Thanks to the shrewd public relations campaigns waged by Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Protein Technologies International (PTI), the American Soybean Association, and other soy interests, as well as the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) 1999 approval of the health claim that soy protein lowers cholesterol, soy maintains a "healthy" image. ...


World's top sweetener is made with GM bacteria

Independent on Sunday 20/6/99


The most widely used sweetener in the world, found in fizzy drinks and sweets, is being made using a secret genetic engineering process, which some scientists claim needs further testing for toxic side-effects.

The use of genetic engineering to make aspartame has stayed secret until now because there is no modified DNA in the finished product. Monsanto, the pioneering GM food giant, which makes aspartame, insists that it is completely safe. But some scientists fear that not enough is known about the process of making it. One of the two elements that make up the sweetener can be produced by genetically engineered bacteria, and scientists say that they cannot rule out toxic side-effects.

Nightmare of the GM weeds

By Tim Utton Science Reporter Daily Mail, April 15, 2004


A COUNTRY which pioneered GM farming has become a stark warning of the disaster that can result, scientists claim today.

Argentina has suffered an environmental crisis with 'superweeds' overrunning the countryside and farmers reporting health problems, experts warn.

Since 1997, genetically-modified soya has been planted over almost half the country's arable land. Now farmers are having to use more and more herbicides to control the resistant weeds, damaging the soil's fertility for generations.

A study, detailed in the respected journal New Scientist, has found that over-use of weedkillers is rendering the soil 'inert' - and directly affecting human health.

Farmers and their families living near Argentina's GM fields complain of rashes, streaming eyes and other symptoms. Some have seen their livestock die or give birth to deformed young.

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Weed with Roundup immunity galloping across state

by John Woodmansee
Chronicle-Tribune, May 26


A herbicide-resistant weed that arrived in Indiana two years ago isn't standing still.

Marestail populations that are immune to glyphosate were first identified in 2002 in the southeast Indiana counties of Jackson, Bartholomew, Clark, Jefferson and Jennings.

Recent field inspections by Purdue University researchers found the weeds in another 15 counties to the north and west, said Bill Johnson, Purdue Extension weed specialist.

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in many herbicides, including Roundup.

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Genetically Modified Food - News


Your source for 3000+ news stories about Genetically Modified Organisms in the food chain - Last updated 6 June 2006

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Call for suicide genes to control GM organisms

Government agencies should consider requiring the use of "suicide genes" or other biological tools to keep genetically engineered organisms from spreading artificial genetic traits into the environment, a committee of United States scientists has recommended.

The committee urged the US Department of Agriculture, for which it prepared its report, to consider "bioconfinement" techniques to help keep the organisms under control. These techniques would add genetic traits that make the newly created life forms sterile or cause them to destroy themselves after a time.




Also see:

The Truth about Genetically Modified "Terminator" Seeds.
The Truth about Genetically Modified Foods...


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Likely Allergenic Genetically Engineered Corn Still Spreading

StarLink Corn, an experimental genetically engineered crop that the USDA found to be unsuitable for human consumption, hasn't been grown by farmers for several years. Yet recent analysis of this year's harvest has found that it is still contaminating 1% of the nation's corn. The discovery fuels the arguments of GE opponents, who claim that these experimental crops should not be released on the market until they have been adequately tested for effects on human health and the environment."The StarLink lesson is that contamination is to some extent irreversible,"said Doreen Stabinsky, a Greenpeace scientist. Once a new genetically engineered plant is released on the market, it is impossible to keep itspollen from spreading, thereby leading to its existence in the food supply indefinitely. According to the European Union, this is one of the reasons for its decision to resist growing and importing GE foods....."

King of kings' Bible - Enoch 68:14 Since they (men) were only created, sothat, like the angels of heaven, they might remain righteous and pure.68:15 Then death, which destroys every thing, would not have affected them;68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, andby this also its power consumes them.

King of kings' Bible - 1 Timothy 5:20 O Timothy, keep that which iscommitted to thy trust, avoiding profane [and] vain babblings, andOPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE (knowledge) FALSELY SO CALLED:5:21 Which some professing [to have] have erred concerning the faith. Grace[be] with thee. Amen.



The Truth about Genetically Modified Crops

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Genetically modified foods (GMOs) much worse than previously thought

Why didn't you read about the GMO food supplement that killed about 100 Americans and caused another 5-10,000 to fall sick in the news? GMOs are far more serious than initial research indicated, but no testing is being done in the US for their safety. GMOs contain Promoter genes which can PERMANENTLY turn on any of the genes at random in your DNA, making it possible in theory for you to turn into a rat. Some contain antibiotic resistance making bacteria in your body totally immune to antibiotics; they genetically modify your cells and the bacteria in your gut, resulting in your cells making new proteins that cause you to become allergic to the foods you eat, cause stomach lesions and other serious ailments, cause cancer and uncontrolled cell growth, etc etc etc.

Monsanto's corporate goal is to control all seed production in the world via GMOs.

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GM Frankenfood Allergies

by Sheryl Jackson

My grandson and I are anaphylactically allergic to all GM FrankenFoods. The itching and neurotoxicity of these patented consumables by the Monsters of Monsanto should be forced on to all of the creators and their families.

The GM patented molecules were identified and isolated by a team of Swiss, Swedish and Dutch scientists in the year 2000. At that time, it was determined that the three molecules that the Monsters of Monsanto had spliced into the food were: 1.) from a pansy plant, 2.) from a cockroach and the third though isolated could not be identified. The excitotoxins of these FrankenFoods cause so many multiple diseases, that they have become the stuff of fiction. And the reality is that no one has been allowed to develop tests for allergies to these now known neurotoxins because they are patented and Monsanto refuses to allow the tests to be developed.
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Genetically modified food: Bush promotes a `biological time bomb'

Money for the politicians, money for the doctors for trying to heal people who become sick from the GM-good, money for the drug-industry. It's all about money on this gone-crazy lunatic-asylum-planet.

A complete explanation to the article below can be found here:



On August 7, the United States government formally demanded that the World Trade Organisation (WTO) set up a dispute settlement panel in order to legally challenge the European Union's five-year de facto ban on the new approval of genetically modified foods. In doing so, US President George Bush's administration is not only pressuring the EU to accept more GM food imports, it is also seeking to force down the throat of the world's people a food supply that is of highly dubious safety and has potentially devastating environmental consequences.

Washington is the key force behind the big push for the spread of GM crops. Flimsy scientific research had been conducted to justify this extension, while extensive evidence of the possible grave dangers of GM crops has been ignored.

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GM Crops Failing In The Fields And Harming Farmers And The Environment

Friends of the Earth Europe and Greenpeace

A new study published today by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace demonstrates that the growing of GM crops in Spain is causing contamination of organic crops, producing low yields and its benefits are grossly overstated. The report is also highly critical of the Spanish Government for failing to properly control or monitor the situation. [1]

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GM Quotes

* Dr. George Wald
Nobel Laureate in Medicine (or Physiology) 1967
Higgins Professor of Biology, Harvard University.

Recombinant DNA technology [genetic engineering] faces our society with problems unprecedented not only in the history of science, but of life on the Earth. It places in human hands the capacity to redesign living organisms, the products of some three billion years of evolution." " Such intervention must not be confused with previous intrusions upon the natural order of living organisms; animal and plant breeding, for example; or the artificial induction of mutations, as with X-rays.

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Race To Control Human Life Via Genetic Patents Exploding

The race for commercial control over the essence of life is threatening to spiral out of control with private firms, universities and charities claiming exclusive development rights over natural processes in the human body at the rate of 34,500 a month. For the first time, research commissioned by the Guardian reveals the awesome scale of the gene rush, as investors, scientists, entrepreneurs and lawyers use powerful new technology and obscure new laws to isolate and patent the genes which make us what we are - before they even understand what the genes do.

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A Biological Apocalypse Averted (For Now)

The Food Revolution
(Excerpt) By John Robbins

These [*genetically engineered] products are absolutely safe. For the most part you wouldn't know [if you were eating them] but the point being that you wouldn't need to know. - Bryan Hurley, Monsanto spokesperson

There is a great deal of controversy about the safety of genetically engineered foods. Advocates of biotechnology often say that the risks are overblown. "There have been 25,000 trials of genetically modified crops in the world, now, and not a single incident, or anything dangerous in these releases," said a spokesman for Adventa Holdings, a UK biotech firm.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, then-candidate George W. Bush said that "study after study has shown no evidence of danger." And *Clinton Administration Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman said that "test after rigorous scientific test" had proven the safety of genetically engineered products.


Is this the case? Unfortunately not, according to a senior researcher from the Union of Concerned Scientists, Dr. Jane Rissler. With a Ph.D. in plant pathology, four years of shaping biotechnology regulations at the EPA, she is one of the nation's leading authorities on the environmental risks of genetically engineered foods. Dr. Rissler has been closely monitoring the trials and studies.

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Monsanto & Mad Cow

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 2001 Mark Purdey, the very bright British farmer who claims mad cow disease is really caused by the insecticide Phosmet, has had some trouble. His house was burned down. Corporate Watch magazine (issue 12) reports that his barn suddenly collapsed and his library of med/science materials was damaged. Purdey was shot at. His phone lines were cut. Purdey went to court to defend his right not to give his cows Phosmet. His lawyer, who won the case, died in a car crash. Purdey's veterinarian, who claimed Purdey had perhaps found a clue to mad cow disease, also died in a car accident.

Phosmet is spread on the spines of cows to eradicate a pest. It is manufactured by Zeneca Corp., a spinoff of the Brit chem giant Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI). ICI was originally founded out of the famous explosives firm, Nobel. ICI was one of those big companies which was involved with the Nazi cartel IG Farben. Zeneca makes the cancer drug Tamoxifen, which has been linked to ovarian cancer.

Not a pretty picture. Phosmet, which is an organophosphate compound, comes out of a long line of research on nerve gas. IG Farben pioneered that research long ago.

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GM bug 'could end all life'

All life on Earth could be destroyed by genetically modified bacteria, a scientist has told the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification.

Four scientists gave evidence for the Green Party at the hearing this week via video link from the United States. Soil ecologist Elaine Ingham spoke about a plant-killing GM bacteria that her Oregon State University research team prevented from being released into the environment. Dr Ingham said the alcohol-producing bacteria had been approved for field trials when her team discovered its lethal effects.

She believed the widespread plant deaths caused by the bacteria would in turn affect all life on Earth. The GM klebsiella planticola produced alcohol from post-harvest crop residue. The leftover organic sludge, containing the bacteria, would be returned to fields as fertiliser.

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Monsanto Vs Percy Schmeiser - A Crushing Blow To Farmers' Rights

On March 29, 2001, a Canadian judge dealt a crushing blow to Farmers' Rights by ruling that Percy Schmeiser, a third generation Saskatchewan farmer, must pay Monsanto thousands of dollars for violating the corporation's monopoly patent on genetically engineered (GE) canola seed.

Under Canadian patent law, as in the U. S. and many other industrialized countries, it is illegal for farmers to re-use patented seed, or to grow Monsanto's GE seed without signing a licensing agreement. If the biotechnology corporations and U. S. Trade Reps get their way, every nation in the world will be forced to adopt patent laws that make seed saving illegal. The ruling against Schmeiser establishes an even more dangerous precedent because it means that farmers can be forced to pay royalties on GE seeds found on their land, even if they didn't buy the seeds or benefit fromthem.

Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you, neithershall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.

Percy Schmeiser did not buy Monsanto's patented seed, nor did he obtain the seed illegally. Pollen from genetically engineered canola seeds blew onto his land from neighboring farms. (Percy Schmeiser's neighbors and an estimated
40% of farmers in Western Canada grow GE canola). Monsanto's GE canolagenes invaded Schmeiser's farm without his consent. Shortly thereafter, Monsanto's "gene police" invaded his farm and took seed samples withouthis permission. Percy Schmeiser was a victim of genetic pollution from GE crops--but the court says he must now pay Monsanto US$10,000 for licensing fees and up to US$75,000 in profits from his 1998 crop.

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Top 14 Signs You're Eating Genetically Modified Food

See also:-

The Truth about Genetically Modified "Terminator" Seeds.


14. Your Corn Beef now has a 5-digit expiration date.

13. Your green beans are attempting a split flanking maneuver on your clearly surprised mashed potatoes.

12. You spot the telltale signs of a primitive central nervous system in your Jell-O.

11. Whenever Helen Clark appears on TV, your watermelon leaps up, grabs the remote and shuts off the set.

10. Chocchini: Looks like zucchini, tastes like a Ding-Dong.

9. Now when you order chicken from the Colonel, you have to specify Original Recipe or Extra Nippy.

8. Your cauliflower bears a creepy resemblance to Michael Jackson.

7. It tastes the same, but now the asparagus leaves your bathroom smelling April fresh.

6. Family of seven, one turkey -- yet everyone gets a drumstick.

5. You use the leftover chicken as a nightlight for your kid's room.

4. "Flawlessly-Schooled-In-Etiquette Joe Tomatoe" was more fun when it was sloppy.

3. KFC's "Two Legs and a Breast" goes for $199.99 and is served on a pallet.

2. Before you started drinking that new brand of milk, you had six fewer nipples.

1. The product came with recommendation `As seen on TV'. .

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Independent Science Panel Report On GM In Food

From Sheryl Jackson
moonfyre1 [at] earthlink [dot] net

Everyone is allergic to the GM foods, it comes out as depression, anger, memory loss, confusion, nerve tics, aches and pains in joints and muscles, brain, breast, pancreatic, bladder, gallbladder, liver, kidney and colon cancers. The cancer index for adults and children have risen several thousand times in the last several years. As in 5000% increase. Think about that for a minute. The antennas of the microwaves, and EMF's, cell phones, Frankenfoods, polluted air, water, and land.

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