Science and Technology

How Reddit Was Destroyed (ver3.0)

by shark shanks ghost

1) The first thing they did was take away r/

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/reddit. Taking that away was the first step.

2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

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Victory is Always the Goal of War

Russian and Chinese military doctrines rely on willingness to sacrifice millions of their own citizens, for the sake of victory. Their generals obviously have to consider the possibility of war with the Western nations. Russia and China have to work with the understanding of their specific conditions, and their conditions dictate that a victory means using nuclear weapons, since using only conventional weapons is unlikely to result in a quick and decisive victory. The overall propensity of Eastern weapons' systems to use fewer electronics; the high probability of using nuclear weapons on the tactical level; and the fielding of direct-energy weapons; give Eastern militaries an advantage over the Western nations. Russian military doctrine is very explicit about using nuclear weapons. Russian weapons' systems (which are typically copied by China) are designed for nuclear war, which means relying as little as possible on electronics, because of the EMP-effect of nuclear weapons. Western weapons' and logistics' systems have become increasingly dependent on electronics, since the end of the Cold War, making them more vulnerable to nuclear and direct-energy weapons. Russia is also actively fielding weapons designed to specifically target electronics, like those used to disable the USS Donald Cook. The military advantage afforded to Russia and China by using nuclear weapons; combined with the fact that these nations have already decided the human costs of such a war to be acceptable; mean that the risk of nuclear confrontation, in response to Western aggression, is increasing.


What crazy conspiracy theory turned out to be true?

This collection is based on this post on reddit


This should be standard reading for all US citizens.


This is why no matter what they ever say or do, you should not trust them completely.

Its why I can't get over the 9/11 conspiracies totally.

Its funny how people can see this and just say "conspiracy theorists are crazy"

No. You are ignorant.

There is a difference between just utter bullshit and really plausible events that HAVE happened.

The unfortunate thing is that people aren't even aware of the stuff thats in public domain and how utterly crazy it is before they can assess what is going on.



Operation Northwoods?
"A series of proposals which called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in US cities and elsewhere"

The Informant named "Curveball" who lied about WMDs in Iraq?
"An Iraqi citizen who defected from Iraq in 1999, claiming that he had worked as a chemical engineer at a plant that manufactured mobile biological weapon laboratories as part of an Iraqi weapons of mass destruction program. His allegations were subsequently shown to be false"

Testimony of Nayirah?
"The Nayirah testimony was a fake testimony given before the non-governmental Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a woman who provided only her first name, Nayirah."

Operation Black Eagle
"Operation Black Eagle became a network of 5000 people who made possible the export of arms in the direction of Central America, and the import of drugs from the same direction. "

Operation Mockingbird
"a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. "

The Special Collection Service
"A highly classified joint U.S. Central Intelligence Agency-National Security Agency program charged with inserting eavesdropping equipment in difficult-to-reach places, such as foreign embassies, communications centers, and foreign government installations."


A growing collection of articles that hint that there is something not quite right with Wikileaks. Perhaps it is a tool used by "them" to create the chaos they need to tear down the old and create their New World Order. (Ordo Ad Chao - Order out of Chaos)


"Wikileaks is part of the preps for the next conflict - where the West is dumped and the East rises. "


"Just saw on TV one of the reasons for the whole Wikileaks thing being revealed (to those with the eyes to see).

The political editor of a newspaper was in the TV news studio (Sky), chatting about Wikileaks... And he said, "well what Wikileaks has shown us is that the world is pretty much run how we thought it was, which is quite reassuring". i.e. if there was any conspiracy Wikileaks would have revealed it.

So they are using it to distract from important matters and also to white-wash their evil acts."


Everything you wanted to know about Wikileaks but didn't know to ask



13.12.10 Who is Behind Wikileaks? by Michel Chossudovsky


12.12.10 Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel and WikiLeaks


12.12.10 Wikileaks The double Edged Sword


10.12.10 Wikileaks frenzy used to cover-up critical news story


08.12.10 Patriot Act for Internet ahead?

23.12.10 WikiLeaks to publish 'sensitive' Israel cables: TV
"We do not have any secret deals with any country," he said according to an Arabic translation of remarks he made in English which were posted on Al-Jazeera's website.

08.12.10 WikiLeaks ‘struck a deal with Israel’ over diplomatic cables leaks
According to an Arabic investigative journalism website [2], Assange had received money from semi-official Israeli sources and promised them, in a “secret, video-recorded agreement,” not to publish any document that may harm Israeli security or diplomatic interests.

08.12.10 Wikileaks and the Worldwide Information War Power, Propaganda, and the Global Political Awakening

07.12.10 WikiLeaks: "Patriot Act" Laws For Internet?
...WikiLeaks resembles an establishment creation. The article correctly pointed out that the WikiLeaks storyline was conforming nicely to the elite's problem-reaction-solution method, with the solution of more tyranny for our safety.

04.12.10 Is the Internet 9/11 Under Way?

29.11.10 Al Qaeduh, in light of WikiLeaks claiming Osama is alive and out to get you

29.11.10 Wiki Leaks Founder "Exposed as a Fraud"

29.11.10 Iran's Ahmadinejad dismisses Wikileaks cables release
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the release by the Wikileaks website of thousands of extracts from US diplomatic messages was simply psychological warfare against Iran.

29.11.10 WikiLeaks boosted Israel by revealing that most world leaders share our views

29.11.10 Israel satisfied as WikiLeaks shows 'consistency' on Iran
Israel expressed satisfaction on Monday after the mass release of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, saying it proved Israel's position on Iran was consistent -- in public and in private.

28.7.10 CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks
"Suspicions abound that Wikileaks is part of U.S. cyber-warfare operations"
.."In January 2007, John Young, who runs Cryptome, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front. "

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

A story of how cannabis extract oil cured David Triplett's cancer after he watched RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story.

1974 study, from Medical College of Virginia:

U.S. enables Chinese hacking of Google

"In order to comply with government search warrants on user data, Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts. This feature is what the Chinese hackers exploited to gain access."

Some real evidence of real shills operating on the Internet

Found on



Are you ready for a blog attack?
There's a company called Advantage Consultants that's offering up "professional blog warriors" to "flood the zone" with comments. In short, astro-turf trolls for the blogosphere.

"Whether it's defense or offense, Advantage Consultants has a dedicated team of experienced blog warriors ready to advance your candidate or campaign.
Why wait for the attack? Launch your attack with a battery of blog and forum comments aimed at all media and blog sites in your district.
Contact us today and let us show you the Advantage in professional blog warfare."
Since 2005, schools and political party organizations in the People's Republic of China are recruiting paid-per-comment bloggers countering unfavorable information on websites, bulletin boards, and other internet-accessible sources; they are collectively known as the 50 Cent Party.

In August 2006, a science journalist for the Wall Street Journal revealed that a YouTube video, "Al Gore's Penguin Army", which was claimed to be an amateur work, in fact came from the computers of DCI Group, a Washington, D.C.-based PR firm whose client list includes ExxonMobil and General Motors.

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Hemp Building Materials

If we made hemp legal...

UK: Internet records to be stored for a year

Details of every email sent and website visited by people in Britain are to be stored for use by the state from tomorrow as part of what campaigners claim is a massive assault on privacy.

Massive Chinese computer espionage network uncovered

A mystery electronic spy network apparently based in China has infiltrated hundreds of computers around the world and stolen files and documents, Canadian researchers have revealed.

The network, dubbed GhostNet, appears to target embassies, media groups, NGOs, international organisations, government foreign ministries and the offices of the Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan exile movement. The researchers, based at Toronto University's Munk Centre for International Studies, said their discovery had profound implications.

"This report serves as a wake-up call... these are major disruptive capabilities that the professional information security community, as well as policymakers, need to come to terms with rapidly," said researchers Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski.

Here is the researchers' summary; a full report, 'Tracking "GhostNet": Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network' will be issued this weekend."

Australian Government adds Wikileaks to banned website list

"...websites who link out to 'banned' hyperlinks are liable to fine of up to Aus $11,000 a day. ..."

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Skype watch

The bottom line is that Skype, which is owned by the American company Ebay, cannot be trusted since it is closed source. - Speculation over back door in Skype [Is a trojan needed?]

According to reports, there may be a back door built into Skype, which allows connections to be bugged. The company has declined to expressly deny the allegations. At a meeting with representatives of ISPs and the Austrian regulator on lawful interception of IP based services held on 25th June, high-ranking officials at the Austrian interior ministry revealed that it is not a problem for them to listen in on Skype conversations.

This has been confirmed to heise online by a number of the parties present at the meeting. Skype declined to give a detailed response to specific enquiries from heise online as to whether Skype contains a back door and whether specific clients allowing access to a system or a specific key for decrypting data streams exist. The response from the eBay subsidiary's press spokesman was brief, "Skype does not comment on media speculation. Skype has no further comment at this time." There have been rumours of the existence of a special listening device which Skype is reported to offer for sale to interested states.

There has long been speculation that Skype may contain a back door. Because the vendor has not revealed details of its proprietary Skype protocol or of how the client works, questions as to what else Skype is capable of and what risks are involved in deploying it in an enterprise environment remain open. [continued]


23.02.09 NSA Wants Help Eavesdropping on Skype Anti-mafia cops want Skype tapping


12.02.09 NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution - Is this FUD or inverse-FUD? (Fear Uncertainty Doubt)

An industry source disclosed that America's supersecret National Security Agency (NSA) is offering "billions" to any firm which can offer reliable eavesdropping on Skype IM and voice traffic.

The spybiz exec, who preferred to remain anonymous, confirmed that Skype continues to be a major problem for government listening agencies, spooks and police. This was already thought to be the case, following requests from German authorities for special intercept/bugging powers to help them deal with Skype-loving malefactors. Britain's GCHQ has also stated that it has severe problems intercepting VoIP and internet communication in general.



Since September 2007, users in China trying to download the Skype software have been redirected to the site of TOM, a joint venture between a Chinese wireless operator and Skype, from which a modified Chinese version can be downloaded.[36] The TOM client participates in China's system of internet censorship, monitoring text messages between Skype users in China as well as messages exchanged with users outside the country.[37][38] Niklas Zennström, then chief executive of Skype, told reporters that TOM "had implemented a text filter, which is what everyone else in that market is doing. Those are the regulations." He also stated: "One thing that’s certain is that those things are in no way jeopardising the privacy or the security of any of the users."[39] In October 2008, it was reported that TOM had been saving the full message contents of some Skype text conversations on its servers, apparently focusing on conversations containing political issues such as Tibet, Falun Gong, Taiwan independence, the Chinese Communist Party, milk powder, the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and democracy. The saved messages contain personally identifiable information about the messages' senders and recipients, including IP addresses, usernames, land line phone numbers, and the entire content of the text messages, including the time and date of each message. This information was also saved for Skype users outside China who were communicating with a TOM-Skype user. Due to a server misconfiguration, these log files were for a time accessible to the public.[38][40][41]


25.03.09 Home Office defends plan to monitor social network conversations

Privacy campaigners expressed alarm today over government plans to monitor all conversations on social networking sites in an attempt to crackdown on terror.

A Home Office spokesman said that the internet eavesdropping plan, which would be set out in the next few weeks, would cover any social network that allows people to chat to one another, including Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and Twitter as well as internet calls on Skype.

Skype Apparently Threatens Russian National Security

China: `We feel like we are serving prison sentences', say factory workers for Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Lenovo, Microsoft and IBM

“I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tools we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user...The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” -- Bill Gates

``We feel like we are serving prison sentences.” -- factory worker making Microsoft keyboards



The Coconut Revolution



The article below is from

DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid: ‘The Official Version

This was constructed almost entirely using government / military quotes, animations, videos, images and photos. The narrative is sourced from government quotes from start to finish. It is the “official version”, if you will, but in an unprecedented format. It unveils the governments numerous and ongoing programs related to A.I., “NBIC”, the “Global Information Grid”, nanotechnology, biotechnology, autonomous drones, “naval sea-bases”, space weapons, weather modification… or more directly: domestic and global totalitarian technological domination. American Imperialism meets Artificial Intelligence. The only debate is: what are we going to do to stop it? Time’s running out… It mostly centers around DARPA materials, as they’re the fountainhead of all of this, but this is all a broad multi-agency effort. Some of the video content, the “OS” of the video, was screen captured from the DARPA sites old iXo interactive flash presentation, from almost a yearago, but is now no longer available. See also: “They Want Your Soul” in my other videos section here on Google Video. Visit for the PROOF: (down, new site coming...)

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Google’s A.I. quest to become God-On-Earth


Ignorance Is Futile:

The vision of Google’s future, according to Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, is “it would be like the mind of God”. And it’s a future that they’re working feverishly to make a reality today.

While that quote was in reference to “the ultimate search engine”, this analysis is going to make it more than clear that he was in fact referring to Google in particular. In doing so, we’ll see numerous other quotes demonstrating their intentions, what they mean by “all of the worlds information”, how they’re on precisely the right path to achieve their goal with the U.S. military in this vast project that is set to change humanity forever.

Finnish version:Google pyrkii luomaan koneellisen ”jumalan” maailmalle">

Windbelt Micro-wind Generator

Electric Vehicles Slideshow

Panacea-BOCAF GEET production

This is Panacea's GEET production done to spread awareness of the energy saving and pollution cutting benefits of this technology. Also this production is done in order to support David and Paul Pantone and the vortex heat exchangers research. Help stop energy suppression!

For technical instruction please consult

Lessig: Internet-9/11

Amazing revelations have emerged concerning already existing government plans to overhaul the way the internet functions in order to apply much greater restrictions and control over the web.

Lawrence Lessig, a respected Law Professor from Stanford University told an audience at this years Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Half Moon Bay, California, that “There’s going to be an i-9/11 event” which will act as a catalyst for a radical reworking of the law pertaining to the internet.

Lessig also revealed that he had learned, during a dinner with former government Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke, that there is already in existence a cyber equivalent of the Patriot Act, an “i-Patriot Act” if you will, and that the Justice Department is waiting for a cyber terrorism event in order to implement its provisions.

Bilderberg strikes again: Hackers, the Net, blondes, and the European war on freedom

Bilderberg strikes again. From today's hacker defacing of the websites of the organizations overseeing crucial Internet router infrastructure, to the "European Al-Qaeda". The ramifications of this past week's events could have disastrous effects on Europe, Turkey, America, the Internet and free speech.

Echelon - The Most Secret Spy System

If you've never heard of Echelon here's an ok introduction. It's produced by the History Channel (histrionics?) so take it with a pinch of salt...


The United States, England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand all have laws that prevent them from spying on their own citizens. But that doesn't mean that other nations can't do this work instead...

ECHELON: THE MOST SECRET SPY SYSTEM reveals the details of the information sharing system developed by these five nations to get around the prohibitions on internal surveillance. Highly placed insiders, including National Security Agency Director Gen. Mike Hayden, Secretary of State Colin Powell and Representative Peter Gross, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, talk about how the system works, why it was put in place and the results it has generated, while a different perspective is offered by people like Jim Bamford, the author of Body of Secrets and Wayne Madsen of the Electronic Privacy Information Center


Bittorrent download

The Girl Who Silenced the UN For 5 Minutes


Transcript source:

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of the speech that Severn Suzuki gave to the Plenary Session at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio Centro, Brazil. Severn was twelve years old. SASS feels there is no better example of a young person standing up and speaking on behalf of something in which they truly believe, for the betterment of themselves and the world around them.

Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O. - The Environmental Children's Organisation.

We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference:
Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future.

Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations to come.

I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard.

I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go. We cannot afford to be not heard.

300 Year Old Food Forest

Whilst Geoff Lawton was in Vietnam he discovered a 300 year old Food Forest built on 2 acres of land and still functioning well in the same family 28 generations later. More info:

HAARP Technology

The Biofuels Scam, Food Shortages and the Coming Collapse of the Human Population

It was one of the dumbest "green" ideas ever proposed: Convert millions of acres of cropland into fields for growing ethanol from corn, then burn fossil fuels to harvest the ethanol, expending more energy to extract the fuel than you get from the fuel itself! Meanwhile, sit back and proclaim you've achieved a monumental green victory (President Bush, anyone?) all while unleashing a dangerous spike in global food prices that's causing a ripple effect of food shortages and rationing around the world....
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