Science and Technology
Published on: October 26th, 2003
Modified on: October 26th, 2003
- TC / TCG / LaGrande
/ NGSCB / Longhorn / Palladium / TCPA -
Version 1.1 (August
1. What is TC - this `trusted
computing' business?
The Trusted
Computing Group (TCG) is an alliance of Microsoft, Intel, IBM, HP
and AMD which promotes a standard for a `more secure' PC. Their
definition of `security' is controversial; machines built
according to their specification will be more trustworthy from the
point of view of software vendors and the content industry, but will
be less trustworthy from the point of view of their owners. In effect,
the TCG specification will transfer the ultimate control of your PC
from you to whoever wrote the software it happens to be running. (Yes,
even more so than at present.)
The TCG project is known by a number
of names. `Trusted computing' was
the original one, and is still used by IBM, while Microsoft calls it
`trustworthy computing' and the Free Software Foundation calls it `treacherous
computing'. Hereafter I'll just call it TC, which you can
pronounce according to taste. Other names you may see include TCPA
(TCG's name before it incorporated), Palladium
(the old Microsoft name for the version due
to ship in 2004) and NGSCB
(the new Microsoft name). Intel has just started calling it `safer
computing'. Many observers believe that this confusion is deliberate -
the promoters want to deflect attention from what TC actually does.
2. What does TC do, in
ordinary English?
TC provides a computing platform on
which you can't tamper with the
application software, and where these applications can communicate
securely with their authors and with each other. The original
motivation was digital
rights management (DRM): Disney will be able to sell you DVDs that
will decrypt and run on a TC platform, but which you won't be able to
copy. The music industry will be able to sell you music downloads that
you won't be able to swap. They will be able to sell you CDs that
you'll only be able to play three times, or only on your birthday.
All sorts of new marketing possibilities will open up.
TC will also make it much harder for
you to run unlicensed software.
In the first version of TC, pirate software could be detected and
deleted remotely. Since then, Microsoft has sometimes denied that it
intended TC to do this, but at WEIS 2003 a
senior Microsoft manager refused to deny that fighting piracy was a
goal: `Helping people to run stolen software just isn't our aim in
life', he said. The mechanisms now proposed are more subtle, though.
TC will protect application software registration
mechanisms, so that unlicensed software will be locked out of the
new ecology. Furthermore, TC apps will work better with other TC
apps, so people will get less value from old non-TC apps (including
pirate apps). Also, some TC apps may reject data from old apps whose
serial numbers have been blacklisted. If Microsoft believes that your
copy of Office is a pirate copy, and your local government moves to
TC, then the documents you file with them may be unreadable. TC will
also make it easier for people to rent software rather than buy it;
and if you stop paying the rent, then not only does the software stop
working but so may the files it created. So if you stop paying for
upgrades to Media Player, you may lose access to all the songs you
bought using it.
For years, Bill Gates has dreamed of
finding a way to make
the Chinese
pay for software: TC looks like being the answer to his prayer.
There are many other possibilities.
Governments will be able to
arrange things so that all Word documents created on civil servants'
PCs are `born classified' and can't be leaked electronically to
journalists. Auction sites might insist that you use trusted proxy
software for bidding, so that you can't bid tactically at the
auction. Cheating at computer games could be made more difficult.
There are some gotchas too. For
example, TC can support remote
censorship. In its simplest form, applications may be designed to
delete pirated music under remote control. For example, if a protected
song is extracted from a hacked TC platform and made available on the
web as an MP3 file, then TC-compliant media player software may detect
it using a watermark, report it, and be instructed remotely to delete
it (as well as all other material that came through that platform).
This business model, called traitor tracing, has been researched
extensively by Microsoft (and others). In general, digital objects
created using TC systems remain under the control of their creators,
rather than under the control of the person who owns the machine on
which they happen to be stored (as at present). So someone who writes
a paper that a court decides is defamatory can be compelled to censor
it - and the software company that wrote the word processor could be
ordered to do the deletion if she refuses. Given such possibilities,
we can expect TC to be used to suppress everything from pornography to
writings that criticise political leaders.
The gotcha for businesses is that your
software suppliers can make it
much harder for you to switch to their competitors' products. At a
simple level, Word could encrypt all your documents using keys that
only Microsoft products have access to; this would mean that you could
only read them using Microsoft products, not with any competing word
processor. Such blatant lock-in might be prohibited by the competition
authorities, but there are subtler lock-in strategies that are much
harder to regulate. (I'll explain some of them below.)
continued at
Published on: October 17th, 2003
Modified on: September 24th, 2005
- Exclusive to American
Free Press
By Gordon Thomas
A top North Korean scientist, working on a race-based bomb, has
vanished. Was he taken by Western intelligence operatives or did the
Chinese nab him?
- Has Dr. Ri Chae Woo, North Korea,s
world-ranking expert working on a "whites-only" racial/genetic bomb,
been snatched in a combined CIA, MI6 and Australian
secret service operation? Or has Ri been grabbed by the Chinese Secret
Intelligence Service"so that the communist government can discover just
how far Kim Jong II, North Korea,s unpredictable dictator, has advanced
his threat to launch the ethnic bomb upon the world?
Published on: October 16th, 2003
Modified on: October 16th, 2003
So is the bible scientifically reliable? Does it contain insightful
scientific truths way ahead of its time? First, let's consider some
ancient eastern wisdom: "The moon is
50,000 leagues higher than the sun, and shines by its own light; night
is caused by the sun's setting behind a huge mountain several thousand
feet high, located in the centre of the earth, that this world, flat
and triangular is composed of 7 states - one of honey, another of
sugar, a third of butter, and still another of wine, and the whole mass
is borne on the heads of countless elephants which in shaking produce
No it's not a joke, this is from the Hindu sacred book known as the
Vedas. This great wisdom represents the popular cosmology of the day.
The pagans said that the earth was supported by a giant man called
atlas, while the Greeks had horses, elephants and snakes supporting the
planet. This 'knowledge' was well known and trusted at the time the
bible was being written, yet one of the oldest books of the bible
declares that:
"He stretches out the north over empty space; He
hangs the earth on nothing." Job 26:7 (NKJV) "He sits enthroned upon
the circle of the earth" Isaiah 40:22*
The bible writers somehow resisted the temptation to follow the
science of their day, choosing instead to portray some astonishing
scientific truth, way ahead of its time:
Before we look at these "scientific facts" in the Bible, I must
preface them with some very important information. To do this, I will
have to quote the Bible. This is not using what is commonly called
"circular reasoning." I simply want to make a point that is relevant to
what I am going to present.
Published on: October 14th, 2003
Modified on: April 6th, 2005
by Dale Allen Pfeiffer
"What follows is most certainly the single most frightening article
I have ever read and certainly the most alarming piece that FTW has
ever published."
October 3 , 2003, 1200 PDT, (FTW) -- Some months ago, concerned by a
Paris statement made by Professor Kenneth Deffeyes of Princeton
regarding his concern about the impact of Peak Oil and Gas on
fertilizer production, I tasked FTW's Contributing Editor for Energy,
Dale Allen Pfeiffer to start looking into what natural gas shortages
would do to fertilizer production costs. His investigation led him to
look at the totality of food production in the US. Because the US and
Canada feed much of the world the answers have global implications.
What follows is most certainly the single most frightening article I
have ever read and certainly the most alarming piece that FTW has ever
published. Even as we have seen CNN, Britain's Independent and Jane's
Defence Weekly acknowledge the reality of Peak Oil and Gas within the
last week, acknowledging that world oil and gas reserves are as much as
80% less than predicted, we are also seeing how little real thinking
has been devoted to the host of crises certain to follow; at least in
terms of publicly accessible thinking.
This article is so serious in its implications that I have taken the
unusual step of underlining 26 of its key findings. I did that with the
intent that the reader treat each underlined passage as a separate and
incredibly important fact. Each one of these facts should be read and
digested separately to assimilate its importance. I found myself
reading one fact and then getting up and walking away until I could
come back and (un)comfortably read to the next.
All told, Dale Allen Pfeiffer's research and reporting confirms the
worst of FTW's suspicions about the consequences of Peak Oil and it
poses serious questions about what to do next. Not the least of these
is why, in a presidential election year, none of the candidates has
even acknowledged the problem. Thus far, it is clear that solutions for
these questions, perhaps the most important ones facing mankind, will
by necessity be found by private individuals and communities,
independently of outside or governmental help. Whether the real search
for answers comes now, or as the crisis becomes unavoidable, depends
solely on us. It is also abundantly clear that fresh water, its
acquisition and delivery, is a crisis that is upon us now as certainly
as is Peak Oil and Gas.
Published on: October 4th, 2003
Modified on: April 6th, 2005
Oil and gas running out much faster than expected, says study
By Charles Arthur, Technology Editor 02 October 2003
World oil and gas supplies are heading for a "production crunch" sometime
between 2010 and 2020 when they cannot meet supply, because global reserves
are 80 per cent smaller than had been thought, new forecasts suggest.
Published on: October 4th, 2003
Modified on: December 19th, 2004
If the oil-companies don't do what they usually do - buy the patent and
prevent production from going ahead.
Discovery may spur cheap solar power
Thursday, October 2, 2003
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) -- A major European chip maker said this week it had
discovered new ways to produce solar cells which will generate electricity
Published on: September 29th, 2003
Modified on: December 19th, 2004
`Trusted Computing' Frequently Asked Questions
Version 1.1 (August 2003)
Trusted Computing' Frequently Asked Questions
- TC / TCG / LaGrande / NGSCB / Longhorn / Palladium / TCPA
Ross Anderson
1. What is TC - this `trusted computing' business?
Published on: September 29th, 2003
Modified on: December 19th, 2004
Bush creates Orwellian society
By Matthew Brophy
Minnesota Daily
September 27, 2002
Freedom is Slavery; War is Peace; Ignorance is Strength. This is the
heralded by Big Brother in George Orwell's book, "1984." This motto
as well be from the George W. Bush administration. Since the tragic
Published on: June 25th, 2003
Modified on: June 25th, 2003
by Michel Chossudovsky [11-26-2000]
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author of The Globalization of
Poverty, second edition, Common Courage Press, 2000.
The important debate on global warming under UN auspices
provides but a partial picture of climate change; in addition to the devastating
impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on the ozone layer, the World's climate
can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated "non-lethal
weapons." Both the Americans and the Russians have developed capabilities
to manipulate the World's climate.
In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active
Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the ("Star Wars") Strategic
Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is
fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts,
hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of
mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable
of selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.
Published on: June 21st, 2003
Modified on: December 12th, 2004
Not too long ago, word began to circulate that European
governments, suffering from a nasty case of snoopers' envy over the English-speaking
countries' long-standing ability to eavesdrop upon phone calls, faxes, and e-mail
around the world through the NSA-driven Echelon
system, were cooking up a scheme of their own. Unlike the trenchcoat-and-fedora
efforts of the five-nation Echelon arrangement, which are focused, at least theoretically,
on communications outside of those countries, the rival European ENFOPOL 98 scheme
was designed to give law enforcement authorities the legal and technical wherewithal
to intercept messages within their jurisdictions at will. Now though, while the
European proposal is still evolving, it seems to be less of a competitor to American
snooping than part of a full-press effort by cops around the world to steam open
everybody's envelopes.
Published on: June 21st, 2003
Modified on: June 21st, 2003
America's guiding hand revealed - the secret international
organisation behind Europe's controversial plans for Internet surveillance
Published on: June 5th, 2003
Modified on: June 5th, 2003
June 3, 2003 05:14
(AP) A Pentagon project to develop a digital "super diary" that records
heartbeats, travel, Internet chats - everything a person does - also could provide
private companies with powerful software to analyze behavior.
That has privacy experts worried.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: June 1st, 2003
No one can be certain what genius first realized that disease could be turned from an uncontrollable killer into a weapon. Maybe some fourteenth-century Tartar. Perhaps the same one who got the bright idea, as he watched his comrades dropping from plague during their three-year siege of the Genoan-occupied Black Sea town of Caffa, to catapult cadavers over the city walls.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
"It could have ended all plant life on this continent," geneticist David Suzuki says in the book. "The implications of this case are nothing short of terrifying."
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2004
A core objection to paranoid rants regarding the US National Security
Agency (NSA) electronic
eavesdropping apparatus called ECHELON is the simple observation that
spooks trying to use it are literally buried in an avalanche of white
noise from which it's quite difficult to extract anything pertinent.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: June 1st, 2003
Echelon is the name given to the super-secret SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) collection network allegedly operated by the most secretive of all U.S. agencies, the National Security Agency (NSA). But it is not simply an American endeavor. Also taking part in the massive eavesdropping scheme through a diplomatic construct known as the UKUSA Alliance are Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Together they operate a system that is reputedly capable of recording every digital transmission relayed throughout the world each day, including telephone, FAX, and e-mail messages. According to the International Herald Tribune, the system has the capacity to "record up to 2 billion telephone messages daily." What
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
More than 300 field trials of genetically engineered biopharmaceuticals crops already conducted in secret locations nationwide... ..."Just one mistake by a biotech company and we'll be eating other people's prescription drugs in our corn flakes..."
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
Mobile (Cell) phones send signals that can be tracked, even when they're on standby, to within 2.5 metres of their location!
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 10th, 2007
Robin Rupli, Voice of America, May 27, 2002
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
If you're under FBI surveillance, there's a good chance your phone calls and Internet traffic are traveling over the equipment of Verint Systems -- a company that's doing very well these days.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
Engineers have crossed a symbolic barrier with a new way to make microchips with transistors that are a thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair or as small as a flu virus. The 90-nanometre width is regarded as a major milestone because scientists believe it will eventually lead to the production of transistors with atomic level dimensions.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: April 7th, 2005
In the early 1900's, Dr. T. Henry Moray
of Salt Lake City produced his first device to tap energy from the metafrequency
oscillations of empty space itself. Eventually Moray was able to produce
a free energy device weighing sixty pounds and producing 50,000 watts
of electricity for several hours. Ironically, although he demonstrated
his device repeatedly to scientists and engineers, Moray was unable to
obtain funding to develop the device further into a useable power station
that would furnish electrical power on a mass scale.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
Moses was right, and there were other ancient seers, too, who showed an altogether surprising knowledge of how the universe works.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: June 11th, 2003
by JAH Publications.
Most people have been wrongly taught and therefore believe that Jesus
only taught for 3 and 1/2 years and was crucified at Ishtar of 33AD, so
please do not take what I am going to say as something personal against
any of you. It is not meant to be taken personally by anyone and is only
meant to straighten out the common misunderstanding and set the record
straight, as the list is dedicated to truth.
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
The A.D. system of dating is inaccurate: It is a system of dating which owes little to the birth of Christ and rather more to the imagination of a Scythian monk Dionysius Exiguus who was instructed in A.D. 533 to commence a new calendar working backwards from his day to the birth of Christ. As is to be expected, he was years adrift in his reckoning. We know roughly when Jesus was born from the New Testament narrative:
Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: May 31st, 2003
For 3,000 years a secret code in The Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer - and it may reveal our future. The code foretells events that happened thousands of years after it was incorporated in The Old Testament - from World War 2 to the Gulf War. This article presents what best-selling author Michael Drosnin believes is irrefutable proof of the existence of God. It was one murderous deed that finally convinced him it was for real and now it has all been confirmed by the world's leading mathematicians. This article about the code contains cross-references with the plain text and word-code prophecies in The Bible; explained by JAH...
Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: May 28th, 2003
The biotechnology industry continues to aggressively pursue the development of genetically modified seeds engineered for sterility...
Published on: May 27th, 2003
Modified on: May 27th, 2003
The following article was originally published in the 36th-year edition
of the Finnish-language journal, SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999). SPEKULA
is a publication of Northern Finland medical students and doctors of Oulu
to all medical students of Finland and all Northern Finland medical doctors.
Circulation 6500.
by Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer
of Finland
Published on: May 27th, 2003
Modified on: May 27th, 2003
This has nothing to do with safety for the children, any more than the "War on Terror" has anything to do with stopping terror, any more than the "War on Drugs" has anything to do with stopping drugs. This is the ultimate form of slavery, making the entire world into a gigantic open air prison, a cattle ranch wherein you are tagged and trackable property of the State.
Published on: May 27th, 2003
Modified on: May 30th, 2003
In the late 1980