By Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano
vvvetrano [at] rionet [dot] cc
A dead disease is being resurrected. Now the media will have
something exciting to talk about everyday and to frighten the benighted
American public with. For whatever reason, the revivification of smallpox
is certainly on the current agenda.
Not too long ago Fox News showed us a picture of a man who was
covered with smallpox pustules on his arms, face, legs and abdomen. The
pustules were big, black, ugly, scaby and closely compacted. He looked like
he was a monster from some other world. It was enough to scare me, were it
not for the fact that I know that it was drug treatment that caused that
ugly picture and not the disease at all. The cause of those ugly marks was
carbolic acid that had been used to kill the supposed germ that caused the
eruptive rash.
Who are the terrorists? The pharmaceutical companies or the
Taliban? Because of what the terrorists may or may not do, the
pharmaceutical industry (the largest industry in the world), is gearing us
up for mandatory vaccinations, especially for certain people in areas that
may be targeted by the terrorists. The authorities claim that we will be
safe from terrorists attacks using the pox virus because there are adequate
stockpiles of cultivated smallpox viruses in Russia and in the USA to make
most all the vaccines "needed."
It is claimed by medical historians that the vaccination process
wiped out smallpox throughout the world. However, the truth is that
compulsory vaccination was abandoned because more deaths were caused by the
vaccinations than there were cases of smallpox. A slight of the hand trick
was used to foster the claim that smallpox was eradicated by the
vaccination practice. Everyone who had been vaccinated and who developed
smallpox was diagnosed as having chicken pox!
The doctors who were interviewed on recent television shows admit
that the vaccine may cause many serious side-effects and that a certain
number of persons will develop painful and sometimes lethal sequelae. Yet,
they advise that it is better to take the chance and be vaccinated in spite
of these dangers.
Edward Jenner, a notorious fake and quack, is credited with having
"discovered" vaccination. However, it was a practice of many ancient
peoples long before his time. Savage and barbaric tribes in various parts
of the world practiced inoculation even before Jenner's time. It is
conjectured to have begun in India and then spread to Africa and Europe.
Lady Mary Wortley Montague, wife of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman
Court in l7l7 introduced the practice to Europe. But, due to its proven
evils, one of which was an increase in smallpox in England, the practice
was abolished in l840.
It is pertinent that James Phipps, the eight year old boy
vaccinated by Jenner in l896, died at the age of 20. He had been
re-vaccinated twenty times. Jenner's own son who had also been vaccinated
more than once died at the young age of twenty-one. Both succumbed to
tuberculosis, a condition that some researchers have linked to the smallpox
vaccine. (Eleanor Mc Bean, The Poisoned Needle, 28,29,66 ).
According to the medical profession, smallpox or variola is an
acute highly infectious and contagious disease characterized by a specific
rash. According to past and present Natural Hygienic practitioners smallpox
is primarily a disease brought about by gastrointestinal putrescence.
Fermenting and rotting food in the intestinal tract enervates, and causes
increased digestive impairment accompanied by increased systemic toxemia.
The toxins are from the absorption of the fermentation products formed in
the intestinal tract. Since those who overeat, especially on animal
products, are enervated, meaning they lack normal nerve function, all the
organs of elimination are functioning on a lower physiological level and
greater toxicity ensues. Toxins from decomposing animal foods are highly
irritating, so the body has to get rid of them quickly and must use
extraordinary means since the organs of elimination are not functioning
well. Therefore, the poisons are carried by the blood to the skin and the
body eliminates them in various forms of skin eruptions.
Smallpox is about as contagious as stumbling over a rock. Dr.
Herbert M. Shelton slept in the same bed with his brother while the latter
was in the so-called infectious stage with vesicles all over. Yet Dr.
Shelton did not develop smallpox.
Smallpox begins with the same symptoms that many acute diseases do;
such as chills, fever, backache, and vomiting. This is indicative of a
common cause and a common way to deal with the cause. The body is a
magnificent ecosystem and when it finds abnormal and extraneous substances
anywhere within its domain, it creates a higher temperature, purposely, to
overcome the foreign proteins, toxic substances, viruses, bacteria or other
microorganisms. Whatever is upsetting the ecosystem must be corrected by
the organism itself. It needs no alien "cures." The symptoms should not be
"cured." To suppress these symptoms assures that some other worse problem
will develop.
Some substances, such as an excess of protein putrefactive
products, are so toxic that it is urgent to eliminate them immediately. The
papular eruption of smallpox is purposely created and chosen as the correct
channel at the time for the elimination of these types of noxious
substances. Furthermore, the body may not have the specific enzymes to
biodegrade whatever it is. Instead of being taken care of by the liver or
the kidneys the body chooses to eject them through the skin. Vicarious
eliminations such as this are often natural emergency measures.
Smallpox begins with chills, fever, backache, headache and
vomiting. A fever of l03 to l04 degrees F is customary. The high fever
increases the healing activities of the cells, and it is a most efficient
way to accomplish the needed detoxification. This means that the toxins are
now out of the functioning cells and in the blood near the skin. The body
no longer needs to speed up cellular metabolism in order to cast out the
extraneous substances and the fever subsides. In about two days the fever,
and other symptoms subside. This is when the inflammatory rash appears. It
turns into an elevation of the skin called a papule. The blister becomes
dimpled or umbilicated. The rash and the development of the papules
indicate that the irritants or toxic substances have been removed by the
hyperactive, feverish cells and carried to the skin to be cast out.
Next the little papules become vesicles, like a blister, except
that each papule has a little dimple in it. This is the so-called stage
that is supposed to be infective or contagious, should anyone touch the
person having smallpox. After the vesicles are formed, they may become
pustules filled with white blood cells if the individual is extra toxic.
The white blood cells are there to destroy the toxins in the vesicles. But,
this stage would never be reached if cared for Hygienically. The papules
dry up and form scabs that eventually fall off. When treated improperly
they will leave a scar.
It is pertinent to recognize that when the eruption begins, the
fever subsides. The patient would normally be on the road to recovery were
it not for the medications given by the doctor. Medical treatment however,
consists in using something that kills the microbes which they assume cause
the rash, so it has to be something such as a disinfectant that destroys
cell life. This is consistent with their medical dogma. Therefore, in the
past, the profession applied gauze that had been soaked in antiseptic
solutions such as phenol (carbolic acid) or bichloride of mercury ( aka
mercuric chloride and corrosive sublimate). Both these agents, carbolic
acid and mercuric chloride are corrosive.
After applying the gauze, soaked in either carbolic acid or
mercuric chloride, to the lesions, they were covered with more gauze. Being
tightly wrapped with gauze, the exudate from the vesicle or papule was
retained in the lesion and not allowed to drain away when it ruptured.
Naturally, bacteria are going to invade this lesion to clean up the
excreted matter. This corrosive treatment also destroyed living tissues
including the protective phagocytic white blood cells and the surrounding
skin and subcutaneous tissues. A high second fever was urgently needed to
once again begin warfare on the extraneous poisons and the invading
Either of the two corrosive drugs used can now ooze its way into
the vital domain and impede normal function of all the cells in the body;
while completely annihilating many. Ugly black confluent pustules mar the
skin. The rash gets worse. Vesicles turn into pustules. The pustules become
swollen and more inflamed. The inflammation around them spreads and the
lesions fuse together. These pathological effects were caused by the drugs.
It is clear that the condition worsens because of the treatment.
The primary symptoms, i.e. the fever, chills, headache, and backache were
suppressed by pharmaceuticals. The stifling of symptoms with medication
prevented the body from completing its job of cleansing, and increased the
internal toxemia. As a result, the umbilicated blisters with clear fluid in
them became pustules filled with dead and dying tissues and white blood
cells. The change to a pustule is the direct result of the damaging effects
of medications whether taken internally or applied to the skin. It is
incredible that the physicians did not recognize the lethality of their
practice. But, then, they do not recognize it today either. They are
blinded by bygone theories.
These substances may have killed microorganisms but they also
killed human tissues and in reality caused the pustules and all the
terrible complications and symptoms thought to be caused by the germ. Let
me emphasize, the symptoms thought to be smallpox are symptoms caused by
the treatment. They were so yesterday just as they are today and always
will be in the future as long as we insist on clinging to the idea that
disease is something "caught" and that symptoms must be gotten rid of by
unnatural means. As long as we try to eradicate disease with anything, and
especially man-made chemicals, we will suffer more than if we merely put up
with the symptoms.
All the various treatments to kill microbes which are "causing" the
disease, are killing the patient. They are not permitting the body to
eliminate toxins or restore the blood and tissues to their normal healthy
condition. All treatments, no matter how benign they are claimed to be,
impede the recovery process itself. By using treatments of any kind and
getting rid of a rash by rash means, or to doctor it in any way, is the
disastrous blunder that causes horrible side-effects, more disease and even
Hemorrhagic or what is known as "black smallpox" is an even more
serious type of smallpox and the patient often died. Again, this serious
type of smallpox was directly caused by the cell-killing drugs. Pustules
often developed in the throat and mouth. When an acidic drug is placed on
living tissues, it kills them. The skin and mucous membranes are already
inflamed and are less protective than normal skin. Therefore, the
destructive acids can be absorbed and cause greater internal toxemia.
Carbolic acid or mercuric chloride caused the hemorrhaging of the skin and
also hemorrhaging into the pustule. Either of the corrosive drugs also
destroyed the kidney cells and caused bloody urine noted in many hapless
smallpox patients.
There were also many serious complications of this type of
treatment in addition to the common ordinary ones that were erroneously
thought to be symptoms of smallpox, but we won't go into them now.
From time immemorial people have been frightened of disease. It was
a curse, an evil spirit, or evil demon that caused the problem. Also from
time immemorial people have thought it necessary to exorcize the disease,
to placate and appease the evil spirit or demon, to give sacrifices to some
god in order to get the demon or evil spirit out of them. In modern times
we do the same. We have not grown in knowledge. We just put the evil
spirits in the magician's top hat and pulled out the evil germs and evil
viruses. We still exorcize, placate, appease, and eradicate the evil
microbe or evil virus. Whatever symptoms we have, they are felt to be
extraneous, foreign and not from us, so they must be eradicated or
extirpated. We still fear death from the simplest of diseases. Whatever it
is, it must be extirpated or eradicated. We do it not with incantations but
with substances much more evil than anything used in the past.
Hygienic Care If Hygienic care had been resorted to in the
beginning of smallpox no complications would have occurred and there would
rarely be a genuine pustule. With Hygienic management the disease would not
have to progress to the second stage with pustules or a second fever. It
would only become pustular if the individual prevented drainage of the
vesicle and continued eating a heavy diet. The vesicles containing the
unwanted debris that was in the organs and tissues would burst. The clear
fluid containing the toxic substances would flow out onto the skin.
Frequent warm sponge baths would wash away all the poisonous debris. The
inflammation of the skin would heal and that would be the end of the
disease. There would be no horrendous pustules, or other complications
brought about by the medications. If individuals kept themselves clean, but
did not take off the scabs until they fell off naturally, there would be no
unsightly pock-marks. People are always too anxious to pull scabs away. To
do so is to expose the lesion to the atmosphere before the skin has
completely healed below it. The skin then has to quickly heal over before
it has completed restoring the underlying tissues. This, naturally leaves a
pit or scar. The extensive boils and gangrene that regularly occurred would
not have taken place had no corrosive drugs been used.
If you think those symptoms are bad, and that we do not use any
medicine so lethal as corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid today, you'd
better rethink the problem. Today's drugs are even more lethal because they
are designed to be easily absorbed, and to spread to every tissue and cell
in the body and kill cells all over the body. Do not put your hope in
medical "care". The only care you need is a healthy body and to let it do
its thing.
You do not have to fear smallpox, even if you should develop it, as
long as you immediately quit eating and go to bed and rest, drinking pure
water only when thirsty. Smallpox is a disease of the bon-vivant,
epicurean, who overeats on a daily basis, especially on animal foods. The
condition of enervation is built by anyone who does not secure sufficient
rest and sleep to permit the elimination of endogenic and exogenic toxins,
and for the restoration of the nervous system. Once the stage of enervation
is established digestion is further impaired and the body is flooded with
fermentation and decomposition products from the intestines. This is what
is called Toxemia, and Toxicosis. Toxicosis makes it exigent and imperative
that these toxins be eliminated immediately by extraordinary means, such as
through the skin.
Every single cell in your body is capable of eliminating and
destroying various microorganisms and their waste products, as well as
man-made organic products, but most man-made products are more toxic than
those made by bacteria and they cause more damage than bacterial waste
products. It can be disastrous when the body is overwhelmed by substances
that do not belong inside it, and which the body cannot use under any
circumstance of life. And this is what happens when diseases are "treated."
Your body is inundated with toxic substances and it may drown.
Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano graduated in l965 from the Texas
Chiropractic College, summa cum laude. After working at Dr. Shelton's
Health School for several years she went on to study Naturopathy,
Homeopathy, and Medicine. In addtion to her Chiropractic degree she holds
degrees in Homeopathy and Medicine. When she was an undergraduate she
studied Radiation Biology at Trinity University, San Antonio and was the
first person to make the public aware of the dangers of ionizing radiation
through the many articles she authored on this subject. Dr. Vetrano gives
personal consultations by telephone. For information you may write Dr.
Vetrano at P.O. Box l90, Barksdale, Texas 78828; or call 830-234-3499; or
fax 830-234-3599.
20 Reasons Not To Take The Smallpox Vaccination By Amy Worthington
1. George W. Bush has said of smallpox vaccination: "One of my
concerns if we were to have universal vaccination, some might lose their
life." ~The Times (in London), November 09, 2001.
2. For each million people vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine, as
many as 250 could die, according to the American Medical Association.
Multiply 250 times 285 (millions of Americans) and the possible deaths from
universal smallpox vaccination could equal 71,250. ~ Journal of the
American Medical Association, June 9, 1999, Vol. 281, No. 22, p. 2132.
3. "The American Medical Association said on Tuesday it was not in
favor of an immediate mass U.S.smallpox vaccination program, saying the
potential threat of a bioterror attack did not warrant inoculating every
American against the disease." ~Reuters, December 12, 2001.
4. "Right now the risk of getting the vaccine is higher than the
benefit. You could get a secondary infection, a full-blown systemic
infection." ~Marie Rau, Panhandle Health District nurse, quoted by The
Spokesman-Review, November 20, 2001.
5. CDC director Jeffrey Koplan has admitted that universal smallpox
vaccination could unleash a significant number of side-effects. He said
that because many parts of ourpopulation do not have a "robust immune
system," a fair number of people could have serious reactions. ~Koplan
speaking on the PBS special "Bioterror Propaganda" aired by WETA, November
14, 2001.
6. If the entire nation were to receive a smallpox vaccine, several
thousand people would likely develop encephalitis, an inflammation of the
brain. ~Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2001.
7. Roger J. Pomerantz, chief of the infectious disease department
at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, said that doctors have no
idea what the smallpox vaccine might do to people at the extremes of
life--less than 2 and older than 65. He said that an even greater concern
would be its effect on people with weakened immune systems from HIV
infection, chemotherapy or transplants. ~Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2001.
8. "Researchers have been reluctant to recommend a new vaccination
program which would use the smallpox vaccine for the local population
because the vaccine can cause disease and death in persons with inadequate
immune systems." ~Science, Vol. 277, July 18, 1997, pp. 312-13.
9. Routine smallpox vaccination in the United States ended in 1972.
Officials are hesitant to resume the immunizations because the vaccine is
the most reactive of all and has been linked to serious side effects,
including death. ~ Reuters, November 29, 2001.
10. Eight printed pages of medical studies documenting the many
serious side effects of smallpox vaccination can be obtained at
html. See
"smallpox vaccine adverse reactions 66-76." [Note: go to the home page
above and put "smallpox vaccine adverse reaction" in the search engine.]
Repercussions include serious brain and heart diseases, autism, abnormal
chromosomal changes, diabetes, various cancers and leukemias, plus
demyelination of nerve tissue years after vaccination.
11. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that vaccination must not be
forced on persons whose physical condition would make such vaccination
"cruel and inhuman." In other words, the state has no right to command that
an individual sacrifice his life in the name of public health. ~Jacobsen V.
Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905).
12. By the 1920s, several British medical researchers documented
that smallpox was not only more common among the VACCINATED, but that the
DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among those who had been
vaccinated. This indicates that the vaccine was ineffective and predisposed
vaccinated persons to more lethal disease. ~Vaccination, Dr. Viera
Scheibner, Australia, 1993, pp. 205-220. 13. Getting a vaccination does not
guarantee immunity. ~CDC, January 28, 1994.
14. By 1987, scientific evidence indicated that the World Health
Organization's 13-year global smallpox vaccination campaign may have
awakened dormant HIV infection in many vaccinees. ~Times (in London) May 11,
15. Vaccines made from animal substrate contain animal viruses that
are impossible to filter out. By 1961, scientists discovered that animal
viruses in vaccines, including smallpox, could act as a carcinogen when
given to mice in combination with cancer-causing chemicals, even in amounts
too small to induce tumors alone. They concluded that vaccine viruses
function as a catalyst for tumor production. ~Science, December 15, 1961.
16. Some of the new smallpox vaccine doses will be created with
animal substrate. Because the vaccine will incorporate vaccinia, the cowpox
virus, many wonder about possible mad-cow contamination. Fifty-five million
doses of the new vaccine will be created using a cell line dating back to
1966 and cultured from the lung tissues of an aborted human fetus. ~World
Net Daily, December 4, 2001.
17. The new smallpox vaccine will be genetically engineered. Many
scientists believe that genetically engineered vaccines may be responsible
for the global epidemic of auto-immune disease and neurological
dysfunction. ~American College of Rheumatology, annual meeting, Nov. 8-12,
1998. Merck's genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine, Recombivax HB, is
a classic example. According to Dr. Bonnie Dunbar of Baylor College of
Medicine, many thousands of reported adverse reactions to the hepatitis B
vaccine include: chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, rheumatoid
arthritis, lupus and MS-like disease. ~Testimony of Dr. Dunbar to Texas
Dept. of Health, March 12, 1999. Over 15,000 French citizens sued the
French government to stop mandatory hepatitis B injections for school
children because of resulting auto-immune diseases. ~Science, July 31,
1998. Dr. John Classen has published voluminous data showing that the
hepatitis B and other vaccines are closely linked to the development of
insulin dependent diabetes. ~Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice,
October 22, 1997.
18. The British vaccine manufacturer Medeva has a horrendous record
of contamination and blunders. In 2000, the FDA found that Medeva was
making vaccines in conditions of filth, resulting in contaminated products.
Medeva had been illegally using bovine medium to culture its polio
vaccines, then lied about it. Medeva also used the blood of a
Creutzfeldt-Jakob victim (mad cow) to manufacture 83,000 doses of polio
vaccine used for (against?) Irish children. Nevertheless, the FDA allowed
the USA to accept Medeva's flu vaccine Fluvirin for the year 2000. ~London
Observer series: October 20-26, 2000.
19. In 2001, the British socialized health care system was reported
to be in a state of collapse, with many hospitals and labs operating in
abysmal filth. Five thousand people die each year from infections
contracted in British hospitals; 10,000 become deathly ill from such
infections. Sterilization procedures are barely adequate and said to be
risking the spread of mad cow disease. Government ministers are reportedly
trying to hush up the scandal. ~
06, 2001; The Sunday Times of London, November 12, 2001.
20. The U.S. government apparently intends to conduct NO double
blind studies on the safety and efficacy of the new smallpox vaccine. It
has ordered 286 million doses, one for every man, woman and child in
America at a cost of $428 million. At least half of this vaccine will be
delivered by Acambis PLC of great Britain.
Tip of the Week: Keep all vaccine needles away from your body! ___
Vaccination Liberation - Idaho Chapter Ingri Cassel, President P.O.
Box 1444 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 208) 255-2307 / 765-8421
"The Right to Know, The Freedom to Abstain"