Live8 is an NWO Psyop - so is AIDS

by Fintan Dunne, Editor, 7/1/'05

Live8. There hasn't been anything like it since... well since the last Pharma-inspired major world PsyOp (Psychological Operation): the so-called SARS epidemic which 'raged' at exactly the time the U. S. wanted to turn eyes away from Iraq -and yet maintain the elevated sense of threat which the Iraq invasion had created.

Pharma's interests and those of the G8 New World Order are as one, needless to say.

Populations who perceive themselves as under threat are more right-wing in their political and social expression. And they are more likely to run to Big Pharma if they think they are in a health emergency. Which is why these PsyOps are ruthlessly deployed to set the tone of public attitude -with a lot of help from Big Media.

The attitude to Africa which Pharma want us to have is that is should be seen as a disease-ridden continent in desperate need of the taxpayer-funded AIDS drugs -which will boost the coffers and failing reputation of the pharmaceutical industry. Which is timely, as Pharma prepares to squelch alternative health approaches with it's imminent global Codex and dietary supplements protocols.

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