The Manchurian / Khazarian Candidate

From: "eebeeb2004" eebeeb2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com
To: apfn-1 [at] yahoogroups [dot] com

+ For those who haven't yet connected the six-pointed stars, John Kerry's grandfather was a full-blooded Czechoslovakian Jew whose real last name was Kohn. I've not seen any report on grandma's ethnicity. According to what I've been able to find, Kerry's wife is Jewish and high-up in Hadassah. His brother has given up any pretence of being Catholic (like John) and has returned to the synagogue (of Satan).

+ John Edwards was an invited participant at this year's Bilderberger confab. I would say that this is an almost sure sign that Kerry and Edwards are going to get the nod from the Mishpucka in this November's "election." By the way, the Latin phrase "annuit coeptis" above the eye-on-the-pyramid located on the backside of the one dollar Federal Reserve note is usually translated to mean "He approves the undertaking." The third-person verb "annuit" actually is a Latin colloquialism meaning "He gives the nod to." While I'm on the subject, "novus ordo seclorum" is correctly translated to mean "a new order of the ages," not "a new world order." An alternate spelling of "seclorum" is "saeclorum," which is the possessive plural of the Latin word for "age." You could look it up. Dunt esk. Oy!!

+ We're at a critical juncture this Fall, troopers. We're in a world of feces, and there's a critical shortage of Scott's tissues. The Luciferians are slobbering all over themselves with anticipation. They believe that existence has both a light side and a dark side. What's the problem, they believe, if they take up the roles assigned to them as conscious volunteers for the "dark" side? It's just ecology, man, the wolves and the sheep. B.B.

King of kings' Bible “ Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but [are] (Idumeans) the synagogue of Satan.
br> pt2

Last Thurday, I posted some info on John Kerry's Jewish
background.  I had to cut it short because of other business to
attend to.  What I wanted to impart was info about the
Jewishness of other U.S. presidents.                                
+   At this point in time, I can't give definite references, but I
present to you what I have discovered at one time or another on
the web.  President Woodrow Wilson was of Sephardic Jewish
descent, the possessor of a completely different last name in
reality.  You may recall his pushing of his famous 14 points at
the Versailles Treaty conference following World War I.  It has
been pointed out by several writers that his ultimate ambition
was to become the head of the League of Nations, that is, the
chief executive of the World.  He, who promised to keep U.S.
boys out of the European war which started in 1914, ultimately
found a way to do exactly the opposite.  Wilson also was
instrumental in putting into place the infamous Federal Reserve
, which is really at the heart of the conspiracy to seize
control of the wealth and power of the U.S. of A.  He is said to
have bitterly regretted his role in history at the end of his life. 
+   Franklin Roosevelt frankly admitted to questioning reporters
during the 1930s that he did indeed have Jewish ancestors. 
They were Jews who had emigrated to Holland.  His family's
fortune was built on slave and opium trade.  FDR worked
overtime to get the U.S. involved in WW II and finally strongarmed
the Japanese--no saints in anyone's book--to attack  Pearl
, thus bringing Hitler to declare war on the U.S. on
December 12th, 1942.  Hitler was bound by the mutual defense
agreements of the Axis.  If FDR was Jewish, it would have to hold
true that Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was also of Jewish
descent.  For further cataloging of FDR many sins "google" the
names of authors John T. Flynn and Antony Sutton.  Sutton, who
was a professor of History at Stanford wrote several books on  
that period, one title being "Wall Street and FDR."  You'll find in
it a very strong and well-researched argument that the sainted 
FDR was actually a very subtle and far-reaching crook.              
+   Harry S Truman--notice that there's no period after the "S." 
That's the way he wanted it, and that's the way he signed it.  I
personally have seen a fairly major thoroughfare on the eastern
edge of Washington, D.C.'s Beltway with that very spelling on its
principal signpost.  I grew up only a few miles away, an
inhabitant of what I call "the Forbidden Zone."  D.C. is a town with
a galactic-sized hunk of bad karma.  But back to Harry.  When
asked what the "S" stood for, he said, nothing in particular.  The
reason he de-emphasized his middle name was that it in fact
stood for his grandfather's last name, Solomon.  Old Sol was
Jewish. Harry is, of course, famous for being the only human to
ever order the dropping of a heavy-duty atom bomb on a city of
relatively innocent civilians, as well as combatants in the same
zone.  He always maintained that he never lost a wink of sleep
over that one, because otherwise he would have had to order the
U.S. military's invasion of the Japanese home islands, a move
which was estimated at the time as likely to create one million
American casualties.  This was obviously faulty reasoning at
best or a lie at worst.  These islands were already blockaded,
and an even tighter pursuit of that blockade would have
ultimately brought forth a surrender.  Japan had already been
trying to surrender anyway, Harry S refused.  Some say the
dropping of the bombs was to show the Russians a little theater
and also demonstrate the utter ruthlessness the U.S.
government could dish out.  Later, Truman blundered (most
likely intentionally) into the Korean War, one in which a Russian
general situated in the United Nations HQ was aware of every
military move the U.S. was going to make in advance.  The
general transmitted all this info to Stalin, and it subsequently
found its way into the hands of the North Korean high command. 
General MacArthur knew this and went to some pains to try to
cover this leak in any way he could.  Truman also presided over
the loss of China to the Reds in the late 1940s, due to the
actions of George Marshall and Dean Acheson, among others.  It
was yet another CFR production.                                     
+   Now we come to Dwight David Eisenhower.  His father was a
Swedish Jew who married a Swedish gentile woman before they
emigrated to the U.S.  I've seen all their pictures, and Dwight is a
dead-ringer for his mother, a very Scandinavian-looking lady. 
Rather a parallel to Barry Goldwater, who is the spitting image of
his English mother.  I have a lot of respect for Barry, by the way.
If you read his several memoirs, you'll find that he's a real
straight-shooter who came down firmly and courageously
against the CFR, in print  no less!  Eisenhower, who went to
West Point, was referred to in his senior yearbook by his
classmates as "that terrible Swedish Jew."  I have personally
seen a reproduction of the page in a 1969 book commemorating
"Ike."  I guess that was a little tough love from the boys in the
long gray line.  Like all U.S. presidents, Eisenhower was up to
his armpits in corruption and skullduggery.  His buddies in the
oil industry bought and paid for his famous Gettysburg farm, for
example.  He and his little buddy Nixon also helped set the stage
for the Vietnam War.  To his credit, he brought an end to the
Korean War and put the finger on the military-industrial complex
in his farewell speech.  What he left out was that the international
banks control the corporations and the military (indirectly).       
+   Now we come to the last of our heroic Jewish war presidents,
good ol' LBJ of the Pedernales.  That's right, this tough-talking
Texan was really a Sephardic Jew, as was his wife, Lady Bird. 
They were descended from Spanish Jews who overtly converted
to Christianity during the Inquisition but secretly "kept the faith."

These Jews are called "Serrano."  (I believe that's the correct
spelling.  You can "google" the word to get the dope on them.)  I
won't go into the sordid history of the Vietnam War here, but you
can put LBJ into the front rank of its facilitators.  To think that I
once shook that bastard's hand in Sept. 1963, just two months
before JFK was waxed.  It was very large and soft, never having
seen a day's honest toil.  Ugh!  Makes me want to take a shower
just thinking about it!                                             
+    What's my final word?  If Kerry--of Jewish blood-- gets elected
this November, it won't be anything new.  By the way, Kerry's
"Israel advisor" is Jay Footlik, a former resident of the mid-east
mini-state, Israel.  You can't make this stuff up.          
