Andrew MacGregor names names on London 7/7

Andrew S. MacGregor is a retired Australian policeman who believes, from careful analysis of the evidence, as I and others do, that the 7/7/2005 London bombings were an inside-job psy-ops, and not done by 4 Muslim patsies.

I and others also believe that Brazilian electrician Jean Charles De Menezes; who was murdered by the authorities in another psy-ops operation, again with non-functioning video-cameras; knew something about who really blew up the trains and bus on 7/7/2005, and was murdered to silence him.

Remember that the first story to emerge about the trains was an electrical power-surge having been the cause, and Jean Charles De Menezes was an electrician. Where did he work? Did he see the bombs being fitted under the train carriage floors? The carriage floor blew upwards, not downwards, indicating that the bombs were fitted under the carriage floors whilst in the garage, not in backpacks carried by Muslims.

Did Jean Charles De Menezes work in the train garages? Where did he work? What did he know that made him so dangerous?

Never believe the main-stream media, unless you have other concrete corroborating evidence to confirm what they say, because they are used as part of the psy-ops, as explained by Andrew below.

Always ask yourself: who benefits?

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From: Adelaide Institute <info [at] adelaideinstitute [dot] org>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:48:41 +1030
To: Adelaide Institute <info [at] adelaideinstitute [dot] org>
Subject: Andrew MacGregor names names on London 7/7

Moving towards Checkmate.

“I doubt whether the planners knew that one of the target areas, that in Russell Square, was within a stone’s throw of a building that served as the first headquarters of the World Zionist Organization that preceded the State of Israel.”  
Efraim Halevi, who heads the ‘Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is a former head of the Mossad.

I have already commented on the article written by Efraim Halevi, that was carried by the Jerusalem Post on the 7th July 2005, the same day as the bombings took place in London, and have queried the time factor in receiving such information, disseminating that information, and then writing this article for inclusion in the Israeli newspaper.  Not being a Londoner made it a bit difficult in comprehending at first just when and where the bombs went off.  It was in fact the London Bus that was targeted in Russell Square.  So let us look a bit more closely at what has been observed by others since this attack was featured in the media.
Let us concentrate on the bus bomb for a start, especially considering what Efraim Halevi has told us, that is that the bus was either in or near Russell Square.  To quote a passage from “7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty’s Terrorist Network”:
“Why did the cameras on the targeted bus malfunction that day? Why was the bus diverted from its usual route?  We personally visited the site of the bus bombing at Tavistock Place and verified that no number 30 bus travels down that road.”

So just how close is Russell Square from Tavistock Place?  Just how did Halevi get the name ‘Russell Square’ as the site of the bus bomb blast, when it actually took place in Tavistock Place?  You could state that one should never let the facts spoil a good story, as Halevi brings in his history of Dr Chaim Weizmann and the Balfour Declaration which in fact digresses away from the actual incident Halevi was writing about.  So what was the error?  Was Halevi in error when he wrote ‘Russell Square’?
This question is answered by ‘Skywalker’ from who wrote:
“Some background is in order here.  The explosion did not occur at a bus-stop.  According to the majority of eye-witness accounts available – the driver had stopped to ask for directions from a parking attendant who was talking to someone else on the curb, in Tavistock Square, near “77” Russell Street, after the bus was diverted and please note well – could not possibly have arrived at any passenger’s legitimate destination.”

But it is the name Tavistock that conjures up other images.  Tavistock and General John Rawlings Rees and his theories on ‘Low Intensity Warfare’ aka ‘Terrorism’.  Tavistock which in WW2 produced the SOE and the OSS which became the CIA and it was Tavistock that helped set up the ‘Rand Corporation’ the CIA think-tank.  
But I have digressed, so it is back to the bus.  In my original articles I have referred to a witness who claimed that he saw one of the bombers going through his rucksack just prior to the explosion.  On further study I find that the witness I had referred to was ‘Richard Jones’.  Again I can thank ‘Skywalker’ who has done all the hard work in collecting the various statements made by ‘Richard Jones’ some of which are as follows:
“I’m just feeling unbelievably lucky.  I had just stepped off the bus when I felt a huge explosion and heard a huge noise….I kept saying to people, I just got off that bus’.
“Richard, originally of Ardrossan, Ayrshire, ended up on the bus after the tube was evacuated because of earlier bombs.”
“He spoke of his astonishing escape yesterday and said he only got off because he was so annoyed by the man next to him fiddling with a rucksack.”
“Richard said, ‘I thought he was maybe playing with an iPOD”
“The young man got on at the same stop and immediately began to annoy Richard with his constant fidgeting.  Finally, Richard got up from his seat and asked the driver to let him off.”
“The fact this guy was annoying me so much was another reason why I was happy to get off.”
“Richard said, ‘I had to bang on the front door and shouted something like, ‘Come on, Jimmy, we want off.”
“About half a dozen people got out the back door just before us and the same number, including me, left by the front.”
“Richard, 61, said: “I noticed him as he looked nervous.  He was continuously diving into his bag, rummaging round and looking in it.”
‘I did not see his face because he was constantly looking down.”
“Richard stepped off the bus at his destination.  Seconds later it exploded behind him – with the “bomber” still on board.”

Skywalker then makes this statement in regard to Richard Jones:

“please be aware of a very important factor in this “77” equation – Richard Jones’ account is the ONLY “solid” (?) evidence the Main Stream Media have in this investigation so far,”

Skywalker then gives us a most interesting piece of information.
“Terence Mutasa, 27, a staff nurse at University College hospital, said, “I treated two girls in their 20s who were involved in the bus bomb.  They were saying some guy came in and sat down and that he exploded.  The girls received minor injuries and were in shock and distressed.  “They said the guy just sat down and the explosion happened.  They thought it was a suicide bomber.”

Skywalker states that there is no credence in what this nurse has stated as it is second hand.  In a normal Court of Law, that is correct, the evidence is ‘hearsay’ and thus not competent in a normal Court of Law.  However it is competent in a ‘Coronial Inquiry’.  
So now let us consider just what Richard Jones has told us.  Richard tells us that he boarded the bus after the tube was evacuated because of earlier bombs.  However, the Australian girl interviewed by John Howard was on the train that was damaged by one of the bombs and she and thus most of the commuters were unaware that their train had suffered a bomb blast.  Also again, please remember that the original reports were of damage caused by ‘power surges’.  No bombs mentioned as yet.
Richard Jones has in fact inferred that he was one of those commuters.  He hasn’t stated that he was, but simply that he was on the bus because of the tube evacuation.
Richard Jones has stated that the ‘young man’ got on at the same stop.  Again the inference is that the ‘bomber’ would have also been on the same train.  Question:  Why would two ‘Suicide bombers’ travel on the same train, when one of them would be attacking that very train?
So, both Richard Jones and the ‘Suicide bomber’ board the bus at the same bus-stop, and then they sit together.  Richard states that he was annoyed by the man sitting next to him, his fidgeting and so-forth.  But then Richard Jones states that he never saw this man’s face.  Please!  
They’ve caught the bus at the same bus-stop.  They’ve waited in the same queue, they’ve sat down together, and the young man has irked the heck out of this 61 year-old Scot from Ardrossan, Ayrshire, so much so that Jones has had to get up and actually get off the bus.  Not simply change seats thank-you, or move somewhere else, but actually get off the bus.  Richard Jones states that this man was annoying him so much so that he was happy to get off the bus, and yet was unable to identify the man, because the ‘young man’ was constantly looking down??
Now the bus is diverted.  It cannot be due to any bomb alarms, as the bombs have not yet been identified as such, but rather as power surges, but the bus is diverted.  The only possible reason that comes to mind would be the ‘mock drills’ carried out by Peter Power’s Visor Consultants, the so-called ‘anti-terrorist drills’ that were being carried out simultaneously as the real thing.
Now I have no idea of how far the bus was diverted prior to Richard Jones getting off in Tavistock Place, or Tavistock Square as it is also called in some articles, but Richard Jones tells us that 6 passengers alighted from the rear door and he and five others alighted from the front door.  Jones states that within seconds of his alighting from the bus, the bomb went off.
Richard Jones tells us that he banged on the front door of the bus and shouted something like, “Come on, Jimmy, we want off.” And only then did the driver open the doors to let his passengers alight.  But here’s the thing that Skywalker noticed.  The eleven people who supposedly alighted from the bus with Richard Jones did not react when the bus exploded.  Nor did they hang around for the police and of course the media, but Richard Jones did.  
None of these eleven people stayed to help the victims, none of these people went to corroborate Richard Jones story, and even Richard Jones tells us with, “I kept saying to people, I just got off that bus!”  Not we, not them and I, just me.  How did Richard Jones feel about his good fortune?  “I’m just feeling unbelievably lucky.”  A more prudent man would have been thinking of the victims.  Oh, by the way, if you were a ‘Suicide bomber’ on a bus ready to blow it up and kill as many of the passengers as you could, would you blow the bus up before or after twelve of those passengers, including that cantankerous old Scot who had been seated next to you had a chance to escape?  
In other words, the bomb was planned to explode exactly where Efraim Halevi muses on the birth of Israel (I doubt whether the planners knew that one of the target areas, that in Russell Square, was within a stone’s throw of a building that served as the first headquarters of the World Zionist Organization that preceded the State of Israel.”).  That means Efraim Halevi, the former head of Mossad knew prior to the event.
There are though a couple of signs about Richard Jones.  We are not told his occupation, or supposed occupation, nor are we told of the area where he resides, not even the city.  All we are told is that he originates from Ayrshire and that could be 60 years out of date.
Again, it was only Richard Jones that got up in front of the media and told everybody his story.  It is strange that there was no corroboration from any other source, and there must have been a number of witnesses.  What is even stranger was the fact that Richard Jones was able to give his story to the media.
You see, with this particular ‘crime scene’ the police in charge would be from one of the ‘specialist squads’ most probably the ‘anti-terrorist’ squad, and they would not want any damaging information to be leaked out to the supposed ‘terrorists’.  Also again in these types of situations, and it is parallel to Australia’s Port Arthur Massacre of April 1996, the media is ‘drip fed’, and you would have noticed that Richard Jones’ story followed the ‘official’ line of young men with rucksacks.
So the ‘Anti-Terrorist Squad’ has their first major lead in regard to the London bombing, and they then go and let this vital witness spread the story loud and clear.  Apparently what the ‘Anti-Terrorist Squad’ didn’t do was to take Richard Jones to a quiet location and try to get as much information from him as possible, a task by the way that would have taken several hours.  No, they just let him blab to the media, the last thing they would want from such a vital witness.
So where is the corroborating evidence in regard to Richard Jones evidence?  There will be a lot of people who after hearing Richard Jones proclaim, “I just got off that bus!” would believe that was fact, but in truth there is no supporting evidence.  In fact there is no evidence to support any of Richard Jones’ statements, but consider what the nurse has stated.
“I treated two girls in their 20s who were involved in the bus bomb.  They were saying some guy came in and sat down and that he exploded.  The girls received minor injuries and were in shock and distressed.  “They said the guy just sat down and the explosion happened.  They thought it was a suicide bomber.”

The guy came in and sat down and that he exploded.  No mention of the rucksack, no mention of the fidgeting, no mention of the passenger beside him becoming so annoyed that he up and left, and no mention of the eleven other passengers alighting just prior to the explosion.

Now if you had been on that bus and witnessed a dozen people alighting just prior to the explosion, would that have made an impact on you?  20%, 25%, or even 30% of the passengers alighting just prior to the explosion and yet these two girls missed that?  And of course the cameras on the bus were not operating at that particular time and the head of MI6, Richard Dearlove knows all about switching off cameras, as he was Head of Paris Station in 1997 when Princess Diana died.
There is though now two more items to consider.  The first is that a photograph of the bus after the explosion shows the bus outside Tavistock with the roof blown off.  There are seats missing, but the upper floor was still intact, so the major part of the force of the explosion from the bomb lifted the roof off the bus.  Thus we can confirm that the bomb was placed within the upper floor of the bus.  That being the case, when we consider Richard Jones’ words, “About half a dozen people got out the back door just before us and the same number, including me, left by the front.”

What Richard Jones is telling us is that he was travelling in the lower floor of the bus.  Thus if Richard Jones story was factual, then he was not sitting beside the bomber.  This is now a major conundrum; “Who was it who identified the person who had annoyed Richard Jones so much that he had to get off the bus as ‘the Suicide Bomber’?”

Richard Jones’ story cannot identify the identity of any bomber, supposed or otherwise as he was not in any position to identify any person carrying a bomb because the bomb was on the floor above where Richard Jones stated he had been travelling.  What we have though is a story that sets the agenda for a ‘Police Search’ for suspects carrying rucksacks, suspects that the police after viewing countless videos of various stations of literally millions of passengers, within days came up with a digitally altered video photograph.
But back to what the two girls said they saw, “some guy came in and sat down and that he exploded”.  So how did witnesses describe the other explosions on the trains?  Again from the work of Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones:
“The first eyewitness to report this was Bruce Lait, a victim of the Aldgate Station bombing.
He told the Cambridge Evening News, “The policeman said ‘mind that hole, that’s where the bomb was’.  They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don’t remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag.”
Now another credible source, Guardian journalist Mark Honigsbaum, talked to eyewitnesses at the Edgware Road bombing, who essentially described the same thing.
Eyewitnesses told Honigsbaum that “tiles, the covers on the floor of the train, suddenly flew up, were raised up.”

There is a complete difference in what was described as the guy exploding on the bus, and the explosions on the two trains.  But what we have is one witness telling the world exactly what Efraim Halevi the former head of Mossad wanted the world to hear, ‘suicide bombers’.
I believe there is sufficient evidence to show that Richard Jones was at the very least a ‘Professional Witness’, and he is the only person recorded to have been in the area just prior to the bomb on the bus being detonated.  That inference can be quite staggering, since it can be proven that the bombs were not carried in rucksacks, and were not detonated by ‘Suicide bombers’, then the next question must be, just how was this particular bomb set off at the desired location of outside 77 Great Russell Street, and by whom?
Once the media hype of ‘Suicide Bombers’ is destroyed, then what are the alternatives?  With the bomb on the bus outside Tavistock, there are some very relevant items of information.
Firstly, Richard Jones’ statement naming the person who he apparently sat next to whilst travelling on the bus can never be considered factual.  The bomb went off after Richard Jones said he alighted from the bus. Remember, Richard Jones stated ‘I just got off that bus”.  Richard Jones was not on the bus to witness the bomb being detonated by any person!  
The only way Richard Jones could make any judgement of a ‘Suicide Bomber’ carrying a rucksack was if he had prior knowledge.  He couldn’t see, he couldn’t know from his position, from his story.  The only way Richard Jones could make his claims as he did on the media was if he had prior knowledge, and he must have had that prior knowledge.
So what was Richard Jones doing in Tavistock Place when the bomb went off?  Please do not consider Richard Jones as being a passenger on the bus as there is no evidence to corroborate that story.  Besides it is irrelevant.
We have Richard Jones standing on the pavement outside Tavistock, just a short distance away from Efraim Halevi’s 77 Great Russell Street.  We have Richard Jones, from his own words, having a prior knowledge of what is about to happen, standing on the street in relative safety and the bomb on the bus is detonated.
The only person known to have been in the vicinity of the bus bomb, with prior knowledge of the bomb was Richard Jones.  Richard Jones must now be viewed as the main suspect for the detonation of that bomb!

I have previously mentioned Peter Power of Visor Consultants so perhaps it is now time to look at what we are told about Peter Power by Fintan Dunne, Editor on 11th July, 2005:
“Peter Power, a crisis management consultant and former member of Britain’s anti-terror police to a “terrorism drill” which (Alex) Jones alleges was used to provide cover for State perpetrators of the multiple blasts.”
“Peter Power, MD of Visor Consultants is a gent who is well worth a much closer look.  He is the ultimate insider in the coyly-named Business Continuity (BC) marketplace.
He was selected by the UK Government to write the Best management Practice Guide on Crisis and BC Planning & Risk Management, a hotly-trafficked download from the DTI web site [pdf].  He also wrote the book on BC for the British Bankers Association.  He is all over the media and was a previous award winner for BC ‘personality of the year’.
His firm’s clients in London have included JP Morgan Chase, ING, Mellon, Lloyds TSB, Morley Fund management, Bank of New York, Arcadia Group, FCO and Universal Music.
All of which is not surprising, as he has a senior Scotland yard background which included a stint at the Anti Terrorist Branch, and a deputy forward control role at the Libyan People Bureau siege.  He frequently speaks on TV & radio, and is the darling of BBC news and talk shows.
Power surely still has close links with Anti Terror branch, and seems to operate as a “good cop” for the establishment –in PR terms.  Whenever there is a terror incident, there is Peter on the BBC with a relaxed attitude; with a habitual, understanding line about how “stretched” are the security services; and with a reassuring tone which implies that all is jolly good, top-notch and well in hand.
But some of those many appearances by Power stand out in the context of the latest London Underground bombings.
One was the occasion of the rocket attack on the MI6 spy headquarters itself – in central London at Vauxhall Cross, just before 22.00 on 21 September, 2000.  The missile smashed an eighth floor window on the southern side of the building, home of the Foreign Intelligence Service.
Although dissident Irish republicans were the prime suspects, no group ever claimed responsibility.
Another was the curious bombing of the BBC just six months later on 5 march, 2001.  About 15 pounds of high explosive left in a taxi abandoned outside BBC Television Centre caused only minor damage.  Attacks against the media are pretty rare.  The same dissident republicans were suspected.
After the MI6 rocket attack, as usual Power was quoted by the BBC.  He described the MI6 building as one of the most high profile in central London
“If you wanted to make a name for yourself, get yourself back onto the front pages, why not go for something that’s high profile and minimal risk,” he said.
Why not, indeed.   

What we have just been told here is that Peter Power was the deputy forward controller of the siege at the Libyan People Bureau, the scene of the shooting murder of Policewoman Yvonne Fletcher, which was later to be exposed by an American Intelligence Officer, Lester Coleman, as a psyops.  Then Joe Vialls in several articles stated that he was the gunman that shot PWC Fletcher.  Joe Vialls aka Ari Ben Menashe also claimed links to Mossad and other intelligence groups.
What this means is that we can now link Peter Power to a psyops incident that occurred on the 19th April 1984, as well as the possibility of an involvement by Mossad.  Look at the last two ‘terrorist attacks’ mentioned by Fintan Dunne, that is against the MI6 building and outside the BBC and please remember that there were never any arrests or concrete suspects for those two bombing and the possibility of these being ‘psyops incidents’ considering Power’s reactions to them. Then consider the latest London bombings, and we should become very concerned.  Finally consider that a former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi appears to have inside knowledge of these London bombings, of which Peter Power is running a parallel ‘mock’ scenario then the links appear to have been strengthened.
Andrew S. MacGregor

ama18870 [at] bigpond [dot] net [dot] au

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