FluorideFluoride "a social experiment started 40 years ago" exposed by Australian media Published on: November 17th, 2010
Modified on: November 17th, 2010
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Fluoride in tea Published on: March 13th, 2008
Modified on: March 29th, 2008
Something else they have poisoned. Soon, if not already, there will be NOTHING left untainted. The King of kings' Bible - Enoch 68:14 Since they (men) were only created, The following is an extract from: - http://www.westonaprice.org/envtoxins/fluoride.html Tea In their drive to fluoridate the public water supplies, dental health officials continue to pretend that no other sources of fluoride exist. This notion becomes absurd when one looks at the fluoride content in tea. Tea is very high in fluoride because tea leaves accumulate more fluoride (from pollution of soil and air) than any other edible plant.49,50,51 It is well established that fluoride in tea gets absorbed by the body in a manner similar to the fluoride in drinking water.49,52 Fluoride content in tea has risen dramatically over the last 20 years due to industry contamination. Recent analyses have revealed a fluoride content of 17.25 mg per teabag or cup in black tea, and a whopping 22 mg of soluble fluoride ions per teabag or cup in green tea. Aluminum content was also high--over 8 mg. Normal steeping time is five minutes. The longer a tea bag steeped, the more fluoride and aluminum were released. After ten minutes, the measurable amounts of fluoride and aluminum almost doubled.53 A website by a pro-fluoridation infant medical group states that a cup of black tea contains 7.8 mgs of fluoride54 which is the equivalent amount of fluoride from 7.8 litres of water in an area fluoridated at 1ppm. Some British and African studies from the 1990s showed a daily fluoride intake of between 5.8 mgs and 9 mgs a day from tea alone.55, 56, 57 Tea has been found to be a primary cause of dental fluorosis in many international studies.58-70
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The Perkins Story Published on: November 4th, 2007
Modified on: November 4th, 2007
October 25, 1998 http://www.sonic.net/kryptox/history/perkins.htm When 1971 was drawing to a close, I received a paper containing a strange story. This story was to haunt us repeatedly throughout the long, drawn-out battle. It was a story resembling science fiction -- bizarre and unbelievable. There are those who warned me not to even mention this story, and I can appreciate why. On the other hand, the task of a historian is not to relate thins as they should have happened, but as they actually did happen. What did happen was that this crazy story appeared just like Kilroy in the Second World War, even though no one ever met him. So, with apologies to my friends, I still include Perkins. Perkins did happen, even if he perhaps never existed. The Perkins saga was different from other fluoride stories. The story of industries hoodwinking the public into buying a pollutant as medicine is simply a 'whodunnit'. Grotesque though it may sound, it is no more than 'the consumer fraud of this polluted century' (as described in Fluoridation and Truth Decay by Gladys Caldwell). But the story I now read was different: it gave one the cold shivers. It told of a chemical engineer, Mr. Perkins, who related how immediately after the Second World War he was one the Americans put into the well-known IG Farben Company in Germany. There he discovered that IG Farben had developed plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries, because it had been found that fluoridation caused slight damage to a specific part of the brain. This damage had a very particular effect. It made it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom. He became more docile towards authority.
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The mass poisoning of humanity: an exploration of human stupidity Published on: August 26th, 2006
Modified on: August 26th, 2006
Posted Monday, June 13, 2005 by Mike Adams As human beings, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves. As part of modern living, we create a wide variety of chemical toxins that go into the ecosystem through rivers and streams, the air, the soil and so on. Not only that, we actually synthesize toxic chemicals and then inject them directly into the food supply -- knowing full well that they are poisonous and are major contributors to the epidemic rates of chronic disease we are experiencing today.
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A letter addressed to Mary Harney, Minister for Health and Children in Ireland Published on: August 17th, 2005
Modified on: August 17th, 2005
What follows is a letter addressed to Mary Harney, who was appointed to the position of Minister for Health and Children in Ireland in September 2004. While it may not be obvious why this letter would concern you personally, rest assured that there is no one in the medical profession who wouldn’t benefit from reading this letter. Before you read it you will need to open your mind to new possibilities. You may wish—and are encouraged to—research the information conveyed in the letter for yourself before making up your mind. You most certainly will find parts of it shocking. Most importantly, if you choose to summarily dismiss the information, you will knowingly be harming those you wish to help as a direct result of your unwillingness to listen. Please do not forget the oath that you took just to become a physician; for your convenience, it is reprinted below:
Schauberger on fluoridation Published on: June 15th, 2005
Modified on: December 3rd, 2005
from the book Living Energies by Coats & Schauberger
"...Artificial fluoridation of the water supplies is another pernicious process with equally alarming consequences for the drinker. There are two different forms of fluoride, one of which, calcium fluoride, is naturally occurring. Where present in the groundwater or wells it has been observed that the teeth of those who drink such water are much stronger and less prone to caries. The other, sodium fluoride is not found naturally and is a poisonous by-product of aluminium smelting and used in insecticides.
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More Damning Fluoride Data Published on: June 13th, 2005
Modified on: June 13th, 2005
The increased cancer risks, identified in a newly available study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health, were found at fluoride exposure levels common in both the US and Britain. It was the first examination of the link between exposure to the chemical at the critical period of a child's development and the age of onset of bone cancer. Fluoridated Water 'Causes Cancer' Fluoride Damages Children's Bones - Study
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The Fluoride Deception - An Interview with Christopher Bryson Published on: April 13th, 2005
Modified on: June 21st, 2007
In this video, Christopher Bryson, an award-winning journalist and former producer at the BBC, discusses the findings of his new book The Fluoride Deception.
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Why Americans are SHEEPLES: FLUORIDE Published on: March 15th, 2005
Modified on: March 15th, 2005
Why Americans are SHEEPLES: FLUORIDE
To Whom It May Concern: I, Oliver Kenneth Goff was a member of the Communist Party and the Young Communist League, from May 2, 1936 to October 9, 1939. During this period of time, I operated under the alias of John Keats and the number 18-B-2. My testimony before the Government is incorporated in Volume 9 of the Un-American Activities Report for the year 1939. While a member of the Communist Party, I attended Communist underground training schools outside the City of New York: In the Bues Hall, and 113 East Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The East Wells Street School operated under the name of the Eugene Debs School. Here, under the tutoring of Eugene Dennis, M. Sparks, Morris Childs, Jack Kling and others, we were schooled in the art of revolutionary overthrow of the established Government. We were trained on how to dismantle and assemble mimeograph machines, to use for propaganda purposes during the revolution; how to work on guide wires and fuel lines of airplanes so that they would either burst into flames or crash to the ground because of lack of control; how to work on ties and rails to wreck trains; and also the art of poisoning water supplies. We discussed quite thoroughly the fluoridation of water supplies and how we were using it in Russia as a tranquilizer in the prison camps. The leaders of our school felt that if it could be induced into the American water supply, it would bring-about a spirit of lethargy in the nation; where it would keep the general public docile during a steady encroachment of Communism. We also discussed the fact that keeping a store of deadly fluoride near the water reservoir would be advantageous during the time of the revolution, as it would give us opportunity to dump this poison into the water supply and either kill off the populace or threaten them with liquidation, so that they would surrender to obtain fresh water. We discussed in these schools, the complete art of revolution: the seizure of the main utilities, such as light, power, gas, and water; but it was felt by the leadership, that if a program of fluoridating of the water could be carried out in the nation, it would go a long way toward the advancement of the revolution. The above statements are true. /s/ Oliver Kenneth Goff
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True teeth care - re-enamalize naturally Published on: January 13th, 2004
Modified on: July 28th, 2006
DENTAL HEALTH Letter from Gerard F. Judd , Ph. D. , Chemist, Researcher for 18 years and Professor of Chemistry for 33 yrs. http://gerardjudd.com/goodteeth.htmApril 2002 Dear Government Executive and Employee: We can all stop spending billions for American dental work and research. Let me tell you why: I have learned the real causes of dental cavities and gum infection. People, including you, will now be able to take care of their own dentistry with insignificant cost, and end with perfect teeth. Cavities and gum infections are ended! http://i.am/jah/heal.htm A great amount of REPUTABLE DENTAL RESEARCH proves the following: 1. Tooth cavities will be ended simply by rinsing acids off the teeth. ACIDS ALONE EAT THE ENAMEL. There would be no cavities in the world if all people rinsed acids from their teeth promptly. Just sip water, milk or other liquid while eating. Water reacts with acids. 2. Foods and drinks, other than those containing acids, have no action on tooth enamel. SUGARS HAVE NO ACTION ON THE ENAMEL. 3. Bacteria cannot damage the enamel (calcium hydroxy phosphate). There is no such thing as decay of the enamel since bacteria require carbon and hydrogen to live. Billions of human and animal remains show teeth and bones are resistant to earth-bound organisms. 4. Teeth reenamalize when clean. TO MAKE TEETH CL EAN ONE BRUSHES WITH ANY BAR SOAP. ( There are good toothpastes at the health food stores. Check the ingredients before buying. Don't get anything with glycerine in it.) Soap washes off in just 2 rinses. What about toothpastes? Glycerine in all tooth pastes is so sticky that it takes 27 washes to get it off. Teeth brushed with any toothpaste are coated with a film and CANNOT PROPERLY REENAMELIZE. 5. Taking calcium and phosphate in the diet results in reenamelization of the teeth, but only when they are clean. Bar soap does a perfect job in cleaning the surface. The enamel thickens and becomes less sensitive. Adenosine diphosphatase furnishes phosphate to teeth. 6. Gums are disinfected by brushing with any bar soap. Not only bacteria and viruses are destroyed promptly by small amounts of soap in water, but also white flies and aphids. Gardeners: Spray 1 tsp of dishwashing soap in 1 gallon of water to kill white flies and aphids. 7. Plaque, a poorly formed crystal stuck to the bottom of the enamel, is prevented and eventually removed by brushing with bar soap. Dental procedures to get the badly formed crystals off dig holes through the enamel. These cavities catch food and cause gum infection. 8. Prevention of plaque retards gum pockets. Gum pockets are formed as the plaque pushes the gums away from the teeth. Gum pockets, from 1 to 8 mm deep, are also formed by FLUORIDE, which severs the protein molecules adhering the gums to the teeth. SOAP PREVENTS GINGIVITIS caused by bacteria which is lodged in the gum pockets. 9. VITAMIN C AND PHOSPHATE help knit the gums back to the teeth. Pressing against the gums with fingers forces adhesive materials from the gums onto the teeth, which helps the process. Abscesses can be offset by holding Cepacol (14% alcohol) in the mouth 5 minutes.
The Secret Covenant Published on: July 3rd, 2003
Modified on: December 11th, 2004
This text is copied from The Bankindex who claim NOT know who he or she is. The piece came in through one of theirr forms and the Author left an unusable e-mail address. Written by UNKNOWN Scripturereferences etc inserted by 100777.com
An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. King of Kings' Bible Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out to the earth, and his angels (you - Luke 9:55) were cast out with him (Matthew 25:41). Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
Prominent Researcher Apologizes for Pushing Fluoride Published on: June 19th, 2003
Modified on: June 19th, 2003
by Barry Forbes The Tribune, Mesa, AZ "Why'd you do it, Doc? Why'd you toss the fluoride folks overboard?"
I had just tracked down Dr. Hardy Limeback, B.Sc., Ph.D in Biochemistry, D.D.S.,
head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto,
and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. (Whew.) Dr. Limeback
is Canada's leading fluoride authority and, until recently, the country's primary
promoter of the controversial additive. "But certainly the crowning blow was the realization that we have been dumping contaminated fluoride into water reservoirs for half a century. The vast majority of all fluoride additives come from Tampa Bay, Florida smokestack scrubbers. The additives are a toxic byproduct of the super-phosphate fertilizer industry."
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Fluoride Is Poison, Says Dartmouth Doctor Published on: May 31st, 2003
Modified on: January 2nd, 2005
New evidence seems to confirm that by fluoridating our water, we are poisoning our children. By Tom Valentine More than two years ago, the court-killed Spotlight wrote about George Glasser, a citizen researcher who blew the whistle on the use of highly-toxic fluorosilicic acid from rock fertilizer processing as the primary source of community water fluoridation. Now, a massive study of young children who have been subjected to fluorosilicic acid fluoridation in their New York communities shows that the water additive does not improve kids? teeth and could even be poisoning them.
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Open Letter To President Of Colgate-Palmolive Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: May 28th, 2003
Dear President:
I am writing to you as a consumer who still has a few teeth left in his mouth, lots of "hard stuff" between the gums and teeth (my dentist just told me), and bad breath on occasion (don't ask!). I am seriously considering using your product, Colgate Toothpaste, but after looking at the many boxes on the shelves of my local Duane Reade for nearly an hour, and taking detailed notes, I am somewhat confused about which "version" of Colgate to buy. I also have some questions I'd like you to answer, based on what I read on your boxes, so that I may decide whether to become a loyal Colgate user or consider some sort of action against you and your company on behalf of all brain-functioning consumers who use or have ever used your successful product.
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Scientists at Drug Company Admit That Fluoride Causes Gum/Mouth Disease Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: May 28th, 2003
The inclusion of fluoride in toothpastes and mouthwashes for the purpose of inhibiting the development of caries [cavities] does, at the same time, accelerate the process of chronic, destructive periodontitis.
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European Countries Banning the Use of Fluoride Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: May 28th, 2003
Because of health concerns, Belgium banned the sale of fluoride supplements to prevent tooth decay, France removed sodium fluoride from the market for the treatment of osteoporosis and Ireland plans to lower water fluoride levels. And, because poor quality research has been carried out on fluoride and health, British scientists called for more research into the health effects of adding fluoride to drinking water in a report published by the Medical Research Council.
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Fluoride Fantasies Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: May 28th, 2003
A computer analysis of the data from the largest dental survey ever done - of nearly 40,000 school children - by the National Institutes of Dental Research revealed no correlation between tooth decay and fluoridation. In fact, many of the non-fluoridated cities had better tooth decay rates than fluoridated cities. The city with the lowest rate of tooth decay was not fluoridated. Of the three with the highest rate of decay, two were partially fluoridated.
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The Manhattan Project: Weapons of Mass Destruction, Fluoride and Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: August 29th, 2006
by Some 50 years after the United States authorities began adding fluoride to public water supplies to reduce cavities in children's teeth, recently discovered declassified government documents are shedding new light on the roots of that still-controversial public health measure, revealing a surprising connection between the use of fluoride and the dawning of the nuclear age.
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Sickness Control 101: Fluoride, the Lunatic Drug Published on: May 28th, 2003
Modified on: May 28th, 2003
"That any so-called 'doctors' would persuade a civilized nation to add voluntarily a deadly poison to its drinking water systems is unbelievable. It is the height of criminal insanity. It is criminal insanity - treason!"
- Dr. E.H. Bronner, Mfg. Research Chemist, Los Angeles.
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