London, England - Martin Luther may have started The Protestant Reformation, when he
nailed his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints'Church in 1517; but what will Martin Sleuther start by the posting of his 95 Theses on the door of Westminster Abbey, Christmas Day 2017
In the early hours of Christmas Morning, on the 67. anniversary of the taking of The Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey by four Scottish Nationalists, the 95 Theses condemning the Head of the Church of England were symbolically nailed to the door of Westminster Abbey, to publicly denounce Elizabeth 2's evil, corruption of the Teaching of Christ, and fraudulent coronation and reign.
In this modem-day disputation, an argument to uncover and establish truths in theology, "Martin Sleuth-ER" ridicules and exposes abuses, indulgences, and treasonous acts of the Head of the Church of England.
The Stone of Destiny, also known as Jacob's Pillar Stone, The Coronation Stone, The British Throne, The Throne of David, has NEVER been retured and Elizabeth KNOWS IT.
The British and the Scots pretend the one sitting in Edinburgh Castle is authentic, despite the overwhelming evidence that it's a fake.
The Stone of Destiny, the British Throne was taken to prevent Elizabeth from being crowned on it, just as prophesied in Ezekiel 2,25-27. The Sceptre is set to pass from Judah to Joseph, when Shiloh comes to gather His people (Genesis 49:10). Elizabeth 2 descends from David, the line of Judah; but the Sceptre will depart from her.
The taking of The Stone of Destiny (The Throne of David - The British-lsrael Throne) on Christmas Day, 1950, was the SIGN that the final overturn had begun, as prophesied in Ezekiel.
The SIGN was ignored, so the British peoples became enslaved by a fraudulent queen. Since the British people continue to oppose Christ's teachings, they are thus challenged to read and debate the 95 Theses compiled by Martin Sleuther.
The document can be accessed on-line at "Sleuthers 95 Theses" on at the following link:
As far as I know, this is the 2nd letter written on the Supreme Court case in Dublin scheduled for the 11th Nov 2010. John Hill faces the possibility of extradition from the R. of Ireland to England.
The trial has been compared to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, likely because John Hill is Christ. Recognising the truth of His identity is a private matter. Reading the Book He wrote is necessary.
The purpose of my letter is to clarify possible misunderstandings made by comparison to the Crucifixion. Christ in Jesus was crucified 2000 years ago providing the opportunity for salvation, by actions. Having died that we may be saved need not be repeated, He having succeeded in that Mission. The Great Mystery is explained in The Marriage Guide and no longer a Mystery to His followers.
The world is no longer ruled by God's Law written for all men, but by man's law/legislation written for some men. These few men are evil indeed, and follow Satan, the enemy of Christ and God the Father. All injustice, and mishaps of circumstance never resolved and worsened are a result of the misled.
The Supreme Court case in Ireland obviously is more than about sending a DVD to a court case. Whilst 2000 years ago, perhaps only a few were able to understand the Great Mystery, this time, the opportunity is for many more to understand the dynamics behind the battles we ALL face today.
Accept this message as a message of Hope, whilst a warning, as well, for those refusing to Love.
Never has it been more crucial to demand The Truth and Justice than it will be on 11th November 2010. Christ is on trial AGAIN and the world has a chance to stop the persecution against Him that began with the Idumean-Jews and Pontius Pilate two thousand years ago.
Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships....
The ONLY way for a Freeman to be TRULY Free, is to get it right with his Creator.
1 Corinthians 7:22 For he that is called in the Lord, [being] a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, [being] free, is Christ's servant.
7:23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men but of God ONLY (First Commandment).
Recently, a man named Anthony John Hill was arrested and is now being corruptly and forcefully extradited to nazi-London where He will stand trial for the heinous crime of: sending a DVD to a courthouse. Yes... Really.
Think I'm kidding? I wish; but the insanity doesn't stop there.
We met with John Anthony Hill who got arrested for mailing a DVD (with no letter attached) to a UK court from Ireland (reported by the Irish Times). John is also the producer and narrator of this DVD. Mr Hill, 60 years old, showed us his arrest warrant and gave us permission to pass on information contained in it. The maximum sentence on the warrant is Life Imprisonment in England. John had his computer and other property seized which is why he requested other people to help him as he is not able to defend him self properly as a result. The phony charge is possibly fabricating evidence that might cause injustice and this is from the same country that helped put people in Guantanamo and other torture facilities world-wide.
I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.
Today on Wednesday 18th February 2009, in a Dublin court, an Irish judge set bail for the producer of “7/7 Ripple Effect” - Muad’Dib - at 3500 Euros.
UPDATE, 19th February: Muad'Dib has been ransomed and is now awaiting the next hearing. The urgent issue of Him getting out of prison as soon as possible is now behind us. The expenses that may be incurred and this entire ordeal are not. Therefore we would like to thank everyone for the donations but further ones will also be most helpful. Unity is strength. LLTF, LLTK, The Fremen.
If you would like to help Him continue the Fight against Satan and his N.W.O., for the good of us all, please send a Moneygram to Tullio Goi in Dublin, Ireland. You will get a reference number from Moneygram that you have to send to Tullio at jtgoi [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk so he can pick up the money. For more information about Moneygram and how it works, where you can send a Moneygram etc. go to
You can also use Western Union which works the same way as Moneygram.
Alternatively please send CASH ONLY donations to the following PO boxes:-
c/o JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 2129,
Canvey Island,
SS8 9UF,
c/o JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 54102
Hurst, TX 76054
The other bail conditions the Irish judge set are:-
1. Surrendering of passport,
2. Forbidden to discuss 7/7 with anybody in England & Wales,
3. Has to sign 3 times a week at the Gardai station.
Those of you familiar with 7/7 truth will have noted that number 2 is most interesting, considering that everyone else supposedly remains “free” (for the time being) to discuss 7/7 in England and Wales. It shows how much THEY* fear Muad’Dib.
*The Hierarchy Enslaving You.
For those unfamiliar with the video, please download and watch Muad’Dib’s 7/7 Ripple Effect here:-
The following is a paragraph from the article "Signs of The End Times" by JAH
The famous sixth-century Irish prophet called
Columcille, who lived at Kells in County Meath, before being driven
out by the clergy; according to the seventh-century Irish-historian
Adamnan; and going to live in Iona, where he founded a monastery and
became known as Columba ("Dove") after whom Iona ("Jonah" - "Dove")
is named; wrote amongst his prophecies one that seems to be about
The time will
come when many will regret
the days they have lived to see.
Men of literature will be neglected.
Falsehood and deceit will prevail.
Chapels and shrines will be plundered.
Sacred things will become the prey of thieves.
Learning will be oppressed and hence they will be brought low.
The powerful will oppress the poor with false laws and perverted
judgement(James 5:4), and the aged and infirm will regret the time they have
lived to see.
Strife and war will rage in every family.
Good neighbourhood will disappear and many will be treated with
The trees shall not bear fruit.
There will be cold and hunger, malice, hatred and bad weather, and
only the leaves on the trees will show the difference between Summer
and Winter.
Men and women will fly in the air without wings, and will travel from
one country to another under the ground (Channel Tunnel).
Pounds will be filled with cattle and jails with men.
Milk over the country will be churned in one churn. Diseases will
abound and remedies will fail.
Every race of mankind will become more wicked and all classes will be
addicted to robbery.
Such is the description of people who will live in the ages to
come. Maidens will
be unblushing and marriages without witnesses. Columcille
Genetically engineered plants have only recently been permitted in Germany. However, they have been in regular use in the USA and Argentina for many years. How safe is the so-called "Green Genetic Engineering" really? Monsanto, the world's largest genetic engineering corporation, insists it is safe. Numerous studies claim genetically modified plants can cause allergies and cancers. However, commercial and political interests are determined to make genetic engineering the norm.
Thomas Paine, one of America’s most influential Founding Fathers, wrote in his brilliant essay, Common Sense, that government at its very best, when it is doing everything right and nothing wrong, is a necessary evil. In other words, Thomas Paine and those (like myself) who share his views on government believe that all governments are inherently evil.
This means that those who work for government are supporting, by their efforts, something evil, and are therefore perpetrating evil. In other words, all bureaucrats, that is, all elected and appointed officials, whether federal, state, city, county or otherwise, are supporting a government that is fundamentally evil. This includes the police.
Did you know that police officers are actually government corporation security guards? It’s true. As a matter of fact, many police uniforms contain the words, “Corporate Police” on the hat or jacket. Police officers work for evil governments. They support evil. They are evil.
From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!
February 18, 2008
The website has been taken off line in many parts of the world. Wikileaks is a website dedicated to leaking documents that are "anonymous, untraceable, uncensorable."
Several factors have taken the site off line including DDoS attacks, which was followed by a fire which took out the main servers hosting the site in Sweden, and a restraining order on the domain name '' issued in the United States.
According to the website, Wikileaks experienced "a 500Mbps distributed denial of service attack" before the fire, but it is not known if the DDoS attack is connected to it.
After the attack, a fire was reported in the Uninterruptible Power Supply of the servers which host the site.
The third and final factor taking the site off line is a permanent injunction granted in the California Northern District Court in San Francisco, California to Bank Julius Baer, a Swiss Bank, which has caused the domain to be taken off line in the U.S.. Wikileaks previously published hundreds of documents obtained from a whistleblower of the Swiss Bank, "purportedly showing offshore tax evasion and money laundering by extremely wealthy and in some cases, politically sensitive, clients from the US, Europe, China and Peru."
Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi) demands the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) of Finland to explain why it has censored a net
site that criticises Internet censorship.
NBI maintains a secret blocking list of web sites allegedly containing
child pornography, pursuant to a law passed last year. [Most of the major Finnish
Internet service providers use this list in a DNS based
filtering system under pressure from the government.] The purpose of
the law is to prevent the access to the foreign sites that contain
child pornography.
Now the censorship list has been appended with a site called[translates to] that is
maintained by a Finnish Internet activist Matti Nikki. The site does
not contain child pornography, but articles that criticise censorship
and a list of blocked IP addresses.
Leena Romppainen, a member of the Effi board wonders: "If the site
really had some illegal content, wouldn't the correct solution
be to take the site down and take the site owner to the court? The site is
located on a Finnish server and the name of the site owner appears
visibly on the root page of the site."
This is the first trailer for LUCUS' upcoming documentary titled Brutal Reality - Rise of the Police State which will be out on July 4th, 2008.
This documents police abusing their power, killing people with tasers, and over stepping their authority.
Rare footage and other scenes make for a riveting but gut wrenching account of the tyranny that is looming over American life.
If you think you are free than you need to watch Brutal Reality.
When the 9/11 truth about the conspiracy comes to light, people like Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld may see the same fate as Saddam Hussein. Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are CIA assets. The network they operate is funded through the ISI by the central intelligence agency. When you have building 7, freefall speed, Silverstein saying "Pull it" and all the vast evidence about September 11th, you come to understand the detail. There were bombs in the WTC, or World Trade Center, and the Pentagon was hit by a missile. Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania. The 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia which has direct ties right to George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush SR. Prescott Bush funded Hitler and the nazi party. If we don't stop this it will lead to World war 3, or WW3. You will not find any Britney Spears or Anna Smith videos on my channel. Please subscribe to LUCUS' channel at to get REAL news that you may have missed on FOX, NBC, CBS, and CNN. Olbermann, Lou Dobbs, Bill Oreilly, or Sean Hannity will not cover this topic. The Iraq war, Afghanistand, and coming Iran war are all based on the pretext of 9/11, which was a total lie. We are sending our soldiers off to war based on a lie. All this torture and death for a lie. This has to stop.
The ONLY solution is to enforce The Plan and only God's Law: -
The word translated incorrectly as "church" is ekklesia, which means a called-out community, NOT a building. Jesus told his followers NOT to go to, or pray in "churches", or anywhere in public, ONLY in private and to form righteous communities, NOT build churches.
King of kings' Bible -
Matthew 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt NOT be as the hypocrites [ARE]: for they love to pray standing in the churches and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and WHEN THOU HAST SHUT THY DOOR, pray to thy Father in private (Enoch 56:5; Sura 7:55) ; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
6:7 But when ye pray, use NOT vain repetitions, as the heathen [DO]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
6:8 Be NOT ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, BEFORE ye ask Him.
The letter below is quite good, except for the writer wanting to build churches, instead of, or as well as, righteous communities that are the "living" body of Christ. A building is a waste of money and resources and it cannot be a living body of Christ, for it is an inanimate object, where, according to Jesus, only hypocrites go to be seen by their fellow man, as quoted above.
This is a letter from Paul Grubach to Amnesty International.
August 16, 2006
Amnesty International
I have been informed that one of the main purposes of your organization is to defend human rights worldwide. I am writing to you now to inform you of a very serious human rights violation that is taking place in your own nation, and to request that you would publicly speak out about it.
Mr. Germar Rudolf, a former chemistry doctoral candidate at the prestigious Max Planck Institute, is a German citizen who was forced to flee his native Germany because he has questioned and refuted certain aspects of the Jewish Holocaust story. In short, I believe that he showed that the alleged Auschwitz gas chambers never existed. In the United States, near Chicago, Revisionist scholar Rudolf was recently torn from his American wife and their child and delivered to Germany. He is in prison in Stuttgart.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid people on this planet are.
This reporter's article about what Bush is doing is typical of that stupidity.
When Bush first took power he told the American people and the world exactly and very clearly what he was going to do and now everyone during his second term in office and years of him doing what he said up-front that he intended to do, people are acting surprised.
When he very first took office he told everyone very clearly that his job would be so much easier if he were a dictator, and followed it immediately by saying that he was going to make some "good laws"* - to enable himself to become a dictator, stupid.
It was right then, at that very moment that you should have removed him from power. Now it is too late.
* The ONLY "good laws" are God's Laws and God, in His Law, has prohibited men from legislating, on pain of death, so by definition any other "laws" are "bad laws" (Isaiah 5:20) enacted by Bush, Blair or whomever does so.
The moment Bush said he, being evil and disobeying God's Law, was going to make some "good laws" he should have been removed from power immediately.
Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history (His Story - Bible) are doomed to repeat them.
Published on Wednesday,
August 2, 2006
by the Boulder Daily Camera
To turn our eyes momentarily from the terrifying war in the Middle East is to discover an ever-more ominous turn in the Bush administration's war on terror.
Having been barred by the Supreme Court from treating foreign terrorism suspects as if they had few — or no — legal rights, the president's initial response is not to comply with the high court's finding that detainees must be treated under accepted standards of international law. In fact, the White House pushes to extend the ill treatment to American citizens.
That is, effectively, what the administration's draft of new rules for the military detention and trial of terrorism suspects would do. News and human rights organizations that have obtained the document, marked "deliberative draft — close hold," have criticized the way in which it would obliterate the Supreme Court's ruling. It seeks to have Congress write into law essentially the same procedures for military trials that the high court just said were illegal. That is, terrorism suspects still could be excluded from the courtroom, evidence could be withheld from the defense, and the Geneva Conventions — which the Supreme Court explicitly said must apply, would be circumvented.
"To define for eventual implementation the ideal form of government for the support of freedom on the local, state, national, and world level.We are a growing body of patriot saint leaders, volunteer and elected, representative of our various communities and organizations."
Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Billy Phillips. I am the Chief of Police of a small city in a southern state. I was asked to be the guest speaker at this gathering a couple of months ago, and I gladly accepted. The reason I accepted is the simple fact that people need towake up and understand what is happening to our country and to us! Some of you will know immediately what I am talking about. Some of you may not.
How many Americans have "suspected ties to terrorist groups" and thus deserve "eavesdropping" as deemed appropriate by the Bushcons? It depends how you define "terrorist group." In Bushzarro world, "insider threats" emanate from the American populace, not al-CIA-duh terrorists, or rather a small number of Americans who are vocally opposed to the Iraq invasion and occupation. As we now know, the Pentagon is in the business of collating "raw, unverified information picked up by the military services on suspicious activities that could involve terrorist threats," called "Talon reports," according to Walter Pincus of the Washington Post. "The Pentagon acknowledged last week that the Talon database contained reports on peaceful civilian protests and demonstrations that should have been purged long ago under Defense Department regulations." In short, to protest against the "war" is to engage in terrorism and we know what the Bushcons do to people who are considered terrorists.
The ONLY solution is to enforce The Plan against the traitorous N. W. O. Zion-Nazi mass murder, inside-job perpetrators of OKC, 911 and the phoney War on Terror:-
Sixteen provisions of the USA Patriot Act expire Dec. 31 if not renewed by Congress:
Section 201 - Gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire, spoken and electronic communications relating to terrorism.
Section 202 - Gives federal officials the authority to intercept wire, spoken and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.
Subsection 203(b) - Permits the sharing of grand jury information that involves foreign intelligence or counterintelligence with federal law enforcement, intelligence, protective, immigration, national defense or national security officials
Subsection 203(d) - Gives foreign intelligence or counterintelligence officers the ability to share foreign intelligence information obtained as part of a criminal investigation with law enforcement.
Section 204 - Makes clear that nothing in the law regarding pen registers - an electronic device which records all numbers dialed from a particular phone line - stops the government's ability to obtain foreign intelligence information.
Section 206 - Allows federal officials to issue roving "John Doe" wiretaps for spy and anti-terrorism investigations.
Section 207 - Increases the amount of time that federal officials may watch people they suspect are spies or terrorists.
Section 209 - Permits the seizure of voicemail messages under a warrant.
Section 212 - Permits Internet service providers and other electronic communication and remote computing service providers to hand over records and e-mails to federal officials in emergency situations.
Section 214 - Allows use of a pen register or trap and trace devices - a device that records the originating phone numbers of all incoming calls on a particular phone line - in international terrorism or spy investigations.
Section 215 - Authorizes federal officials to obtain "tangible items" like business records, including those from libraries and bookstores, for foreign intelligence and international terrorism investigations.
Section 217 - Makes it lawful to intercept the wire or electronic communication of a computer hacker or intruder in certain circumstances.
Section 218 - Allows federal officials to wiretap or watch suspects if foreign intelligence gathering is a "significant purpose" for seeking a Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act order. The pre-Patriot Act standard said officials could ask for the surveillance only if it was "the" sole or main purpose.
Section 220 - Provides for nationwide service of search warrants for electronic evidence.
Section 223 - Amends the federal criminal code to provide for administrative discipline of federal officers or employees who violate prohibitions against unauthorized disclosures of information gathered under this act.
Section 225 - Amends FISA to prohibit lawsuits against people or companies that provide information to federal officials for a terrorism investigation
The agenda of totalitarianism is imposed upon freedom loving people, but often it is not the members of the Communist Party, who play the most important role in doing this. The tactic is called "Pressure from above and below."
In every call for more power for government there should be a reminder that nothing in the measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens. We must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom. Be careful about elimination of rights, or the setting up of totalitarian instruments.
Creating terrorism, or class struggle, or even natural calamities, provides the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY. The sequence of steps that have been taken, in this country, is the most common pathway to dictatorship.
THE SHEEPLE ASK: "You would rather we let our guard down, and suffer terrorist attacks on our own soil?" Stop the chaos!
Government officials are making searches without warrants. Government officials are demanding identification without probable cause, to believe that a crime has even been committed. THIS IS a terrorist attack on our own soil.
We have been betrayed by leaders known to us and by those unknown to us. The elected and unelected. Is there a crime worse than betrayal by leaders? .... Holocaust revisionism is at the cutting edge of contemporary thought.
— J. B. Campbell, The New American Man: A Call to Arms
One by one, those who oppose the manipulated (counterfeit-)Jewish version of history are being forcibly removed from society, and silenced because their views conflict with the program of mind-controlled slavery that has been meticulously crafted by the people who control the world by controlling the money .
Four leading historical revisionists — first, Ernst Zündel; then, Siegfried Verbeke and Germar Rudolf; now, David Irving — are all under the gun in European courts, charged with crimes they are not even allowed to defend themselves against.
But the worldwide Jewish assault on freedom of speech reaches much, much farther than that. A kangaroo court packed with Israeli settlers as witnesses is now roasting of Palestinian benefactor Sami Al-Arian in Tampa. Anyone who realizes Sami's innocence (prosecution of him would not have been possible before the passage of the Patriot Act) and supports him suddenly receives a home visit from the FBI and IRS aimed at intimidating them into silence. The tactic works. Sami’s support has dwindled.
And at least two deposed leaders of nations — Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia and Saddam Hussein of Iraq — have through their words from unjust imprisonment risen to the status of heroes in the fight against the Jewish war machine that slaughters innocents in many countries around the world, and trumpets its right to pretend to an exalted, immune status that they insist nonJews are simply not eligible for. Everything the Western press has said about both vilified characters has been deliberately twisted negatively. Media manipulation of the facts of history is the second-best weapon in the arsenal of the Jewish war machine. The first, of course, would be money.
Orwell's "newspeak" thus arrives in nonfiction history couched in the language of the Jewish spy agency named the Anti-Defamation League. Anyone who questions the unprovable story of gas chambers in World War Two immediately gets slammed into jail, especially if you live in Germany or Canada, two satellite toadies to the Jewish-controlled U.S./UK/Israeli axis of evil now plundering the planet for profit.
On November 1st, unanimously and without a vote, the representatives of the 191 nations making up the UN adopted — or let be adopted — an Israeli-drafted resolution proclaiming January 27th “International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust”.
Moreover, the resolution “Rejects any denial of the Holocaust as an historical event, either in full or part”.
Los Angeles, California March 18, 2002 Reposted 10/16/2005
Why Government Needs Crime!
I Am a Criminal
Yes, that’s right. I, R. Lee Wrights, being of sound mind and aging body, do solemnly acclaim and justly affirm that I am a criminal. And, if I do my job correctly, by the time you finish reading this you will realize that you are a criminal also; and, that something needs to be done about it.
My premise is simply that government, not only at the federal level but in particular at the state and local level, has grown so gorged and bloated that it has become virtually impossible for any of us to remain "law-abiding citizens." In order to be law-abiding, one must first know and understand the law. Now I ask you, in today’s society how many people really know, let alone understand, "the law?" Moreover, how many policemen really know or, more importantly, understand the law? Do the lawyers and judges, who are charged with the protection of America’s most sacred document, even understand the law? Judging from the number of appealed judgments these days, it would appear that even these "protectors of justice" are unable to effectively untangle the thicket of jurisprudence created by the endless loads of fertilizer produced by the various legislatures.
I don't write very often, but felt compelled to share what I was shown this morning. I give full credit and glory to our Father in Heaven.
Several definitions of insanity are as follows:
In-san-i-ty: 3 a : extreme folly or unreasonableness b : something utterly foolish or unreasonable.
(Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition 1993, page
In-san-i-ty: 1. lack of reason or good sense: extreme foolishness or act that demonstrates it.
(Microsoft Works Version 8.0, Copyright 1987-2004 Microsoft Corporation.)
Most of us have also heard that "repeating the same act, expecting different results", is a sign of insanity.
Believing that a lie is the truth, and that the truth is a lie, is the correct definition of insanity.
So where are we going with this. It is fair to say that most people don't get up in the morning, look at their self in the mirror and say, "I'm insane". The facts below reveal a different story though; that the problem is we are ALL insane; save One.
First let me remind you of two events which took place approximately one year ago. Last year at the height of the hurricane season hurricane Francis and Jean slammed into the Southeastern Florida Coast. At the time the people of that region were desperate for help. The call went out to FEMA for aid, yet news reports and first hand accounts state that FEMA actually turned back aid and hampered efforts to help those desperate people. We can all remember traffic jams along I-95, with people waiting to get in to the region with aid, only to be held up or turned back by FEMA; while thousands suffered without food, water or power. This year the people of Louisiana and Texas suffered what has been classified as two "super storm" hurricanes, which slammed into the Gulf Coast region. Their first reaction was to cry for help from the same government which gave them FEMA, and when FEMA repeated their performance as exampled above, people shook their head and said, "What happened, why didn't they help us". When in reality they gave the same result as the previous year. The problem is we are ALL insane and expecting different results.
When reviewing the material please keep an open mindset but cross-check the details, as inaccuracies may not just exist but are sometimes quite obvious.